Vocabulary (Review)

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안녕하세요 여러분. Koreanclass101.com 하나하나 한글시리즈의 에이미입니다. Hi, everybody! I’m Amy and welcome to Hana Hana Hangul on KoreanClass101.com - The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Hangul, the Korean alphabet.
You just finished learning about double consonants in Hangul. Combined with the original characters you learned early on, you now know 19 different consonant sounds in Korean. Are you able to distinguish between them all?
In the next few lessons, we will be talking about situations where different consonants collide -- sometimes causing them to behave in ways you wouldn’t expect.
Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it all! The more you learn, the more sense it will make.
You might be wondering how consonants can collide. After all, the syllables we’ve made so far all have the same pattern. Consonant-vowel. Consonant-vowel. Your Korean is about to take a step up, so pay close attention.
The fact is, most Korean syllables are actually constructed with the pattern of consonant - vowel - *consonant*. Think about the word for Hangul. Two syllables, four consonant sounds.
Here’s how you write the word for Hangul: 한글. Notice how both syllables have three characters in them. The initial consonant. The vowel. And the final consonant. This final consonant is called a “받침(bat-chim)” - and that’s what we’ll be talking about today.
Now, the 받침(bat-chim) always goes on the bottom. Let’s look at the structure of both of the consonants in 한글. First, we go from left to right, ㅎ(히응)...ㅏ(아). Then we’ll put ㄴ(니은) on the bottom. 한
The second syllable is even easier. From top to bottom, ㄱ(기역)...ㅡ(으)...ㄹ(리을). 글.
Syllables with a 받침(bat-chim) are more common than syllables with only two characters. Let’s look at some examples.
These two characters by themselves would be pronounced “바”. Let’s take the initial consonant and put it in the batchim position as well. 밥. This means “cooked rice.” The consonant sound is exactly the same at the beginning and end of the syllable. 바/ㅂ - 밥.
Here are a few more examples of the batchim.
아/ㄴ - 안[an]
보/ㅁ- 봄[bom]
여르/ㅁ - 여름[yeo-reum]
Simple so far, right? However, some consonants actually change their sound when they are in the batchim position. Take ㄹ(리을). It usually sounds like a mix between “R” and “L” in English, but when it’s the batchim, it always becomes an L sound.
가으/ㄹ - 가을[ga-eul]
겨우/ㄹ - 겨울[gyeo-ul]
Remember this guy? The ㅇ(이응)? When it comes before the vowel, it makes no sound, remember? Listen to what happens when it comes after the vowel:
It becomes an “ng” sound. If you know this, you can write one of the most well-known Korean phrases: hello!
The batchim isn’t so hard, right? You just need to watch out for the sound changes. We’ll finish up this discussion in the next lesson, so be sure to keep it up!
See you on the next Hana Hana Hangul! 여러분 다음에 또 만나요.

