
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Minkyong: 안녕하세요. 민경입니다.
Keith: Hey Keith here. Family Matters Part 3. Now we are continuing on in Minkyong’s household. This story is about Minkyong and her family.
Minkyong: And finally, mom is intervening.
Keith: Does this happen a lot in your households?
Minkyong: 네. 늘 엄마가 다 정리해 주세요. Yeah my mom always solve everything, every problem.
Keith: And your dad, 아빠는 뭐 하셔요?
Minkyong: 아빠는 문제를 만들어요.
Keith: He makes the problems okay. Well Minkyong, since this is about your family, would you be so kind to explain what’s going on? What happened in our past dialogues and what’s happening in this dialogue?
Minkyong: The first dialogue 오빠가 세진이를 괴롭혔어요.
Keith: The older brother was bothering, bugging Sejin.
Minkyong: And the second dialogue 세진이가 오빠를 괴롭혔어요.
Keith: And Sejin returned the favor.
Minkyong: And this dialogue 엄마가 화났어요.
Keith: Why is the mother mad?
Minkyong: Because they are bugging mom now.
Keith: So in our previous two lessons, we are talking about the intentional.
Seol: ㄹ(을) 게요. And the first one was 려고 하다.
Keith: And in this conversation, 오늘도 intentional에 대해서 얘기하는거죠. We are talking about the intentional again.
Seol: 네 오늘은 ㄹ(을) 거예요에 대해서 얘기해요. So the grammar point of today is 을 거예요.
Keith: Once again another intentional with a different nuance and we are going to get into that nuance a little later but for the time being, remember to listen in for 을 거예요 or
Seol: 거야
Keith: Same thing, different politeness level and before we jump in to the conversation, what politeness levels are going on in this lesson?
Seol: They all use 반말 to their mom.
Keith: Casual language but one thing. In our previous lessons, they were using 존댓말 standard politeness level to mom. Why has it changed?
Minkyong: It is okay to use 반말 to mother.
Seol: And they were so angry to each other. So they cannot control their like politeness to their mom.
Keith: Yeah so normally just in normal situation, maybe they would use 존댓말 with their mom, polite language but when they are angry, they can’t control their emotions, they just switch over to the intimate politeness level because…
Mnkyong: Because they are fighting.
Keith: Yeah so just a quick note before – let’s listen in to this conversation.
엄마: 장도현! 장세진! 자꾸 싸울 거야?
세진: 오빠가 자꾸 괴롭혀!
엄마: 자꾸 동생 괴롭힐 거야?
도현: 아니 세진이가 나를 자꾸 괴롭혀!
엄마: 너희들 현석이네 보낼 거야!
세진: 싫어!!!
Minkyong: 이번에는 영어로
엄마: 장도현! 장세진! 자꾸 싸울 거야?
Keith: Jang Dohyeon! Jang Sejin! Are you guys going to keep fighting?
세진: 오빠가 자꾸 괴롭혀!
Keith: He keeps bugging me!
엄마: 자꾸 동생 괴롭힐 거야?
Keith: Are you going to keep bugging your sister?
도현: 아니 세진이가 나를 자꾸 괴롭혀!
Keith: No! Sejin keeps bugging me.
엄마: 너희들 현석이네 보낼 거야!
Keith: You guys, I'm going to send you two over to Hyunseok's place.
세진: 싫어!!!
Keith: No!
Seol: In this dialogue, I can hear the name 현석. And do you have any idea who 현석 is?
Minkyong: We did a lesson on 현석's story. It’s called “Save Me From My Mom.”
Seol: Why? His mom is a quite different?
Minkyong: 왜냐하면, 현석's mom is very very strict. And she made him do a lot of works. Hourseworks.
Keith: A lot of work. It was a lot.
Seol: 아, 그래서 도현이랑 세진이가 현석이네 가는 거 싫어하는구나.
Minkyong: 네.
Seol: So that’s the reason that Dohyun and Sejin do not want to go there, right?
Minkyong: 네 맞아요.
Seol: Okay, then I got it.
Keith: So if you curious about who 현석 and who 현석's slave driving mom is, remember to listen to Beginner Season 2, Save Me From My Mom. All right, before we move onto the vocabulary, I want to remember our listeners to stop by KoreanClass101.com, there we have stand-alone dialogue, a dialogue track, just by itself. You can take it on the go, listen and practice your listening skills on the go, with your iPod with your portable mp3 player, and just listen to 100% Korean.
Seol: 네, 얼른 vocabulary 해요.
Keith: Yes boss. Slave driving Seol…What’s our first word?
Seol: 싸우다
Keith: To fight.
Seol: 싸우다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 싸우다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 동생
Keith: Younger sibling.
Seol: 동생 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 동생 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에
Seol: 보내다
Keith: To send
Seol: 보내다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 보내다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And after that
Seol: 자꾸
Keith: Frequently, repeatedly, often.
Seol: 자꾸 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 자꾸 [natural native speed]
Keith: And 그 다음에
Seol: 너희들
Keith: You pleural, intimate politeness level.
Seol: 너희들 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 너희들 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Seol: 네
Keith: One’s place, one’s home.
Seol: 네 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 네 [natural native speed]
Keith: And 마지막으로
Seol: 싫다
Keith: To dislike, to not want to.
Seol: 싫다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 싫다 [natural native speed]
Keith: All right we got a lot of good words in this lesson and I think we should start with 동생 means
Minkyong: Younger siblings.
Keith: Yeah so it’s just generally a younger sibling. When you have a older sibling, it’s different if you are a male or a female. For a male, a older brother it is.
Seol: 형
Keith: A older sister it is.
Seol: 누나
Keith: And for a female, like in this conversation older brother
Seol: 오빠
Keith: Older sister
Seol: 언니
Keith: And Seol you have a couple of 언니s right?
Seol: One 언니.
Keith: One 언니 and Minkyong, you have a couple of 오빠s.
Minkyong: 네, 오빠 둘이 있어요.
Keith: But 동생 is just a general younger sibling. Doesn’t matter if you are male or a female. It can be used for both. So 오늘의 대화에는 어떻게 나왔죠? how did it come out in this conversation?
Seol: 엄마가 도현이한테 자꾸 동생 괴롭힐 거야?라고 물었어요.
Keith: 자꾸 동생 younger sister, your younger sister, your younger sibling. Are you going to keep annoying her?
Seol: So here the 동생 refers to Sejin because Sejin is 동생 from the point of view of Dohyeon.
Keith: Yeah so like – so as we mentioned in our last lesson, a lot of people use titles instead of names even when referring to themselves and also referring to other people. So in this conversation, 오늘의 대화는 we had the mom saying, are you going to keep annoying your younger sister and she used the word younger sibling 동생 instead of the name 세진. All right let’s move on to our next word. Our next word is
Seol: 네
Keith: One’s place, one’s house. Now 원래는 originally what is it supposed to be?
Seol: 네 집이라고 해요.
Keith: Yeah one’s house and then we actually have the word house or home in there.
Seol: 집
Keith: One’s family’s place, house.
Seol: 네 맞아요.
Keith: So how do we use this? We had a name 현석.
Seol: And we attach 네 집 to the person’s name
Keith: And that means person’s names house, person’s names place.
Seol: What we need is a person’s name and then we attach, it becomes like Keith네 집, 민경이네 집, 설이네 집.
Keith: Or you can just take out 집 altogether. 현석이네, 민경이네, 설이네 and it means their place, their house.
Minkyong: 그런데요. There are two meanings. It could mean someone’s house, place or it could also mean someone’s family.
Keith: Yeah we don’t want to get into too much detail but just really quick, can we have an example?
Seol: 어, 오늘 Keith네 집 여행간대.
Keith: Oh Keith’s family is going on a trip, not an actual place but in this conversation, it was a place. It was 현석’s place. The slave driver’s place. All right let’s move on to our next word 자꾸 is a very, very good adverb to use and as we mentioned, it means often, frequently, repeatedly, essentially, keeps something, something. Keeps doing a verb. So it’s an adverb. So 오늘의 대화는 in this conversation.
Seol: In this dialogue, 자꾸 싸우다, 자꾸 괴롭히다.
Keith: Keep fighting, keep bothering. So can we have a couple of examples from you?
Seol: 자꾸 과자가 먹고 싶어.
Keith: I keep wanting to eat snacks.
Minkyong: 자꾸 숙제를 까먹어요.
Keith: I keep forgetting my homework or maybe if there is a word that you want to remember that you keep trying to remember, but you keep forgetting, 자꾸 까먹어요 I keep forgetting, I am trying to remember but I keep forgetting.
Seol: 맞아요. 저는 영어 단어를 자꾸 까먹고요.
Keith: Oh keep forgetting English words.
Seol: Our listeners may keep forgetting Korean words.
Keith: Well it happens, it happens. Well…
Seol: 우리 힘내요!
Keith: Let’s do it all right. Well let’s move on to our last word. Well let’s move on to our next word.
Seol: 너희들
Keith: You pleural and this is in the intimate politeness level. So it’s only used by people who have power in the relationship. So maybe teachers talking to their students or in this conversation.
Minkyong: 엄마가 세진이랑 도현이한테 얘기해요.
Keith: A mom to her children.
Seol: Or I say to my friends.
Keith: Yeah because you are on casual terms, you don’t have to use polite language.
Seol: 네
Keith: So just you pleural. What’s the polite version of it?
Seol: It’s 여러분.
Keith: And if you stop by KoreanClass101.com, each lesson, we have a comment. It always starts off with 여러분 something, something. Everybody something, something. All right, let’s move on to our last word.
Seol: 싫다
Keith: To not like, to dislike, to hate, to not want to. Now the reason we are going over this word is because we have another word that’s very, very similar and almost exactly the same.
Seol: 싫어하다
Keith: And this pretty much means the same thing actually and 싫어하다 is actually the act of disliking something and 싫다 is a descriptive verb. This is dislikable. I don’t like it but actually most people just mix them up, use both of them interchangeably for the most part.
Seol: 나는 장미가 싫어.
Keith: You don’t like roses?
Seol: No I just made an example.
Keith: Oh every girl likes roses.
Seol: But it has the same meaning with 나는 장미를 싫어해.
Keith: Same thing, slightly different verb, slightly different version of it but pretty much the same thing. So remember you can use them pretty much interchangeably.
Seol: 그렇죠.
Keith: So let’s move on to our grammar point.

Lesson focus

Keith: What do we got today?
Seol: It's ㄹ(을) 거예요.
Keith: Will do. This is probably the easiest to translate into English, because it's a "will do," "going to do". It's kind of like that in English. It's the intentional and it shows the intention. Very plain, very simple.
Minkyong: 게요 보다 더 강해요.
Keith: Yeah, it's stronger than what we went over in our last lesson. What was in our last lesson?
Minkyong: ㄹ(을) 게요
Keith: And this lesson we have?
Seol: ㄹ(을) 거예요
Keith: The reason for this is because, if you take a look at the other intentionals, what do we have?
Seol: 려고 하다
Keith: That's "my plan". That's "my intention". So you're laying out "This is what I'm thinking of doing." What else do we have?
Minkyong: ㄹ(을)래
Keith: I want to do this in the future. I want to do this. Not so definitive, not so. "Yeah, this is what I'm thinking. This is kind of what I want."
Seol: And the last one is 게요.
Keith: This one is the one kind of asking a little bit of permission. "I'll do this, ok?" But this one is the most definitive. So, "I'm going to do this. I will do this." In this conversation, 오늘의 대화에는 어떻게 나왔죠?
Seol: 엄마가 얘기해요. 너희들 현석이네 보낼 거야.
Keith: I'm going to send you to Hyung-Seok's place. Very definitive. So, "I will do this."
Seol: 네 맞아요.
Keith: And that's the usage when it's a statement. It's a definitive "I will do. I'm going to do this," but it's also used differently, when it's a question. Now in our last lesson, what did we have again? What was our intentional there?
Seol: ㄹ(을) 게요
Keith: And as we mentioned, we can't make a question with that, because you're...
Seol: Already asking a question.
Keith: Kind of. Not totally asking a question, but a little bit. So if you wanted to ask just a future question. Just a question, "What will you do?" "Will you keep doing this?" "Will you do this?" You're using this construction here.
Seol: ㄹ(을) 거예요. It should be the rising intonation, like ㄹ(을) 거예요?
Minkyong: So in this dialogue, it came out as, 자꾸 싸울 거야?
Keith: Will you keep fighting? Are you going to keep fighting?
Minkyong: 동생 자꾸 괴롭힐 거야?
Keith: Are you going to keep bothering your sister? It's just a very general question. Will you? Are you going to do this? The other ones, the other intentionals, you can make questions with them as well, but this one is just a really direct, "Will you?" "Are you going to?"
Minkyong: 그렇네요.


Keith: All right, so that’s going to do. We will see you next time.
Seol: 저도 꼭 코멘트 할 거예요. I will see you there.
Minkyong: Bye.


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