
Vocabulary (Review)

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Hyunwoo: 아들, 뭐 하니?
Keith: 지금 자요.
Hyunwoo: 그래. 공부 너무 많이 하지 말고. 빨리 자.
Keith: 네.
Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Keith: Keith here. Idioms and Phrases, Lesson #5 Words that Kill.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: So what are we talking about in this lesson?
Seol: We talk about 끝내주다 and 죽여주다.
Keith: And those are our phrases today and for those of you that don’t know how Idioms and Phrases works, so can you explain it a little bit?
Seol: We introduced some phrases but we never explained the exact meaning of the phrases. You have to guess the meaning.
Keith: Well it’s not – we don’t never explain it.
Seol: Yeah, we give hints.
Keith: Yeah we like to tease a little bit. And then in the bonus track, if you stop by KoreanClass101.com, there is a bonus track to this lesson and there we explain
Seol: The exact meaning.
Keith: Yeah for our phrases of the day but in this audio file and in this lesson file, you are not going to find the meaning for 끝내주다 and 죽여주다.
Seol: But you can get kind of the clue of the meaning right?
Keith: The nuance, yeah, yeah maybe. Well that’s a good thing. You get to guess and then hmm am I right? I really wonder what it is. You stop by and you listen to the bonus track and then there is your answer. So what are we talking about? What’s our situation?
Seol: So there are three characters, a guy, 선배.
Keith: And this means like senior. It doesn’t translate so well into English but in Korea, if you go to school, the people older than you, they are all
Seol: 선배.
Keith: And well, what do you call the people that are lower than you, that are younger than you.
Seol: 후배.
Keith: So if I am a freshman and you are a senior, you are my 선배.
Seol: And you are my 후배.
Keith: And this can happen even if we are one year apart. So I am a junior and you are a senior.
Seol: Right.
Keith: Then you are still my 선배.
Seol: And you are still my 후배.
Keith: Yeah and this relationship actually is kind of interesting because even if there is one year apart, two years apart, three years apart, the senior, the 선배 always buys the younger people food, takes care of them, tries to take them out.
Seol: Kind of.
Keith: Well they are traditionally supposed to.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Oh because you don’t want to take me out.
Seol: No, no of course not.
Keith: Come on, you’ve got to stop being so mean to me.
Seol: I am not being mean, I am being really kind these days.
Keith: These days.
Seol: These days.
Keith: Okay. Well so because of these two different positions, 선배 and 후배, a lot of times, the 후배 the younger people will use
Seol: 존댓말.
Keith: Yeah polite language to the 선배 the senior. When you were in school, did you do the same?
Seol: Sure. And I am still doing this.
Keith: So to your 선배s even if they are one year older than you, you are still using polite language?
Seol: Sure.
Keith: And the 선배s those seniors they are using casual language 반말.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Okay so that’s what’s going on in this conversation. There is one 선배 and he is a guy and there is two 후배s juniors and one is a guy and one is a girl.
Seol: Yeah that’s the key.
Keith: So before we get into the conversation, what should the listeners be looking out for? What’s our grammar point?
Seol: 도 돼요?
Keith: And this is asking for permission. We are going to get into this a little more later on but 도 돼요 may I, can I and also what are our phrases? We have two of them today.
Seol: 끝내주는데 and 죽여주는데.
Keith: Yeah and we are not going to get into the meanings of those phrases just yet but what we are going to get into is the conversation.
Seol: 들어 봐요.
(1)선배: 나 어제 새 핸드폰 샀어.
(2)남자 후배: 진짜? 어디? 봐도 돼요?
(3)선배:야! 만지지 마!
(4)여자 후배: 오빠. 저 봐도 돼요?
(5)선배: 응. 그래... 조심해. 비싼 거야.
(6)후배 둘이서: 우와...
(7)남자 후배:디자인 죽여주는데! 써도 돼요?
(8)선배: 아니 안 돼!
(9)여자 후배: 저 써도 돼요?.... 오...빠?
(10)선배:응.. 그래, 그래! 써, 써.
(11)남자 후배:와! 끝내주는데!
Seol: 천천히 들어 보세요.
(1)선배: 나 어제 새 핸드폰 샀어.
(2)남자 후배: 진짜? 어디? 봐도 돼요?
(3)선배:야! 만지지 마!
(4)여자 후배: 오빠. 저 봐도 돼요?
(5)선배: 응. 그래... 조심해. 비싼 거야.
(6)후배 둘이서: 우와...
(7)남자 후배:디자인 죽여주는데! 써도 돼요?
(8)선배: 아니 안 돼!
(9)여자 후배: 저 써도 돼요?.... 오...빠?
(10)선배:응.. 그래, 그래! 써, 써.
(11)남자 후배:와! 끝내주는데!
Seol: 이번에는 영어와 함께.
(1)선배: 나 어제 새 핸드폰 샀어.
(1)Senior: I bought a new cell phone yesterday.
(2)남자 후배: 진짜? 어디? 봐도 돼요?
(2)Boy junior: Really? Where? Can I see it?
(3)선배:야! 만지지 마!
(3)Senior: Hey! Don't touch it!
(4)여자 후배: 오빠. 저 봐도 돼요?
(4)Girl junior: Oppa. Can I see it?
(5)선배: 응. 그래... 조심해. 비싼 거야.
(5)Senior: Yea, sure... Be careful. It's expensive.
(6)후배 둘이서: 우와...
(6)The 2 juniors together: Wow...
(7)남자 후배:디자인 죽여주는데! 써도 돼요?
(7)Boy junior: The design is____! Can I use it?
(8)선배: 아니 안 돼!
(8)Senior: No, you can't!
(9)여자 후배: 저 써도 돼요?.... 오...빠?
(9)Girl junior: Can I try it? O...ppa?
(10)선배:응.. 그래, 그래! 써, 써.
(10)Senior: Yea, sure! You can use it, go ahead!
(11)남자 후배:와! 끝내주는데!
(11)Boy junior: Wow!
Keith: Seol, this sounds like something you might have experienced, something that you might have done.
Seol: I am still doing this.
Keith: Well actually in the conversation, we didn’t translate 오빠.
Seol: No.
Keith: Yeah and for those of our listeners that may not know what is 오빠?
Seol: From girl’s position, those older men, older males.
Keith: Yeah literally it’s an older brother but it can be used towards older friends, a boyfriend if he is older and in this case
Seol: It’s a 선배 a guy 선배.
Keith: And once you use that word, guys kind of tend to soften up a little bit.
Seol: Sure.
Keith: All right. So why don’t we get into the vocabulary.
Keith: First word we have is
Seol: 선배.
Keith: Senior.
Seol: 선배 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 선배 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have is
Seol: 후배.
Keith: Junior.
Seol: 후배 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 후배 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next
Seol: 새.
Keith: New.
Seol: 새 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 새 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that
Seol: 만지다.
Keith: To touch.
Seol: 만지다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 만지다 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에는.
Seol: 조심하다.
Keith: To be careful, to be cautious.
Seol: 조심하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 조심하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next
Seol: 디자인.
Keith: Design.
Seol: 디자인 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 디자인 [natural native speed]
Keith: And after that, what do we got?
Seol: 쓰다.
Keith: To use.
Seol: 쓰다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 쓰다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we got some of the words from our phrases. What’s our first word?
Seol: 끝나다.
Keith: To end, to finish.
Seol: 끝나다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 끝나다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And finally what do we got?
Seol: 죽이다.
Keith: To kill.
Seol: 죽이다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 죽이다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And those definitions might give some good clues as to what our phrases are. And we want to make sure our listeners know, these are slang words.
Seol: Yeah be careful when you use these. Especially for females, be careful when you use these.
Keith: Well they got to know what it is first right?
Seol: Sure they have to know but yeah but it’s different when you use these like you know, people can get strong impressions from you females. So be careful anyway.
Keith: Yeah so think about the two words that we just went over to finish, to kill and if you can think of some slang words in English, it might be somewhat similar. So let’s get away from those words right now. What are we talking about?
Seol: 새.
Keith: New. Now what’s the actual verb?
Seol: 새롭다.
Keith: To be new. Now this is in a different form. We don’t want to get too much into the grammar of this but in this form, you are modifying a noun. So what you need after 새 is a noun. So 오늘의 대화에는 어떻게 나왔죠?
Seol: 나 어제 새 핸드폰 샀어.
Keith: I bought a new cell phone and what’s the word for cell phone by the way?
Seol: 핸드폰.
Keith: Hand phone.
Seol: It’s a phone that you have in your hand.
Keith: Yeah but every phone is in your hand, isn’t it?
Seol: Okay.
Keith: Maybe. Well and actually there is one other word for this.
Seol: 휴대폰 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 휴대폰 [natural native speed]
Keith: Basically same thing. So whenever you want to use the word new to modify a noun like an adjective in English, you just need a noun afterwards. So let’s have a couple of examples. New pants.
Seol: 새 바지.
Keith: New computer.
Seol: 새 컴퓨터.
Keith: And a new car, something that will get all the ladies.
Seol: 새 차.
Keith: Would you fall for that by the way?
Seol: No.
Keith: No. I mean let’s say….
Seol: So what kind of a new car?
Keith: It depends on what kind.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Okay well let’s move on to our next word. What do we have?
Seol: It’s 쓰다.
Keith: To use but it also means a number of different things as well right?
Seol: Another meaning is to write.
Keith: Yeah and it’s written exactly the same as this one to use.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: So how can you tell the difference?
Seol: In the context.
Keith: Yeah you just have to figure it out from the context but it’s not too difficult.
Seol: No, no.
Keith: So what are some other usages as well?
Seol: 맛이 쓰다.
Keith: It’s bitter.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: And if you are talking about food, probably almost
Seol: 99%
Keith: Yeah, you are going to be talking about bitterness. And also there is also another one
Seol: Yeah. 모자를 쓰다.
Keith: To wear a hat. Now this wear is used for different articles but we don’t want to get into that 쓰다. We want to get into the to use 쓰다. So how did it come out in this conversation?
Seol: 써도 돼요?
Keith: May I use it? And actually the 도 돼요 is part of our grammar point but we will get into that soon. So can we have a couple of other examples?
Seol: 저는 새 컴퓨터를 써요.
Keith: I use a new computer. All right, so let’s take a look at some of the grammar. Once again, what’s our grammar point? What are we talking about?

Lesson focus

Seol: 도 돼요?
Keith: And this is used to ask or give somebody permission and it’s permission to do something. So it can be translated as may I, can I, is it all right if I something and if you are giving permission, you can also say, you may, you can, it’s okay if you verb and we need that verb. So how about we take an example from the conversation?
Seol: 봐도 돼요?
Keith: What’s the verb that we have, the root verb?
Seol: 보다.
Keith: To see. Now the verb stem is
Seol: 보
Keith: And after that 보 we need to add the 아/어/여 conjugation to that. So what do we have?
Seol: 보아
Keith: That actually contracts into one syllable. So what do we have now?
Seol: 봐
Keith: And then we just add on the rest of the conjugation.
Seol: 봐도 돼요?
Keith: May I see, may I do and actually the verb is literally 되다 but that’s where you express the politeness levels and the tense. So how else did it come out in this conversation.
Seol: 써도 돼요?
Keith: May I use it and how about if you wanted to say yeah you can use it.
Seol: 응, 써도 돼.
Keith: And if you wanted to be a little polite, just add that
Seol: 네, 써도 돼요.
Keith: 돼 at the end and this conversation is filled, filled, filled with 도 돼. So if you want to perfect your permission giving or taking abilities, then this conversation is just for you. It’s perfect. All right, so now what are we talking about? We are done with the grammar.


Seol: We have to get to the idioms.
Keith: And today actually its slang pretty much.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Actually do you use these phrases?
Seol: No.
Keith: Is it because you are a girl?
Seol: Yes I think so. It’s because other people are looking at me and they don’t expect that I say this.
Keith: Something with killing something and with finishing something. It’s a little too strong for a female to use maybe.
Seol: Sure I don’t want to kill anything.
Keith: Well I mean females do use this phrase though, right?
Seol: Yes sometimes.
Keith: But actually I think a good example before we reveal what this actually means is men.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: When they are sitting on the street and a beautiful girl passes by, Seol passes by.
Seol: No somebody who wears just a bikini, then they will say 죽여주는데.
Keith: Or 끝내주는데?
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: And I get a little intonation in there too.
Seol: Sure.
Keith: So if you don’t know by now, stop by KoreanClass101.com. There we have a bonus track and we are going to explain it all there. So see you there.
Seol: 거기서 봐요.


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