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Lesson Transcript

Debbie: Useful Phrases for Learning Korean
Tim: 안녕하세요 여러분, “Hello everyone”. Tim here.
Debbie: 안녕하세요 여러분, “Hello everyone”. Debbie here. So, Tim?
Tim: Yes, Debbie.
Debbie: Today, we're going to learn some useful phrases for learning Korean.
Tim: Useful phrases for learning Korean?
Debbie: Yes, such as “excuse me”, “what is it in Korean?”, "could you say it one more time please...”, and lastly “could you say it slower please...”
Tim: Ah~~ Those are very useful phrases.
Debbie: 맞아요, “That’s right!”Those phrases can help listeners ask anyone how to say something at any time, as well as ask someone to repeat themselves. Tim, where does the conversation take place?
Tim: At a Korean restaurant.
Debbie: The conversation is between a customer, who is a foreigner, and a waitress.
Tim: So, he doesn’t know how to say something in Korean, right?
Debbie: Yes, let’s listen to the conversation.
Foreigner (Tim): 저기요, 이것은 뭐예요?
Waitress (Debbie): 그것은 "instant noodles" 입니다.
Foreigner: 한국말로 뭐예요?
Waitress (normal speed): 한국말로 "라면" 입니다.
Foreigner: 에~~ 뭐라고요? 한번더 말해 주세요...
Waitress (a bit slowly): "라-면" 이요.
Foreigner: 흠... 정말 미안합니다, 천천히 말해 주세요...
Waitress (a lot slower): "라---면--"이요.
Foreigner: 아~~ "라..면.." - "noodles". 고맙습니다!

Lesson focus

Tim: So, “Instant noodles” is 라면 in Korean. I love Korean instant noodles.
Debbie: Mmm, so do I! Anyway…the focus of today’s lesson is NOT “instant noodles” but “useful phrases for learning Korean”.
Tim: Those four phrases are 저기요 “Excuse me”,
Debbie: 한국말로 뭐예요?, “What is the (noun) in Korean?”
Tim: 한번더 말해 주세요, “Could you say that one more time, please?”
Debbie: And 천천히 말해 주세요, “Could you say that slower, please?”
Tim: Okay, let’s start from 저기요.
Debbie: Meaning, “excuse me” in English. It is often used when trying to get someone’s attention before saying something or asking a question, like…
Tim: 저기요 데비씨… “Excuse me, Debbie…”
Debbie: 저기요 팀씨… “Excuse me, Tim…” Please repeat after Tim, “Excuse me”.
Tim: 저기요.
Debbie: Next we have…
Tim: 한국말로 뭐예요?
Debbie: Meaning, “What is the (noun) in Korean?”or “How do you say the (noun) in Korean?”. It is often used when you don’t know what something is called in Korean.
Tim: Let’s break the phrase down. 한.국.말.로 – 한국말로 means “in Korean” and…
Debbie: 뭐.예.요? – 뭐예요? means “what is the (noun)?”
Tim: So, all together 한국말로 뭐예요? means “what is the (noun) in Korean?”
Debbie: The simple way to use this phrase is to say “this” or “that” while pointing to the ‘subject’ you are referring to.
Tim: For example, “what is this in Korean?” or “what is that in Korean?” Listeners, please repeat after me, 한국말로 뭐예요?
Debbie: So with this phrase, you'll be able to ask what anything is. A good way to expand your vocabulary! Okay, next we have….
Tim: 한번더 말해 주세요...
Debbie: Meaning, “could you say (that) one more time please...” It is often used when “asking someone to repeat saying it again”.
Tim: Let’s break it down. 한.번.더 – 한번더 means “one more time” and…
Debbie: 말.해. 주.세.요 – 말해 주세요… means “could you say (that) please…”
Tim: Therefore, all together 한번더 말해 주세요… means “could you say that one more time please…”
Debbie: Listeners, please repeat after Tim, “could you say that one more time please…” is…
Tim: 한번더 말해 주세요…
Debbie: 에~~ (eh~~) Tim, I couldn't hear you, “could you say that one more time please…” – 한번더 말해 주세요…
Tim: Okay, (a bit louder) 한번더 말해 주세요!
Debbie: That was good! Lastly, we have…
Tim: 천천히 말해 주세요…
Debbie: Meaning, “could you say (that) more slowly please…” It is often used when “asking someone to say something more slowly”.
Tim: Let’s break the phrase down. 천.천.히 – 천천히 means “slowly” and…
Debbie: 말.해. 주.세.요 – 말해 주세요… means “could you say that please…”
Tim: So, all together 천천히 말해 주세요… means “could you say that slower please…”
Debbie: Listeners, please repeat after Tim, “could you say that slower please…” is…
Tim: 천천히 말해 주세요…


Debbie: Okay. Well, that’s all for today's lesson!
Tim: (fast) 여러분, 다음 시간에 만나요 ”see you again”
Debbie: 저기요 팀씨, “Excuse me Tim” What did you just say? That was too fast! “could you say that slower please…” – 천천히 말해 주세요…
Tim: (slower) I said, “여러분 다음 시간에 만나요 see you again”
Debbie: Got it, that was easier to understand! I'm sure our listeners got it now.
Tim: Oh good!
Debbie: Well everyone, see you all next time,
Tim: 그럼 안녕. Bye everyone!

