
Vocabulary (Review)

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Mingyeong: 안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseyo). KoreanClass101의 지민경입니다 (ui jimingyeongimnida).
Keith: Hey. Keith here. How Much Are You Doing While You're in Korea?
Keith: Alright, in this lesson, we will be doing something difficult, but we're going to make it easy. We're going to be doing multi-tasking! Doing multiple actions at the same time.
Mingyeong: -는 동안 (-neun dongan)
Keith: Yeah, that's a construction that we're going to go over. Alright, so where is this conversation taking place?
Mingyeong: This conversation takes place on the phone.
Keith: The conversation is between?
Mingyeong: Gujin and Jeongmi, they are not so close to each other.
Keith: Yeah, so they'll be speaking in polite Korean.
Mingyeong: 존댓말 (jondaenmal)
Keith: Ok. Mingyeong, you ready to multi-task?
Mingyeong: 네. (Ne.)
Keith: Listen and study Korean at the same time!
Mingyeong: 네, 들어 봅시다. (Ne, deureo bopsida.)
규진: 정미 씨, 어제 미안해요. 약속을 잊어버렸어요. 오래 기다렸어요?
정미: 네... 3시간 기다렸어요.
규진: 미안해요...
정미: 괜찮아요. 기다리는 동안, 재미있었어요...
규진: 그래요? 기다리는 동안 뭐 했어요?
정미: 기다리는 동안, 계속 서 있었어요.
규진: 계속 서 있었어요?
정미: 네... 그리고... 기다리는 동안, 비가 왔어요.
규진: 우산은요...?
정미: 없었어요.
규진: 비 맞았어요?
정미: 제가 비 맞는 동안... 규진 씨는 뭐 했어요?
규진: 저는... 정미 씨가 기다리는 동안... 자고 있었어요... 정미 씨... 정미 씨?!
Mingyeong: 한 번 더 천천히.
Keith: One more time, slowly.
규진: 정미 씨, 어제 미안해요. 약속을 잊어버렸어요. 오래 기다렸어요?
정미: 네... 3시간 기다렸어요.
규진: 미안해요...
정미: 괜찮아요. 기다리는 동안, 재미있었어요...
규진: 그래요? 기다리는 동안 뭐 했어요?
정미: 기다리는 동안, 계속 서 있었어요.
규진: 계속 서 있었어요?
정미: 네... 그리고... 기다리는 동안, 비가 왔어요.
규진: 우산은요...?
정미: 없었어요.
규진: 비 맞았어요?
정미: 제가 비 맞는 동안... 규진 씨는 뭐 했어요?
규진: 저는... 정미 씨가 기다리는 동안... 자고 있었어요... 정미 씨... 정미 씨?!
Mingyeong: 영어로 한 번 더.
Keith: One more time, with the English.
규진: 정미 씨, 어제 미안해요. 약속을 잊어버렸어요. 오래 기다렸어요?
Keith: Jeongmi, sorry about yesterday. I forgot about our appointment. Did you wait for me for a long time?
정미: 네... 3시간 기다렸어요.
Keith: Yes. I waited for you for three hours.
규진: 미안해요...
Keith: I'm sorry.
정미: 괜찮아요. 기다리는 동안, 재미있었어요...
Keith: It's okay. I had fun while I was waiting.
규진: 그래요? 기다리는 동안 뭐 했어요?
Keith: Really? What did you do while you were waiting?
정미: 기다리는 동안, 계속 서 있었어요.
Keith: I stood there while I was waiting.
규진: 계속 서 있었어요?
Keith: You stood there the whole time?
정미: 네... 그리고... 기다리는 동안, 비가 왔어요.
Keith: Yes, and it rained while I was waiting.
규진: 우산은요...?
Keith: Did you have an umbrella?
정미: 없었어요.
Keith: No, I didn't.
규진: 비 맞았어요?
Keith: Did you get wet?
정미: 제가 비 맞는 동안... 규진 씨는 뭐 했어요?
Keith: Gyujin, what did you do while I was getting wet?
규진: 저는... 정미 씨가 기다리는 동안... 자고 있었어요... 정미 씨... 정미 씨?!
Keith: I...was sleeping while you were waiting. Jeongmi? Jeongmi?
Keith: Mingyeong, are you usually on time when you meet your friends? I know you come to work pretty much on time, but how about when you meet friends?
Mingyeong: It depends. I'm usually on time, but sometimes, I am late, too.
Keith: Yeah, I notice that one sometimes, too. But I also notice that a lot of Korean people, when they meet friends, they tend to be pretty generous about people being late.
Mingyeong: Yeah, some people like to call it Korean time.
Keith: Yeah so when you go to Korea, although it's not a good thing, you might see people being a little bit late for appointments and they expect it to be okay, so bear that in mind.
Mingyeong: But there are also people who are never late or usually arrive early, but when the other person is late, I think everybody's pretty generous about it.
Keith: What, like three hours? Like this dialogue?
Mingyeong: Yeah, that's unforgivable.
Keith: Yeah, I think Korean time has its limits.
Mingyeong: Three hours? I don't think so.
Keith: Ok. What's the first word we're going to take a look at?
Mingyeong: 어제 [natural native speed]
Keith: Yesterday
Mingyeong: 어제 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 어제 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next?
Mingyeong: 약속 [natural native speed]
Keith: Appointment, promise
Mingyeong: 약속 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 약속 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에?
Mingyeong: 잊어버리다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To forget
Mingyeong: 잊어버리다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 잊어버리다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next?
Mingyeong: 오래 [natural native speed]
Keith: For a long time, a long time
Mingyeong: 오래 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 오래 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that?
Mingyeong: 기다리다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To wait
Mingyeong: 기다리다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 기다리다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have?
Mingyeong: 재미있다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Fun, interesting
Mingyeong: 재미있다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 재미있다 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에?
Mingyeong: 계속 [natural native speed]
Keith: Continually, continuously
Mingyeong: 계속 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 계속 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next?
Mingyeong: 서다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To stand, to stand up
Mingyeong: 서다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 서다 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that?
Mingyeong: 우산 [natural native speed]
Keith: Umbrella
Mingyeong: 우산 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 우산 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that?
Mingyeong: 비를 맞다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To get wet by the rain, to get rained on
Mingyeong: 비를 맞다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 비를 맞다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Ok, let's take a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases. The first word we're going to take a look at is?
Mingyeong: 잊어버리다
Keith: To forget, but what's the shorter word?
Mingyeong: "잊다"
Keith: And that's with the ㅈ 받침. So that word means to forget as well. Why is it usually used as 잊어버리다?
Mingyeong: Because 잊다 is too short and it sounds similar to 있다, which means "to be" or "to have", so if you add this -버리다 and say 잊어버리다, it really sounds like you really forgot it.
Keith: Yeah, and I think it also holds the nuance that you didn't mean to do something. Actually, this might an intermediate level grammar point, but that 버리다, when it's attached to certain verbs, it gives the nuance that you didn't mean to do it. Oftentimes, when you forget, you usually try not to forget things.
Mingyeong: 네.
Keith: So how was it used in this dialog?
Mingyeong: The guy said 약속을 잊어버렸어요.
Keith: I forgot about our appointment.
Mingyeong: In this case, if I was the one who was waiting, I could say 잊어버리지 마.
Keith: Don't forget it! Ok. I won't.
Mingyeong: Ok.
Keith: What's our next word?
Mingyeong: 계속
Keith: Continually. Now this word 계속 works like the English "to keep doing something," so you just put 계속 in front of a verb and it means "to keep doing something." How was it used in this dialog?
Mingyeong: 계속 서 있었어요.
Keith: I kept standing there. Can you give us some more examples?
Mingyeong: 계속 공부해.
Keith: Keep studying.
Mingyeong: 계속 잘 거야?
Keith: Are you going to keep sleeping? So you can just add 계속 in front of a lot of verbs and it means keep on doing something. Let's keep on going with our vocabulary.
Mingyeong: 네.
Keith: What's the next word?
Mingyeong: 비를 맞다
Keith: That's actually a phrase, and that means to get rained on, to get hit by rain. Let's break that down.
Mingyeong: 비
Keith: Rain, and next we have?
Mingyeong: 맞다
Keith: Literally, 'to get hit', so when you get rained on, the falling rain falls on you and you get hit by the rain drops, so that's the idea behind 비를 맞다.
Mingyeong: Yeah, and you can say the same thing about being snowed on.
Keith: Yeah when you get hit by the snow. So, snow is 눈, and you can say 눈을 맞다.
Mingyeong: And an interesting expression, 바람을 맞다.
Keith: Oh, I like that one. 바람 is wind, so you get wind, literally, but this actually means to be stood up, as a date or something. Or when you forget an appointment such as this dialogue.
Mingyeong: 네, 맞아요.
Keith: Mingyeong, 바람을 맞은 적이 있어요?
Mingyeong: 네, 두 시간 동안 바람 맞은 적 있어요.
Keith: For two hours?
Mingyeong: 네.
Keith: Stood up! I'm looking at your face and you seem to remember pretty vividly. Hopefully, our grammar point will help you forget.
Mingyeong: 네.

Lesson focus

Keith: What's our grammar point for this lesson?
Mingyeong: This lesson's grammar point is -는 동안
Keith: While plus action
Mingyeong: Yes, -는 동안 means "while" plus "action."
Keith: Yeah, so 동안 (dongan) is a rough equivalent to the English word "during" or "for" as in "during" a certain period or "for" a certain length. For a certain length of time. And -는 동안 (neun dongan) is a way to combine the meaning of "during" and a verb. Therefore -는 동안 (-neun dongan) means "while" action. So let's get that action in there. How do we construct this?
Mingyeong: You need a verb stem and 는 동안
Keith: So, let's take 가다, to go, for example.
Mingyeong: 가다's verb stem is 가, so you can say 가는 동안
Keith: While you're going or while you're on the way. How was it used in this dialogue?
Mingyeong: 정미 said 기다리는 동안, 재미있었어요...
Keith: "I had fun while I was waiting."
Mingyeong: And 규진 said 기다리는 동안 뭐 했어요?
Keith: "What did you do while you were waiting?" It comes out a couple more times in the dialogue, but you can give us some more real-life examples?
Mingyeong: If you come into office late, I could ask you, 제가 일하는 동안 뭐 했어요?
Keith: "What did you do while I was working?"
Mingyeong: 네.
Keith: Sorry about that. Or if we're a married couple, and, you know, while you're just on the computer chatting with your friends, I'm getting all the work done. 빨래하는 동안 뭐했어? What were you doing, while I was doing the laundry?
Mingyeong: 빨래하는 동안, TV 봤어요.
Keith: I was watching TV while you were doing the laundry.


Keith: Ok, well that's going to do it for this lesson, see you later!
Mingyeong: 안녕히 계세요. (Annyeonghi gyeseyo.)


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