
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Minkyong: 안녕하세요. 민경입니다.
Keith: Keith here. We Are Going To The Park. Now let’s talk about parks really quick in Korea. Are there a lot of public parks in Korea?
Seol: No, not really. Compared to the states, I believe there are not many parks in Korea.
Keith: 많이 없는 거 같죠.
Minkyong: 예. 많이 없는 것 같아요.
Keith: Yeah it seems like there is not a lot of parks in Korea but what I find a lot is apartment parks like apartment complexes, and they have their own parks.
Seol: 아 조그맣게 있는거요.
Keith: Yeah just really small ones. So let’s say I wanted to go out for a picnic. Where would I go?
Seol: 한강?
Minkyong: 아 맞아요. 한강 많이 가요.
Keith: For picnics?
Seol: 네. 한강 고수부지에 가요.
Keith: The Han River, what’s – what was that?
Seol: 고수부지
Keith: And what is that exactly?
Seol: It’s a place where people gather for a picnic or for lunch.
Keith: So it’s just an area designated for picnics?
Seol: Yes.
Keith: You know what, I really wanted to play street basketball in Korea.
Seol: There are – there are many places for street basketball.
Keith: I couldn’t find them. Where do you find these places?
Seol: Well near my apartment, there was one so…
Keith: Well was it your apartment complex basketball court?
Seol: Not exactly but those people who live in the apartment shared the place. So it’s kind of…
Keith: Yeah so I feel like I can’t go in there. It’s like, ah! I have to pay money to go or I have to live there to go there.
Seol: No, it’s free. Nobody will check whether you are living in the apartment or not so…So feel free.
Keith: So what about those apartment parks then? Do you have to live there to use it?
Minkyong: No. You could just go in.
Keith: So it’s no problem whatsoever.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: So Korea doesn’t have a lot of parks but they have a lot of mini parks.
Minkyong: Yeah kind of.
Keith: Well they are not even really parks. They just have like a small swing set, a slide, maybe a sandbox for – it’s for like babies right?
Seol: Yeah we call it a small playground.
Keith: How do you say that in Korea?
Minkyong: 놀이터
Keith: And this is basically for children.
Minkyong: Yeah.
Keith: I am still a child.
Minkyong: 네. 오늘 대화를 한 번 들어 보시겠습니다.
Keith: Okay let’s move on. So what are we talking about in today’s conversation?
Minkyong: 아빠랑 딸이 공원에 갈 준비를 하고 있어요.
Keith: So they are getting ready to go to the park and the father is putting on sneakers. What kind of language are they using here?
Seol: Intimate – intimate Korean.
Keith: Yeah just very casual language and it’s very common between a daughter and a father by the way do you use this kind of language with your parents?
Seol: Always, all the time except when I did something wrong.
Minkyong: Yeah me too, I always use this with my parents.
Keith: And how about if you did something wrong?
Minkyong: I use this.
Keith: No respect, no respect.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Just kidding, just kidding. All right well let’s move on to today’s conversation.
딸: 아빠, 어디 가?
아빠: 응. 공원!
딸: 공원? 왜?
아빠: 아빠하고 달리기 할래?
딸: 달리기? 싫어요. 나 달리는 것 싫어!
아빠: 하하하. 달리는 것이 싫어?
딸: 싫어 싫어 싫어!
아빠: 음... 달리는 것이 좋아? 공부하는 것이 좋아? 집에서 혼자 공부할래?
딸: 응? 나도 달리기 할래! 내 운동화, 운동화, 운동화...
Seol: 이번에는 영어와 함께
딸: 아빠, 어디 가?
Keith: Daddy, where are you going?
아빠: 응. 공원!
Keith: The park.
딸: 공원? 왜?
Keith: The park? Why?
아빠: 아빠하고 달리기 할래?
Keith: Do you want to go for a run with Daddy?
딸: 달리기? 싫어요. 나 달리는 것 싫어!
Keith: A run? No, I don't like running.
아빠: 하하하. 달리는 것이 싫어?
Keith: Ha-ha. You don't like running?
딸: 싫어 싫어 싫어!
Keith: No! No! No!
아빠: 음... 달리는 것이 좋아? 공부하는 것이 좋아? 집에서 혼자 공부할래?
Keith: Hmm. Do you like running or do you like studying? Do want to study at home by yourself?
딸: 응? 나도 달리기 할래! 내 운동화, 운동화, 운동화...
Keith: Huh? I want to run, too. My sneakers! Sneakers! Sneakers!
Seol: I have a question. How old is she? 여기 딸은 대체 몇 살이에요?
Keith: I don’t know. Probably like 4-year-old kid right?
Seol: If she is 4 years old, she must be really cute but if she is about 15, 20 oh…
Keith: There is no girl like that.
Seol: You can find some girls, some daughters.
Keith: Like that?
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Minkyong?
Minkyong: No, no, no I am not like that.
Seol: She is blushing right now.
Keith: She is blushing. She knows it’s her. This script is written around her but what about Korean children?
Minkyong: What about them?
Seol: Do you want to say that they are spoiled?
Keith: Well what do you think?
Seol: I believe some of them are spoiled. I seriously believe. Now-a-days, people do not have more than 3 children. So like 1 or 2 is kind of typical. So they become more and more spoiled.
Keith: Yeah actually if my family – my grandmother on my father’s side, she had six children. So – and that was normal back in the day.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: But the thing is, nobody took care of anybody. Like you just kind of have to fend for yourself. You got to get your own food and that’s because it’s a big family. So you can’t use all your time to one kid. You can’t spoil one kid.
Seol: Right, right.
Keith: But nowadays, it’s like one, two children and they get all the attention.
Seol: Uh-huh.
Keith: But this daughter might be a only child. Probably an only child. All right, let’s move on to the vocab.
Keith: First word we have is
Minkyong: 공원
Keith: Park.
Minkyong: 공원 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 공원 [natural native speed]
Keith: Where is the famous parks in Korea?
Minkyong: 여의도 공원 도산 공원
Keith: 여의도 공원 is in
Seol: 여의도
Keith: Yeah okay and another one?
Seol: 도산 공원
Keith: And that’s in
Seol: It’s near 신사동 and 청담동 I don’t know.
Keith: You are not a park person.
Seol: No.
Keith: No. Okay let’s move on. Next we have
Minkyong: 달리기
Keith: Race.
Minkyong: 달리기 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 달리기 [natural native speed]
Keith: Does Korea have a marathon?
Minkyong: 당연하죠
Keith: But it’s not as big as like the New York city marathon or
Seol: 아니에요. 한국 마라톤도 되게 커요.
Keith: Really?
Seol: 정말이에요.
Keith: So how many people?
Seol: Well including the amateurs, it’s about at least 10,000 but it’s a big marathon race,
Keith: Wow! How do you call the marathon in Korean?
Seol: 마라톤
Keith: So there is no 달리기 in there.
Seol: No.
Keith: So what is 달리기 referring to then?
Minkyong: It’s a run or a race.
Keith: So a run like hey, you want to go out for a run today 달리기 할래?
Minkyong: Yeah.
Keith: And what about if you want to race with your friend. Hey let’s race.
Minkyong: 달리기 시합 할래?
Keith: 달리기 and what’s that last word?
Minkyong: 시합
Keith: Match.
Minkyong: Yeah.
Keith: So run match, a race. All right, and next we have a related word.
Minkyong: 달리다
Keith: To run.
Minkyong: 달리다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 달리다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Can we have a sample sentence?
Seol: 나 오늘 달렸어요.
Keith: I ran today.
Seol: But I believe Minkyong has another idea about this word 달리다.
Minkyong: It means I drank a lot like so when you say, 나 어제 달렸어.
Keith: I ran yesterday literally.
Minkyong: But it also means I drank a lot yesterday.
Keith: Okay and what about the word 뛰다. Isn’t that run as well?
Seol: 뛰다 means to run but at the same time, it means to jump.
Keith: All right let’s move on. Next.
Minkyong: 같이
Keith: Together, with.
Minkyong: 같이 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 같이 [natural native speed]
Keith: Sample sentence please.
Minkyong: 같이 밥 안 먹어?
Keith: You are not eating with us. Next we have
Minkyong: 싫다
Keith: To dislike, to not want.
Minkyong: 싫다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 싫다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And what’s our sample sentence today.
Minkyong: 내가 너 싫어하는 거 알아?
Keith: Do you know that I dislike you?
Seol: Oh my god!
Keith: It’s a little rough.
Seol: Yes it is.
Keith: I think I have heard this before though. Next we have.
Minkyong: 좋다
Keith: To be good, to like.
Minkyong: 좋다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 좋다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next.
Minkyong: 집
Keith: Home.
Minkyong: 집 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 집 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that we have
Minkyong: 혼자
Keith: Alone, by oneself.
Minkyong: 혼자 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 혼자 [natural native speed]
Keith: Do you know that song? Lonely, I am Mr. Lonely.
Minkyong: Yeah I know.
Keith: Do you know the lyrics in Korean by any chance?
Minkyong: In Korean, I don’t know.
Keith: Yeah. Isn’t it something like
Seol: 혼자 That’s what you want to say?
Keith: Maybe I don’t know. 혼자 I am alone by myself. Anyway, let’s move on. Next we have
Minkyong: 공부하다
Keith: To study.
Minkyong: 공부하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 공부하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And finally we have
Minkyong: 운동화
Keith: Sneakers.
Minkyong: 운동화 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 운동화 [natural native speed]
Keith: Okay let’s move on to today’s conversation.
Keith: Now, we had 달리다, "to run," but we also had?
Seol: 달리기
Keith: A run. A race. The nominalized form of the word 달리다, the verb "to run". So what we want to cover today is nominalizing verbs. Now, how do we nominalize verbs? We had one in today's conversation.
Seol: 달리기
Keith: A run, a race, coming from the verb...
Seol: 달리다
Keith: Ok. The first way that we do it is we take the verb stem of the verb, "to run"
Seol: 달리
Keith: And then we add?
Seol: 기
Keith: Very, very simple. So now this is the noun "a run," "a race". How about the verb "to drive"?
Minkyong: 운전하다
Keith: Now how do we nominalize to drive?
Minkyong: 운전하기
Keith: We had that verb stem 하 and then we just added...
Minkyong: 기, 운전하기
Keith: A drive. And in today's conversation, what did we have? What nominalized verbs did we have that came out in 기?
Minkyong: 달리기
Keith: That's it?
Minkyong: Yeah, that's it.
Keith: Why? I want more.
Seol: Because we have another way of nominalizing here.
Keith: So what do we have then? We had 달리기 as a noun. A race, a run. But now, what's the other nominalized verb?
Minkyong: 달리는 것
Keith: Running.
Seol: Yeah, it's running.
Keith: There's a slight difference between the two. 달리기 and 달리는 것. And if you’re confused by the grammar of these, you know there are two grammar points there that are very similar and they both do the same thing, but they just have different nuances, remember to stop by KoreanClass101.com, there we have the grammar bank, and that has all the grammar that we have in our database, you can look at all of them and see the little different nuances here and there.
Keith: First let's go over how to construct this other nominalized verb. How do we construct it?
Seol: It's the same. We take the verb stem and we add 는 것.
Keith: Yeah. Very simple. Very easy. So, we had the verb to run.
Seol: 달리다
Keith: Take the verb stem.
Seol: 달리
Keith: And then, now we add...
Seol: 는 것
Keith: So we have the nominalized verb...
Seol: 달리는 것

Lesson focus

Keith: Running. Now in today's conversation, they're used a little differently. So what did we have?
Seol: The first one was 달리기 할래.
Keith: Do you want to run? Now why are we using 달리기 and not 달리는 것?
Seol: Because the father is asking the daughter whether she wants to run right now. He wants to know her present state.
Keith: Yeah. So, "Do you want to go for a run now?" How did she answer?
Seol: 나 달리는 것 싫어.
Keith: Why did she use that form of the nominalized verb?
Seol: She's saying that she generally does not like running.
Keith: So if you want to say, "I don't want to run now" how do we say that?
Minkyong: 달리기 싫어.
Keith: And "I just generally don't like running."
Minkyong: 나 달리는 것 싫어.
Keith: Ok. So, remember 는 것 is used when you generally don't like the act of doing something, and 기 is used...
Seol: For expressing the present state.
Keith: Yeah. I don't want to study now.
Seol: 공부하기 싫어.
Keith: So if you generally don't want to run, or if you generally don't like a verb, doing something, we add 는 것 싫어. If you don't want to do it right now. "I don't want to study."
Seol: 공부하기 싫어.
Keith: 예를 좀 들어보세요. Let's have an example to clear it up a little bit.
Seol: 저는 술 마시는 것을 좋아해요.
Keith: I like drinking.
Seol: 그렇지만 오늘은 술마시기 싫어요.
Keith: But I don't want to drink today. Because we're talking about today, we're using 기. 술마시
Seol: 기
Keith: Yeah. Let's have some more examples.
Minkyong: 저는 아침에 일어나는게 싫어요.
Keith: Hey! You just said 게. Why not 기?
Minkyong: It's just more colloquial.
Keith: So what we actually have is 것이 and that contracts to 게. So it happens a lot in just casual conversation.


Keith: Okay, so let’s finish up over here.
Minkyong: 여기서 끝내는게 좋아.
Keith: Good idea. All right, so that’s going to do it. Remember to stop by KoreanClass101.com, pick up that PDF and say hi while you are there. See you later.
Minkyong: Bye bye.
Seol: 안녕


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