
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Iseul: 안녕하세요. 이슬입니다.
Keith: Keith here! I Want To Talk About It.
Seol: Girls always want to talk about it.
Iseul: Yeah, I agree with her.
Keith: I don’t want to talk about it.
Seol: You want to talk about it.
Iseul: Yeah, we need to talk.
Keith: Why? Let’s just be. Let’s be. Let’s not talk. Let’s…
Seol: No, we need to talk.
Iseul: We need to talk.
Keith: What do you want to talk about? Tell Keith all your problems. Seol, what do you want?
Seol: Well, let’s talk about Hyegyeong and Taehyeon.
Keith: Okay. So for some of our listeners that may not know, let’s do a little recap of what went on in our last lesson.
Seol: Hyegyeong recently proposed her love towards Taehyeon.
Iseul: And she got rejected.
Seol: And she’s sad. She’s in a miserable condition.
Keith: And that’s why she wants to talk about it.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: In today’s lesson.
Seol: Yeah.
Iseul: Well, I think she wants to know why Taehyeon doesn’t like her.
Keith: Well, why don’t you introduce the conversation? What’s going on in this conversation?
Iseul: Hyegyeong wants to talk about it. She wants to know why, why Taehyeon doesn’t like her.
Seol: And Taehyeon does not feel like talk right now.
Keith: Well, that’s like a normal guy, right? Normal guy’s like, “Ah, I don’t really want to talk about it.” All right. So let’s jump into it.

Lesson conversation

태현 혜경 씨. 미안해요. 저는 집에 가고 싶어요.
혜경 저는 얘기하고 싶어요.
태현 저도 혜경 씨를 좋아하고 싶어요. 근데… 근데…
혜경 왜요? 근데 왜요??
태현 저는 결혼 안 하고 싶어요.
혜경 아... 울고 싶다.
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히.
태현 혜경 씨. 미안해요. 저는 집에 가고 싶어요.
혜경 저는 얘기하고 싶어요.
태현 저도 혜경 씨를 좋아하고 싶어요. 근데… 근데…
혜경 왜요? 근데 왜요??
태현 저는 결혼 안 하고 싶어요.
혜경 아... 울고 싶다.
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더.
태현 혜경 씨. 미안해요. 저는 집에 가고 싶어요.
Keith: Hey, Hyegyeong, I'm sorry. I want to go home.
혜경 저는 얘기하고 싶어요.
Keith: I want to talk.
태현 저도 혜경 씨를 좋아하고 싶어요. 근데… 근데…
Keith: I want to like you, but... but...
혜경 왜요? 근데 왜요??
Keith: Why? But why?
태현 저는 결혼 안 하고 싶어요.
Keith: I don't want to get married.
혜경 아... 울고 싶다.
Keith: I want to cry.
Keith: Iseul, how did you feel about the conversation?
Iseul: Taehyeon, like most of the guys these days in Korea, they don’t want to get married! Yeah!
Keith: Well, let’s talk about that a little bit. What’s up with that?
Iseul: I think they’re enjoying their bachelorhood.
Keith: So recently, a lot of men have been deciding not get married?
Iseul: Or get married really late in their late 30’s after they’ve had all their fun.
Seol: Yeah, enjoy their single life.
Iseul: Yeah.
Seol: And then they will decide whether they marry or not. So women suffer.
Keith: Well, Korean women still want to get married before the 30 usually.
Seol: In my case, yes.
Iseul: But these days, a lot of girls, a lot of ladies, choose not to get married as well. They don’t want to have kids; they want to enjoy their life. They want to be able to spend their money freely.
Seol: But I’m kind of home-oriented person so I want to get married soon.
Iseul: Oh, me too!
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Well, this is a testament to Korea’s ever changing society. It’s changing constantly and it’s changing pretty rapidly, actually. Five years ago if you said this, it’d be like “Well, not really. It’s not the truth.” But five years later, it’s kind of happening and it’s kind of changing really quickly. All right. So today we have Taehyeon who’s a modern man, who doesn’t want to get married and just want to enjoy his bachelorhood.
So let’s go into the vocab before we go into the conversation. Seol, can you help us out?
Seol: 집 [natural native speed]
Keith: Home.
Seol: 집 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 집 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next we have…
Seol: 얘기하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To talk, to have a conversation.
Seol: 얘기하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 얘기하다 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next we have…
Seol: 그런데 [natural native speed]
Keith: But or however.
Seol: 그런데 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 그런데 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next we have…
Seol: 왜 [natural native speed]
Keith: Why.
Seol: 왜 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 왜 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Seol: 결혼하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To marry.
Seol: 결혼하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 결혼하다 [natural native speed].
Keith: And last is…
Seol: 울다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To cry.
Seol: 울다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 울다 [natural native speed].

Lesson focus

Keith: All right. Let’s go into the vocab a little bit. The word we had was 그런데? but in the conversation it was 근데?
Iseul: 근데 is shorten version of 그런데.
Keith: And it’s a little more commonly heard than 그런데 because it’s just a shorten version but they both mean the same thing. It’s “but, however”, 근데?, but in actually it’s 그런데. And next is왜. 왜 is a really good question word. It’s “why” but Koreans use it a lot more often that it would be used in English. So if I said “Hey, Seol”….
Seol: 왜
Keith: …she replies with “why” and not “what”. In English you say “what?” Like, “What do you want? What?” But in Korean you say 왜 “Why?” It’s “Oh, what’s up? What do you want?” 왜. Let’s take a look at the 하다 verbs again. So we have 얘기하다, and 얘기 is a noun. It’s “to talk” or…
Seol: Or conversation story.
Keith: And right after that we have 하다, which is “to do” again. Here we have the noun 하다. And our next 하다 verb is….
Seol: 결혼하다
Keith: The first part is…
Seol: 결혼
Keith: “Marriage.” Here, it’s a noun again, 결/혼 – noun and then 하다. We have the noun 하다 verbs. If we wanted to negate these 하다 verbs, how do we do it again?
Iseul: We add 안 in between the noun and 하다. 결혼 안 하다.
Seol: 얘기 안 하다.
Keith: Let’s go into this conversation line by line. Iseul, can you help us out?
Iseul: 혜경씨.
Keith: Hyegyeong…
Iseul: 미안해요.
Keith: “I’m sorry”. And this “I’m sorry” is in the standard politeness level. So they kind of know each other, they don’t know each other too well. It’s still in the standard politeness level but they know each other to some decree because he’s using the standard politeness level, 미안해요.
Iseul: 저는 집에 가고 싶어요.
Keith: All right. Here is our grammar point of today. Let’s break this down by word.
Iseul: 저
Keith: “I” followed by…
Iseul: 는
Keith: Topic marking particle…
Iseul: 집
Keith: Home.
Iseul: 에
Keith: The directional particle “to”.
Iseul: 가-
Keith: “Go”.
Iseul: -고 싶어요.
Keith: This is a grammatical structure that says “want to”. And what was that verb?
Iseul: 가다.
Keith: And this is “to go”. And if we add -고 싶어요, then we can say “I want to go”. Let’s break this down a little bit. 가다 is the dictionary form of the verb. So we drop -다, we’re left with 가- and we just add -고 싶어요. 가고 싶어요.. Let’s have a couple of examples.
Seol: 먹다 is “to eat”, 먹고 싶어요 “want to eat”.
Keith: So here, Seol just dropped the 다 and just added 먹고 싶어요. That -고 싶어요 “I want to”. “Want to” and then a verb.
Iseul: 보고 싶다.
Keith: The verb is…
Iseul: 보다-
Keith: “To see.”
Iseul: Drop the 다, 보고 싶다.
Keith: And “want to see.” This is what Korean use for “I miss you.”
Iseul: 읽다, 읽고 싶어요.
Keith: “Want to read.”
Iseul: 자다, 자고 싶어요.
Keith: “Want to sleep.” This is a very, very easy grammatical structure to know and it’s really key, really important. One of the basic building structures of Korean, just verb -고 싶어요.
Seol: 놀고 싶어요.
Keith: You want to play.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: You want to hangout.
Seol: But here, Hyegyeong wants to talk with Taehyeon.
Keith: And that’s what Hyegyeong says right after Taehyeon.
Seol: 저는 얘기하고 싶어요.
Keith: Okay, once again we have 얘기하다 and then we just drop 다 and we have 얘기하…
Seol: 고 싶어요.
Keith: Just add that -고 싶어요, “I want to talk.” All right. And Taehyeon replies…
Iseul: 저도 혜경씨를 좋아하고 싶어요.
Keith: And it’s getting a little romantic now because Taehyeon, he says, “I want to like you”….
Seol: But...but.
Keith: But? Well, right after, yeah, he says 근데. So this is a really good word to use. Like, if you have a sentence and you say 근데, something’s coming afterwards. So you’re saying something “I want to like you but…” something’s coming and Hyegyeong is not going to like it.
Seol: Men always have 근데 and I hate it! What about you, Iseul?
Iseul: I like 근데. 근데 could be good.
Keith: Because?
Iseul: I’ve seen you as a friend, but 근데 does a great convey.
Seol: Yeah. Yeah. 근데 is really good.
Keith: All right. Well, here, Hyegyeong is not going to like this 근데 because “I want to like you but…”
Seol: But…
Iseul: But…
Keith: All right.
Seol: 왜요?
Keith: “Why?” And here, it’s 왜요. So it’s still being polite. If you just want to be casual, just say 왜.
Seol: 근데 왜요?
Keith: “But why?”
Iseul: 저는 결혼 안 하고 싶어요.
Keith: He’s a heartbreaker.
Seol: Yeah. I hate Taehyeon.
Keith: Well, he says “I don’t want to marry.” So here we have 결혼 안 하고 싶어요. Here’s two grammatical structures that we went over so far. So 결혼하다, that’s “to marry" 결혼 안 하다" “to not marry.” That 안 goes in the middle because 결혼 is a noun and we have the 하다. And right after that, we have 결혼 안 하고 싶어요, “I do not want to get married.” So literally it’s…
Seol: 결혼
Keith: Marriage…
Seol: 안
Keith: …not..
Iseul: 하고 싶어요.
Keith: …want to do. “Marriage not want to do.” “I don’t want to get married.”
Iseul: I guess the subject of marriage was the problem between these two. Hyekyeong wants to get married 근데 Taehyeon doesn’t.
Seol: No. Here, Taehyeon says “I want to like you”, 저는 혜경씨를 좋아하고 싶어요, “but I do not.”
Iseul: Maybe he just doesn’t want to marry her.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Okay, let’s stop this girl's talk over here. Let’s get on with the lesson. We have one more line left, and I think the listeners are ready to end this lesson. All right.
Seol: 아, 울고 싶다.
Keith: Oh that is so sad.
Seol: Oh, poor Hyegyeong.
Keith: Okay, “want to cry.” Hyegyeong wants to cry. Geez.


Keith: Well, I think that’s going to do it for today. I think the ladies here had a great talk about this story. I just kind of sat around and watched. All right. That’s going to do it.
Seol: 또 봐요!


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