Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tim: 안녕하세요 여러분, Tim here!
Debbie: 안녕하세요, 여러분! Debbie here!
Debbie: So, Tim, we had a lot of fun in the previous lesson – Top 5 Phrases you won’t learn in the classroom. We got a lot of good feedback on it.
Tim: Really? “That’s awesome!” - 짱이야!
Debbie: That’s from the previous lesson, which means, “It’s the best!”By the way Tim, what is today’s topic? I hope that today’s topic is also interesting.
Tim: Hmm…Today’s topic is actually the opposite from the last lesson.
Debbie: “OPPOSITE?” Hmm…So, if last time it was phrases you WON'T hear in a classroom... would this one be…top 5 phrases you WILL hear in a classroom?
Tim: Din-don-den! Today’s topic is about the top 5 phrases you will hear in a classroom.
Debbie: That sounds interesting too!
Tim: Are you ready?
Debbie: Yes! Let’s begin – The top 5 phrases you will hear in a classroom.
Debbie: Okay, listeners, in this lesson we are going to cover some verbs. Don’t worry about them for now, just simply learn the following expressions in Korean. Tim, what’s number 5?
Tim: 읽어 보세요 (ilgeo boseyo)
Debbie: Meaning, “please read it”. Can you say it again slowly?
Tim: 읽. 어. 보. 세. 요. – 읽어 보세요. 읽어 means “to read” and 보세요 means “please”. Therefore, “please read it” is 읽어 보세요.
Debbie: Okay Tim. Let’s do some role-play here. I’ll be your teacher and you can be my student.
Tim: Okay!
Debbie: Good! (선생 목소리로 a voice of teacher) 팀, lesson 14 읽어 보세요 - “Okay Tim, please read Lesson 14”.
Tim: 어…어…
Debbie: 팀, 읽어 보세요 “Tim, please read it.”
Tim: 어… 어… Teacher... I don’t have a book with me.
Debbie: So much for being a good student...haha okay! Now let’s move onto number four, which is...?
Tim: 말해 보세요.
Debbie: Meaning, “please say it”. Can you say it again?
Tim: 말. 해. 보. 세. 요 – 말해 보세요. 말해 means “to say” and 보세요 means “please”. Therefore, “please say it” is 말해 보세요.
Debbie: Okay Tim. Let's do some role-playing again, and this time let’s switch roles.
Tim: (흐믓하고 만족하는 목소리로 in a satisfied and happy voice) So I get to be the teacher? I like being the teacher!
Debbie: Sure. You go first!
Tim: (Voice being changed into being strict and very formal) 데비, 말해 보세요 -“Debbie, please say it” Debbie, say anything...
Debbie: Okay, 여러분은 짱이야! – “Our listeners are the best!”
Tim: “Bravo!” That was fun!
Debbie: But Tim, your voice sounds weird when you pretend to be a teacher.
Tim: When I was young student in Korea, my teacher spoke to us like that. Anyway, let’s move onto number three.
Debbie: What’s number three?
Tim: 질문 있어요?
Debbie: Meaning, “Do you have a question?” Can you say it again slowly?
Tim: 질. 문. 있. 어. 요? – 질문 있어요? 질문 means “any question” and 있어요? Means “do you have…?” All together, “Do you have a question?” is 질문 있어요?
Debbie: Listeners, keep in mind that if the intonation rises like…
Tim: 질문 있어요?
Debbie: then, it is asking the question, “Do you have a question?” On the other hand, if the intonation goes down like…
Tim: 질문 있어요.
Debbie: Then, it means, “I have a question.” Okay, let’s do some role-playing again! This time, I'll be the teacher again.
Debbie: 팀, 질문 있어요? - “Tim, do you have a question?”
Tim: 예, 질문 있어요. - “Yes, I have a question.”
Debbie: What is your question, Tim?
Tim: How can I improve my language skills?
Debbie: Keep practicing reading, listening, speaking and writing every day!
Tim: Is that it?
Debbie: Yes! Okay, 다른 질문 있어요? – “Do you have any other questions?”
Tim: 예, 질문 있어요. – “Yes, I have a question""“By the way, how old are you?”
Debbie: What! You can't ask your teacher that!
Tim: Oops! Just a joke!
Debbie: Okay next, the number two phrase you will hear in a Korean classroom is…?
Tim: 대답해 보세요.
Debbie: Meaning, “Please answer me”. Could you please say it again?
Tim: 대. 답. 해. 보. 세. 요 – 대답해 보세요. 대답해 means “to answer” and 보세요 means “please”. So, all together, “please answer” is 대답해 보세요.
Debbie: Okay, role-play again. I'm the teacher again.
Debbie: 팀, 대답해 보세요“Tim, please answer me""...“where can you learn Korean?”
Tim: In a classroom!
Debbie: 딩동댕!
Tim: I have a question.
Debbie: Yes, Tim?
Tim: 선생님, 대답해 보세요 ""Teacher, please answer me""...“How old are you?”
Debbie: *Ahem*... (ignore) Okay, now onto the final phrase…
Debbie: The #1 phrase you will hear in a Korean classroom is…?
Tim: 두두두… 듣고 따라해 보세요.
Debbie: Meaning, “please listen and repeat”. Could you say it again slowly?
Tim: 듣. 고. 따. 라. 해. 보. 세. 요 – 듣고 따라해 보세요. 듣고 means “to listen”, 따라해 means “to repeat” and 보세요 means “please”. So, all together “please listen and repeat” is 듣고 따라해 보세요.
Debbie: Let’s role-play for the last time.
Tim: Debbie, can I be the teacher again?!
Debbie: Okay. Tim, you are my teacher and I am your student. Okay, you go first…
Tim: 데비, 듣고 따라해 보세요 – “Debbie, please listen and repeat.”
Debbie: Yes, teacher…
Tim: 팀은 짱이야! – “Tim is the best!”
Debbie: (못마땅한 목소리로 unwillingly) 팀은 짱이야 – “Tim is the best!” Don’t you think we have a better sentence to practice with?
Tim: Okay, 데비, 듣고 따라해 보세요 – “Debbie, please listen and repeat.”
여러분은 짱이야! – “Our listeners are the best!”
Debbie: (willingly) 여러분은 짱이야! – “Our listeners are the best!”Okay, that was better!
Tim: Yes, it was fun! Okay, that’s all for today’s lesson.
Debbie: Tim, let’s wrap up today’s lesson – Top 5 phrases you will hear in a Korean classroom.
Tim: #5 – 읽어 보세요 “Please read it.”
Debbie: #4 – 말해 보세요 “Please say it.”
Tim: #3 – 질문 있어요? “Do you have a question?”
Debbie: #2 – 대답해 보세요 “Please answer me.”
Tim: And lastly, #1 – 듣고 따라해 보세요 “Please listen and repeat.”
Debbie: Thanks for listening and thank you Tim for being with us.
Tim: 여러분 들어주셔서 감사합니다! Thank you for listening!
Debbie: See you again next time!

