Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다. |
Keith: Hey Keith here. The Odd Couple. |
Seol: Why are they odd? |
Keith: Well we will see in this lesson and the next lesson. |
Seol: Okay. |
Keith: Well if you like love stories, you will like this lesson. |
Seol: Uh-huh. |
Keith: All right. So what’s going on? 오늘의 대화는 무슨 얘기예요? 무슨 내용이에요? |
Seol: 유라랑 진용이 얘기해요. |
Keith: Yeah 유라 and 진용, they are talking and these are our odd couple stars of just for this lesson at least. |
Seol: Okay. |
Keith: This is our odd couple and they are talking over the phone and 둘이 사귀니까 because they are together, they are a couple. |
Seol: 반말로 얘기해요. |
Keith: Yeah they are using 반말 casual language. |
Seol: 그럼 빨리 들어봐요. |
Keith: Yeah let’s listen in. |
유라: (전화중) 진용아 지금 뭐 하고 있어? |
진용: 지금 유근이랑 있어. |
유라: 둘이 뭐 하고 있어? |
진용: 둘이 밥 먹고 있어. |
유라: 그럼 나도 같이 먹을래. |
진용: 안돼! 너는 그냥 공부하고 있어! |
Seol: 이번에는 영어로 |
유라: (전화중) 진용아 지금 뭐 하고 있어? |
Keith: Jinyoung, what are you doing now? |
진용: 지금 유근이랑 있어. |
Keith: I'm with Yugeun now. |
유라: 둘이 뭐 하고 있어? |
Keith: What are you two doing? |
진용: 둘이 밥 먹고 있어. |
Keith: We're eating dinner. |
유라: 그럼 나도 같이 먹을래. |
Keith: Then I want to eat with you guys! |
진용: 안돼! 너는 그냥 공부하고 있어! |
Keith: No! You just keep studying. |
Keith: Wow she is a very forceful woman. |
Seol: 당연한 거 아니에요? I think it’s just normal. She wants to be with you know, her boyfriend. |
Keith: Wait! Is this normal for you? |
Seol: Yeah. |
Keith: Oh okay I joke around with you a lot. It’s like hey, let’s go on a date, let’s go out sometime but 오늘은 좀 그런 거 같아요. I am a little scared of you today. |
Seol: Okay. |
Keith: All right well let’s move on to the vocab. |
Keith: What do we have? What’s our first word? |
Seol: 지금 |
Keith: Now |
Seol: 지금 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 지금 [natural native speed] |
Keith: 그 다음에 |
Seol: 둘이 |
Keith: Two people together. |
Seol: 둘이 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 둘이 [natural native speed] |
Keith: And next we have |
Seol: 밥 |
Keith: Food, rice. |
Seol: 밥 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 밥 [natural native speed] |
Keith: And after that we have |
Seol: 나도 |
Keith: Me too. |
Seol: 나도 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 나도 [natural native speed] |
Keith: 그 다음에 |
Seol: 같이 |
Keith: With |
Seol: 같이 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 같이 [natural native speed] |
Keith: Wow, vocabulary list is 좀 쉽지 않아요? it’s a little easy. |
Seol: 쉬워요. 오늘은 listener들이 좀 relaxation 하라고 일부러 쉽게 했어요. |
Keith: So in order for our listeners to relax, I don’t know about that one but we have a very good grammar point today. So its okay and what are the words that are very interesting to talk about. What do we have? |
Seol: 둘이 |
Keith: Two people together. Now what’s the word two? |
Seol: 둘 |
Keith: And pretty similar right? |
Seol: 네 |
Keith: 둘 And then 이, 둘이 so when we have that, it means two people together. Literally it just means two. So we have word two 둘 and then what do we have after that? |
Seol: 이 |
Keith: And this kind of means together or even people together. So when you are saying you are doing something, the two of you, we use 둘이. 예문 좀 들어 보세요. |
Seol: 나 오늘 Keith랑 둘이 영화 봐. |
Keith: I am watching a movie with Keith, the two of us. Sounds like a date. |
Seol: No. |
Keith: You got to stop using these examples. |
Seol: Okay, okay. |
Keith: Leaving me on. |
Seol: Okay. |
Keith: Well another interesting thing is if we are doing it with three people, what’s the word for three? |
Seol: 셋 |
Keith: Of course this is in the native Korean number system but when we add 이 to the end of it, what does it become? |
Seol: 셋이 |
Keith: The three of us. So can we have an example? |
Seol: 나 오늘 Keith랑 민경이랑 셋이 밥 먹어. |
Keith: The three of us me, Keith and Minkyong, we are going to go eat. So the three of us and you can keep on continuing on right? |
Seol: Forever. |
Keith: Yeah so can you say like the twelve of us? |
Seol: Sure 열둘이. Grammatically, I think I can make but nobody really uses it. |
Keith: Yeah I think even in English, you don’t say the twelve of us are going out. It’s usually limited to two, three, maybe even four. |
Lesson focus
Keith: So let's move on to our grammar point. What do we got? We've got a good one today. |
Seol: It's 고 있다. |
Keith: The present progressive. Now this is used to indicate that someone is doing something or in the process, in the act of doing something. So this present progressive focuses on the now. I'm all about now, now, now. The present. What we got. What's going on? 지금. |
Seol: 지금 뭐 하고 있어? |
Keith: 지금 한국어 가르치고 있어. |
Seol: 나도 지금 공부하고 있어. |
Keith: 한국어를? |
Seol: 어. 나도 지금 한국어를 공부하고 있어. |
Keith: So "I am studying Korean." Once again, we're in that specific moment. Right now, I am in the act of studying Korean. So 오늘의 대화에는 어떻게 나왔죠? |
Seol: Yu-ra is asking Jinyong, 진용아, 지금 뭐 하고 있어? |
Keith: "What are you doing?" "What are you doing, right now?" What's the difference between 뭐 하고 있어, the present progressive, and 뭐 해, "what do", literally, but we translate it as "What are you doing"? |
Seol: 뭐 해 and 뭐 하고 있어 mean kind of the same, but 뭐 하고 있어 is softer because it's more about the present. Right now. |
Keith: Right now. Exactly. So if I'm saying 설, 뭐 해? |
Seol: 나 그냥 책 봐. |
Keith: I'm reading a book. 지금 뭐 하고 있어? What are you doing right now? |
Seol: 나 지금 소설책 읽고 있어. |
Keith: I'm reading a novel. So let's have a quick example. Seol. Ok. We're calling on the phone. I'm a little bored. Hey, whatchya doing? 뭐 해? |
Seol: 그냥 놀아. |
Keith: Just hanging out. 지금 뭐 하고 있어? What are you doing? |
Seol: 침대에 누워서 책 읽고 있어. |
Keith: I'm lying down and reading a book. I'm in the process of reading a book. I'm in the act of reading a book. So in that sentence, you're in the act of doing something. You're in the process of doing something, but the other is just a general, you know, "I'm just hanging out." You know, "looking at a book," but this one's being a little bit more specific about what you're actually doing. The time and the act and the process of what you are doing. All right. Really quick, what's the conjugation of it? Very simple, right? |
Seol: You need the verb stem and add 고 있다. |
Keith: Yeah. So what's a very common question? 뭐 |
Seol: 뭐 하고 있어? |
Keith: Ok. And the verb stem for the verb 하다 is? |
Seol: 하 |
Keith: And there you go. 하고 있다. That last 있다 is where you express all the things you want --- politeness level, negation, tense. |
Keith: Alright, So I think that’s going to do it. So remember to stop by and leave us a comment. What’s our question for this lesson? |
Seol: 지금 뭐하고 있어요? |
Keith: What are you doing? Now, what are you in the act of doing. |
Seol: But I know the answer. They are writing comments, right? |
Keith: Haha, so 코멘트를 쓰고 있어요. All right that’s going to do. We will see you next time. |
Seol: 안녕히 계세요. |
Hide지금 뭐 하고 있어요? :) What are you doing now?
Hello Yael,
누워고 있어 is not correct. 누워 있어 is correct.
누워서 is not a progressive form. That -아/어서 is a connective ending. It means that it's used to connect two actions that happens sequentially.
-아/어서: A connective ending used to indicate that the preceding event and the following one happened sequentially.
Hope you find this helpful.
Enjoy your study and feel free to let us know if you have any inquiries!
Kind regards,
Hyeon Yeong Seo
Hi teachers
can you explain the diference between (for example) 누워서 and 누워고 있어 as a present progressive form?
Hello Jessica/제시카,
That's right! There is a correction: 에 -> 에서
Enjoy your study and feel free to let us know if you have any inquiries!
Kind regards,
Hyeon Yeong Seo
지금은 KoreanClass101에 한국어를 공부하고 있어요. :)
안녕하세요 robert groulx,
You are very welcome. 😇
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We wish you good luck with your language studies.
Kind regards,
레벤테 (Levente)
thank you for the lesson
my favorite is 지금 뭐 하고 있어?
Hi Son,
Thank you for commenting. Yes, three o' clock would be 세 시예요 and three people would be 셋 이에요. The pronunciation is slightly different--the former is 'se siyeyo', and the latter is 'set ieyo(this is the romanization but it would actually be pronounced as se sieyo'.
Hope this was of help.
지금 컴퓨터 하고 있어요.
In this lesson, it was mentioned that 셋이 would be talking about a group of three (and I assume 넷이 would be for four). If you wanted to say it's three o'clock vs it's the three (of them), would it be 세 시예요 and 셋이 에요? I'm guessing that it would be pronounced nearly the same, but you'll know based off of context? Or are markers like -명 and -병 more commonly used after the numbers?
Hi Aia,
Thanks for posting. You could practice writing by writing something else (it doesn't have to be what you're doing at the moment)!
당연하게 여기에 학생의 90% 는 지금 한국어를 공부하고 있다고 써요.
그리고 나도 다르지 않아요
Hi 하니,
Thanks for answering the question. Hoping your studies is going well, please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any inquiries.
한국어를 열심히 공부하고 있어요.
Hi Angel,
Thanks for posting. Great job, keep up the good work!
Hi Sam,
Thank you for posting. Let's take a look at what you wrote:
나는 누워있고 있어요
-->나는 누워있어요.
Hi BTSarmy,
Thanks for posting.
한국어 공부고 있습니다
-->한국어 공부하고 있습니다.
지금 이 레슨을 듣고 있어요.
나는 누워있고 있어요
한국어 공부고 있습니다
Hi Stragen,
감기가 걸려서 차를 마시고 있어요? 😷
I really appreciate you left your comment even though you had a cold! Very impressive!
Hope you got better!
감기가 거려서 차를 마시고 있어요. ?