Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다. |
Minkyong: 안녕하세요. 민경입니다. |
Keith: Hey Keith here. Family Matters Part 2. Now 저번에 대화는 어떻게 됐어요? What happened in our last lesson? |
Seol: 오빠 was bugging 세진 the younger sister. 오빠가 세진이를 막 괴롭혔어요. |
Keith: Yeah and we finished up with 세진 telling on mom. I am going to tell mom and she did. 엄마한테 이를거야 So how do you say I am going to tell on mom? |
Seol: 엄마한테 이를거야. |
Keith: What’s that verb? |
Seol: 이르다 |
Keith: To tell on somebody I guess. So you can tell your teacher, tell on your friend I guess and et cetera, et cetera. |
Seol: 맞아요. Keith가 오늘 또 괴롭혔어요 라고 선생님한테 일러요. |
Keith: 선생님이 없어요. 우리는 선생님들이에요. We are the teachers. |
Seol: 보스한테 이를 거예요. |
Keith: The boss, all right. All right, so what’s going on in this conversation 오늘의 대화는 무슨 내용이죠? |
Minkyong: 오늘은 세진이가 오빠를 괴롭혀요. But this time, Sejin is bugging her brother. |
Keith: Yeah just lot of brother, sister love over here. And that’s what love is fighting. |
Seol: Yeah. |
Keith: 아닌가? |
Seol: 정말요? |
Keith: Are you not sure about that one? |
Seol: Not really but yeah. |
Keith: Okay so and our last lesson, we focused on the intentional. Which intentional? |
Seol: 하려고 해요 |
Keith: 려고 하다. That I plan on doing. This is my plan, this is my intention. 오늘의 대화는? What are we focusing on in this lesson? |
Minkyong: ㄹ(을)게요 |
Keith: And this is another intentional. We got a lot of them in Korean but they all have different nuances and we will get into that in a little bit. So what should the listeners be listening for? |
Seol: 할게 먹을게 볼게 |
Keith: Yeah the intentional. So in this conversation, we have the brother and the sister again. So…. |
Minkyong: 반말을 써요. |
Keith: They are going to be using casual language, intimate politeness level. There is one line 엄마한테 이를 때 when telling mom. |
Seol: It’s 존댓말. |
Keith: Polite language and in this case, standard politeness level. |
Minkyong: 자 들어 봅시다. |
오빠: 세진아 오빠 컴퓨터 할게. |
세진: 안돼! 내가 할래. |
오빠: 그럼 오빠 이 과자 먹을게. |
세진: 안돼! 내가 먹을래. |
오빠: 그럼 오빠 TV 볼게. |
세진: 안돼! 내가 볼래. |
오빠: …..(소리치면서) 엄마 세진이가 괴롭혀요! |
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더 |
오빠: 세진아 오빠 컴퓨터 할게. |
Keith: Sejin, I'm going to use the computer, ok? |
세진: 안돼! 내가 할래. |
Keith: No, I want to use the computer. |
오빠: 그럼 오빠 이 과자 먹을게. |
Keith: Then, I'm going to eat this snack, alright? |
세진: 안돼! 내가 먹을래. |
Keith: No, I want to eat that. |
오빠: 그럼 오빠 TV 볼게. |
Keith: Then, I'm going to watch TV, ok? |
세진: 안돼! 내가 볼래. |
Keith: No, I want to watch TV. |
오빠: …..(소리치면서) 엄마 세진이가 괴롭혀요! |
Keith: Mom! Sejin's bothering me! |
Minkyong: It reminds me of me and my brother because every time my brother say he is going to do something 나도 할래 이러거든요. So we always have a fight. |
Keith: Well actually Seol and I were talking about this a little bit earlier and we were reading the script and we are like, hey this sounds like Minkyong. |
Minkyong: Really? |
Seol: Yeah. |
Minkyong: Oh okay. |
Keith: So before we jump in to the vocabulary, I want to remind our listeners to stop by There we have review tracks in the premium learning center. For our premium subscribers, you can take a review track on the go and practice your vocabulary and also practice this construction as well. Very simple, very easy to use and very useful. |
Keith: So what’s the first word we have? |
Minkyong: 컴퓨터 |
Keith: Computer. |
Minkyong: 컴퓨터 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 컴퓨터 [natural native speed] |
Keith: And next is |
Minkyong: 과자 |
Keith: Snack |
Minkyong: 과자 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 과자 [natural native speed] |
Keith: 그 다음에 |
Minkyong: 괴롭히다 |
Keith: To bother, to bug, to annoy. |
Minkyong: 괴롭히다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 괴롭히다 [natural native speed] |
Keith: And next is |
Minkyong: 안돼 |
Keith: No, you shouldn’t, don’t |
Minkyong: 안돼 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 안돼 [natural native speed] |
Keith: And what’s our last word? |
Minkyong: 오빠 |
Keith: Older brother for a female. |
Minkyong: 오빠 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 오빠 [natural native speed] |
Keith: Now the reason we put this word in here is because well 오늘의 대화는 what came out in this lesson? |
Seol: The old brother says, 세진아 오빠 컴퓨터 할게. |
Keith: Yeah literally it’s Sejin, older brother, computer will do. He doesn’t refer to himself as me, I, 나. 어떻게 말하죠? |
Seol: 자기자신을 오빠라고 말해요. He refers to himself as 오빠. |
Keith: And this happens a lot in Korean actually. Mingyong, so your older brother, does he say 오빠가 할게, 오빠가 할래? |
Minkyong: 네, 많이 그래요. When he comes back from school, he says 민경아, 오빠 왔어. |
Keith: Brother came, not I came but this happens a lot with people who have titles. According to people. So for example, my mom would say 엄마가 할까? shall mom do it instead of shall I do it? |
Seol: 저희 아빠도 그러세요. My father does the same thing. 아빠가 데려다 줄까? |
Keith: Should daddy drive you? |
Seol: It sounds really weird. |
Keith: It sounds like someone is talking to a little kid though. |
Seol: 맞아요. 네. |
Keith: But it doesn’t matter what age you are. This happens a lot too. |
Seol: 네. |
Keith: Actually not when you are older right. So if you are married and you got kids, your parents wouldn’t say that to you. 엄마가 사 줄까? Shall mommy buy it for you? |
Seol: Maybe but I didn’t experience that yet. So yeah I want to be still my father’s and my mother’s little girl. |
Keith: Yeah but I think this is only used for maybe younger people. Minkyong, even like your brother, he wouldn’t say 오빠가 해 줄까? when you are married and you have kids. At least I don’t think so. |
Minkyong: Well between siblings and parents and your kids, I think it doesn’t matter what age you are because you are close and even now, my parents and my brothers say 민경아, 엄마가 이거 해 줄게. 오빠가 이거 사 줄게. |
Keith: Yeah but you are not married and you don’t have kids. I don’t think it would happen then. |
Seol: Well I will let you know on that after I marry and after I have kids. |
Keith: All right please do. Well just a quick point. This is not limited to family. So if your brother can call himself, older brother will do something. Your mom, your dad, your older sister but the younger siblings, they don’t say the titles, their titles. They would say I and also outside of the family, you can say the teacher. Teachers would do that. Anything else? |
Seol: Just 선생님 not 교수님. |
Keith: Not professor. |
Seol: Umm just teachers. |
Keith: All right. Let’s move on to our next word. Let’s talk about 컴퓨터, pretty obvious computer but what’s the verb 컴퓨터 하다 what does that mean? To do computer. |
Minkyong: It means you use computer |
Seol: Or like you surf the internet. |
Keith: So 만약에 if I had to write a paper or write a report, would I say 컴퓨터 하다? |
Seol: No 안 돼요. In that case, you have to say 나 레포트 써. |
Keith: To write a report. |
Seol: Or you can also say 나 컴퓨터로 레포트 써. |
Keith: Wire computer. So 컴퓨터 하다 has this nuance of just kind of fooling around on the computer. Not really doing any work? |
Seol: 맞아요. |
Keith: So just to include really quickly like chatting, email, surfing the internet. |
Seol: Or killing time. |
Keith: Yeah just anything. Alright, so let’s move on to our grammar point. We got a good one today. |
Lesson focus
Keith: 오늘의 grammar point가 뭐예요? |
Seol: ㄹ(을)게요 |
Keith: Will do. Once again, this is another intentional. The nuance behind this intentional is that... |
Minkyong: It's kind of asking, "I'm going to do something. Is it ok?" |
Keith: Yeah. The nuance is "Is it alright? Is it ok?" So you can kind of translate this as, "I will do something, ok?" So it's kind of like asking for permission, just a little bit. So 오늘의 대화에는 어떻게 나왔죠? What about in this conversation? |
Seol: 오빠가 세진에게 말했어요. 세진아 오빠 컴퓨터 할게. |
Keith: "Sejin, 오빠 wants to use the computer. I want to use the computer, ok? Is it all right?" How does she reply? |
Minkyong: 안돼. 내가 할래. |
Keith: That 할래, that's another intentional, but it's "I want to." "I want to do it." So let's have a couple examples of this lesson's intentional, ㄹ(을)게. |
Seol: 나 레코딩 끝나고 낮잠 잘게. |
Keith: After we finish recording, I'll take a nap, ok? |
Seol: Yeah. |
Keith: Well, are you asking for permission? |
Seol: Can I take a rest on your desk? |
Minkyong: What? |
Keith: Yeah. I mean, it's telling someone your intention, but it's also asking a little bit of permission. |
Seol: Ok? Thank you. |
Keith: It's not straight out saying, "Is it ok?" but telling your intention and seeing if the other person's alright with it. Another example? |
Minkyong: 나 레코딩 끝나고 집에 일찍 갈게. |
Keith: After I finish recording, I'll go home early, ok? |
Seol: 안돼. |
Minkyong: 근데 You can't ask with 게요. You can't say 게요? 말이 안돼요. It doesn't make sense. |
Keith: Yeah. So you are asking for permission kind of. You're seeing if the other person is ok with it, but you can never ask someone with this construction. |
Minkyong: 그래서요. In this dialogue, 세진아 오빠 컴퓨터 할게라고 나오잖아요, but you can't say 오빠 컴퓨터 할게?, because that doesn't make sense. |
Keith: All right. Before we finish up our lesson, we want to go over the pronunciation of this a little bit. Now, traditionally, standard, standard Korean, what is it supposed to be. Let's say, "I want to take a nap, ok?" |
Seol: 나 낮잠 잘게. |
Keith: 게, kind of like a "g" sound with a ㄱ. But normally, everybody, what pretty much everybody says is? |
Seol: 나 낮잠 잘께. |
Keith: A harder, kind of like a ㄲ sound. ㄲ is the double ㄱ. |
Seol: 네. 께를 더 많이 써요. |
Keith: Yeah. I don't think I ever hear 게요. 낮잠 잘게요. |
Seol: You even cannot sound it. |
Keith: Yeah, it's difficult for me, because it's kind of unnatural for some reason. |
Seol: Me, too. I cannot. 저 밥 먹을게요. No! It sounds really weird. I don't like it. |
Keith: But when it's written, the standard way is one ㄱ, and when you say it... |
Seol: It's double ㄲ. 께요. |
Keith: All right so remember to listen till the end of this audio track because we got the conversation coming up again and what should the listeners be looking for? |
Minkyong: 께요 |
Keith: I will do it. Okay. |
Seol: 이제 굿바이 인사 할게요. |
Minkyong: 민경이도 할게요. |
Keith: Alright see you later. |
Minkyong: Bye. |
Seol: Bye. |