Vocabulary (Review)

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안녕하세요 여러분. Koreanclass101.com 하나하나 한글시리즈의 에이미입니다. Hi, everybody! I’m Amy and welcome to Hana Hana Hangul on KoreanClass101.com - The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Hangul, the Korean alphabet.
We’re about to finish up our explanation of the batchim(받침) rules. If you’ve made it this far, keep going! Hangul will get much easier once you’ve mastered these rules.
You know four of the seven basic rules, as shown here. We’ll learn the last three in this lesson.
Whenever a ㄹ(리을) and a ㄴ(니은) meet, the ㄴ(니은) becomes a ㄹ(리을). This happens no matter whether the ㄴ is in the bat-chim or the initial position.
This rule is called “flowing” because it really makes Korean easier to say. The transition between the ㄴ and the ㄹ sound is difficult to pronounce.
Try to say this word without using the rule. 한/라/산 [han-la-san]
Can you see how ㄹ(리을) and ㄴ(니은) meet here? When we apply this rule, it will flow better.
할라산 [hal-la-san] It’s a lot easier to say now, right?
It works the same if the ㄹ is the batchim, and the ㄴ follows.
So this is not 달/나/라[dal-na-la], but 달라라[dal-la-la].
When ㄷ(디귿) or ㅌ(티읕) are in the batchim position, and meet the syllable 이 -- only this exact syllable: 이 -- then they will replace the ㅇ(이응) and in the process, ㄷ becomes ㅈ and ㅌ becomes ㅊ. No tricks, no exceptions.
Let’s break down the process with the word 같이 which means ‘together’.
First, ㅌ(티읕) replaces ㅇ(이응) so it becomes 가티.
But when it happens, the sound of ㅌ(티읕) becomes ㅊ(치읓) as we learned. So 가티 becomes 가치.
There are a number of small rules related to the consonant ㅎ. This is the softest consonant sound, so it might be useful to think of it as an aspirated version of ㅇ.
It helps to think that way, because the bat-chim consonants ㄴ, ㅁ, ㅇ, and ㄹ all replace the ㅎ in the following initial position exactly the same way ㅇ gets replaced.
What if nasal sounds ㄴ,ㅁ,ㅇ and ㄹ meet ㅎ? In that case, ㅎ just goes away.
Let’s look at an example.
Here is the phrase meaning ‘Because I like’
Can you see ㅎ meets the nasal sound ㅇ? Although ㅇ is just a placeholder, when it meets ㅎ, the sound of ㅎ just goes away. So you can read it as 조아서. without h sound.
Let’s check another word meaning ‘password’ in Korean. Can you read it?
Here, ㅁ meets ㅎ. So the sound of ㅎ just goes away. So you can read it as 아모 (a-mo) not as 암호(am-ho)
Phew! You made it! If your mind is spinning from all these rules, try not to worry too much about it. As you get used to speaking the language these rules will feel natural. Come back to these lessons after you learn a bit more about the language and
You’re done with the worst of it! In the next lesson, we’ll talk about double consonants in the batchim position! 여러분 다음에 만나요.

