
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gyeongeun: 안녕하세요. 최경은입니다.
Hyunwoo: Hyunwoo here. Beginner Series, Season 5, Lesson #21.
Gyeongeun: Hello everyone. I am 경은 and welcome to KoreanClass101.com.
Hyunwoo: With us, you will learn to speak Korean with fun and effective lessons.
Gyeongeun: We also provide you with cultural insights
Hyunwoo: And tips you won’t find in a textbook. So 경은씨?
Gyeongeun: 네.
Hyunwoo: In this lesson, what are we going to learn?
Gyeongeun: In this lesson, you will learn how to express how much time has passed since the last time.
Hyunwoo: And the conversation takes place
Gyeongeun: In an airplane
Hyunwoo: And the conversation is between
Gyeongeun: 지성 and 성미
Hyunwoo: And apparently they are meeting each other for the first time.
Gyeongeun: So they are speaking to each other in polite language 존댓말.
Hyunwoo: Now if you are listening on an iPod
Gyeongeun: Or an iTouch or iPhone
Hyunwoo: Click the center button of the iPod or tap the screen on an iTouch or iPhone to see the notes for this lesson while you listen.
Gyeongeun: Read along while you listen.
Hyunwoo: This technique will help you remember faster. All right. 경은씨, let’s listen to the conversation.
Gyeongeun: 네. 들어볼까요?
지성: 한국 들어가세요?
성미: 네. 대학교 졸업하고, 한국에 들어가는 길이에요.
지성: 얼마 만에 가시는 거예요?
성미: 이번에는 1년 만에 가요. 빨리 가고 싶어요. 대학교 다니는 거 정말 싫어요.
지성: 그렇군요. 저는 10년 만에 돌아가요.
성미: 10년 만에요? 와... 10년 동안 미국에 계셨어요?
지성: 네. 10년 동안 너무 바빠서 못 갔어요.
성미: 정말요? 10년 동안 뭐 하셨어요?
지성: 대학교 교수예요.
jiseong: hanguk deureogaseyo?
seongmi: ne. daehakgyo joreophago, hanguk-e deureoganeun gil-ieyo.
jiseong: eolma man-e gasineun geo-yeyo?
seongmi: ibeon-eneun il-nyeon man-e gayo. ppalli gago sipeoyo. daehakgyo danineun geo jeongmal sireoyo.
jiseong: geureokunyo. jeo-neun sipnyeon man-e doragayo.
seongmi: sipnyeon man-eyo? wa... sipnyeon dong-an miguk-e gyesyeosseoyo?
jiseong: ne. sipnyeon dong-an neomu bappaseo mot gasseoyo.
seongmi: jeongmal-yo? sipnyeon dong-an mwo hasyeosseoyo?
jiseong: daehakgyo gyosu-yeyo.
Jiseong: Are you going back to Korea?
Seongmi: Yes, I've graduated from the university, and I'm going back to Korea.
Jiseong: How long has it been?
Seongmi: This time, it's been a year. I really can't wait to go back. I hate going to the university.
Jiseong: I see. I haven't gone back for ten years.
Seongmi: Ten years? Wow... You've been in the States for ten years?
Jiseong: Yeah. I've been too busy for the past ten years to go back to Korea.
Seongmi: Really? What have you been doing for ten years?
Jiseong: I'm a university professor.
Hyunwoo: 네. Here we have a student who just can’t wait to go back to Korea and the professor who hasn’t been able to go to Korea for 10 years.
Gyeongeun: What a contrast!
Hyunwoo: Yeah. By the way, 경은씨, do you have some friends that have studied abroad?
Gyeongeun: I do. Why?
Hyunwoo: Just curious because most of my friends when they started looking for places to go to study, they usually look for places where there are not many other Korean people already living there.
Gyeongeun: Well ... that’s true. Some of my friends did that too.
Hyunwoo: Why do you think that is?
Gyeongeun: Because they don’t end up speaking Korean all day long.
Hyunwoo: I guess so. I think a lot of people want to create an environment where they are forced to speak the language they want to learn.
Gyeongeun: 네, 맞아요.
Hyunwoo: But in the case of Korea, it’s a little difficult to do that right now, right?
Gyeongeun: Why?
Hyunwoo: Because Korea is relatively small country in size and pretty much wherever you go, you can’t really find yourself in an environment where there are only, only Koreans around.
Gyeongeun: 맞아요. 요즘에 한국에 와서 사는 외국인들이 정말 많은 것 같아요.
Hyunwoo: Well I think it’s great that more people from other countries are coming to Korea to live here but if you want to speak more Korean every day, you can’t really go somewhere where there are not many foreigners any more.
Gyeongeun: That’s right. Then what can our listeners do?
Hyunwoo: Well I think a good idea is to join some language communities where you can meet some Korean people who are interested in learning your languages and you can help each other out.
Gyeongeun: That’s a good idea. I think they are very easy to find on the internet too.
Hyunwoo: 네, 맞아요. Okay and now let’s look at the vocabulary for this lesson. 첫 번째 단어는?
Gyeongeun: 대학교
Hyunwoo: University.
Gyeongeun: 대학교 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 대학교 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: 다음 단어는
Gyeongeun: 졸업하다
Hyunwoo: To graduate
Gyeongeun: 졸업하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 졸업하다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: 그리고
Gyeongeun: 들어가다
Hyunwoo: To enter, to go in, to go back.
Gyeongeun: 들어가다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 들어가다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: Next.
Gyeongeun: 다니다
Hyunwoo: To go to school, to church and et cetera.
Gyeongeun: 다니다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 다니다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: 그 다음에는
Gyeongeun: 돌아가다
Hyunwoo: To return, to go back.
Gyeongeun: 돌아가다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 돌아가다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: 마지막 단어는
Gyeongeun: 교수
Hyunwoo: Professor.
Gyeongeun: 교수 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 교수 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: Okay now let’s have a closer look at the usage for one of the words and the word we are looking at is
Gyeongeun: 들어가다
Hyunwoo: To enter, to go in, to go back.
Gyeongeun: 들어가다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 들어가다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: This word 들어가다 literally means to enter, to go in.
Gyeongeun: 네, 맞아요. 방에 들어가다.
Hyunwoo: To enter a room.
Gyeongeun: 안에 들어가다.
Hyunwoo: To go inside but sometimes this word can be used in a place where you don’t expect it to be used.
Gyeongeun: 현우씨, can you give me an example?
Hyunwoo: Sure. For example, when you are talking to someone older than you on the phone, you must be using 존댓말, right? And you are being polite and then the other person is going to hang up, then you want to say goodbye. So what do you say?
Gyeongeun: I say 들어가세요.
Hyunwoo: Bingo 들어가세요. A lot of my friends who are learning Korean found this expression weird and asked me, why do you tell the other person to go inside literally 들어가세요 but that’s just an expression right?
Gyeongeun: 네, 맞아요. And in the dialogue for this lesson, the student also said 들어가다 to mean to go back to Korea.
Hyunwoo: 네, 한국에 들어가다. This is not a mistake. You can say 한국에 돌아가다 too but if you say 한국에 들어가다 it has the nuance that you are out of Korea temporarily and now it’s time to go back inside.
Gyeongeun: 네, 맞아요.
Hyunwoo: All right. I hope you found this useful and let’s go on to the grammar section of this lesson.

Lesson focus

Hyunwoo: What is the grammar point of this lesson?
Gyeongeun: The grammar point of this lesson is how to express how much time has passed since last time using 만에.
Hyunwoo: As in the example
Gyeongeun: 1달 만에 다시 만났어요.
Hyunwoo: We haven’t met each other for one month before today.
Gyeongeun: When you are talking about something that you have not done something for a while but you get to do again, you can use 만에 to express how much time has passed since last time.
Hyunwoo: Yeah but as you can see here, the structure of the sentence is very different in English and in Korean in this case.
Gyeongeun: 네. 문장 구조가 많이 달라요.
Hyunwoo: 네. 영어에서는 In English, it is usually expressed in the form I haven’t done something for this much time but in Korean
Gyeongeun: 네. 한국어에서는 it is usually expressed in the form after this much time, I am doing, I did something.
Hyunwoo: 네. Now how do you form a sentence then?
Gyeongeun: You say the time and add 만에 and add the verb.
Hyunwoo: For example
Gyeongeun: 1달 만에 만나다.
Hyunwoo: 1달 만에 만나다. To meet after not meeting for 1 month. Okay how about we look at how it was used in the dialogue for this lesson.
Gyeongeun: 네, 좋아요. 얼마 만에 가시는 거예요?
Hyunwoo: How long has it been or how long has it been since you went last time.
Gyeongeun: 이번에는 1년 만에 가요.
Hyunwoo: This time it’s been a year.
Gyeongeun: 저는 10년 만에 돌아가요.
Hyunwoo: I haven’t gone back for 10 years and now I am going back.
Gyeongeun: 10년 만에요?
Hyunwoo: 10 years. All right. Before we go, let’s look at three more sample sentences. How do you say in Korean 경은씨?
Gyeongeun: 네.
Hyunwoo: I am going to go to 남산. I haven’t been there for 3 years.
Gyeongeun: 정말요?
Hyunwoo: No it’s just an example sentence.
Gyeongeun: Okay. 3년 만에 남산에 갈 거예요.
Hyunwoo: 3년 만에 남산에 갈 거예요. And how would you say how long has it been since we met last time?
Gyeongeun: 우리 얼마 만에 만난거지?
Hyunwoo: And lastly, how do you say I waited for one week before I got the phone call.
Gyeongeun: 일주일 만에 전화가 왔어요.


Hyunwoo: Great. 경은씨, 수고하셨습니다. That just about does it for today.
Gyeongeun: 네, 수고하셨습니다.
Hyunwoo: 수고하셨습니다. Before we go, we want to tell you about a way to drastically improve your 발음.
Gyeongeun: The voice recording tool.
Hyunwoo: The voice recording tool in the premium learning center.
Gyeongeun: Record your voice with a click of a button.
Hyunwoo: And then play it back just as easily.
Gyeongeun: So you will record your voice and then listen to it.
Hyunwoo: Compare it to the native speakers’ 목소리.
Gyeongeun: 네. And adjust your pronunciation 발음.
Hyunwoo: And this will help you improve your pronunciation really, really fast and we will see you at
Gyeongeun: KoreanClass101.com
Hyunwoo: Okay if you have any questions or feedback, please stop by and leave us comments and we will see you there.
Gyeongeun: 네, 안녕히 계세요.
Hyunwoo: 안녕히 계세요.


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