
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tim: 방가 방가 (Bangabanga) KoreanClass101.com 여러분 (yeoreobun). 팀입니다. (Tim imnida.)
Debbie: Debbie here. Because Of You, I Love Korean.
Tim: I am joined in the studio by.... 두두두두~~
Debbie: Debbie here! Hello everyone! Tim, how is that bump on your head? Is it still there?
Tim: Oh...yeah! It's all "because of you"!
Debbie: No way. It's not "because of me" but "because of".... because of......hmmm... never mind. By the way, Tim?
Tim: 응? What?
Debbie: How would you say "because of you", "because of me" and, "because of the bump" in Korean?
Tim: You are so sharp!
Debbie: Why? Is that today's topic?
Tim: 딩.동.댕! Yes! Today we are going to learn how to say Noun + 때문에 "because of the Noun".
Debbie: Excellent! Where does the conversation take place?
Tim: At the drugstore - 약국에서.
Debbie: The conversation is between...
Tim: Tim and Sujin.
Debbie: Since the conversation is between friends, the speakers will speak using informal Korean.
Tim: 반말 입니다.
Debbie: Let's listen to the conversation.
팀: 여기 처방전 있습니다. 약 좀 주세요...
약사: 예... 감기에 걸렸네요. 잠시만요...
(문 열리는 소리)
수진: 저기요... 어! 팀!
팀: 어! 수진! 무슨 일이야?
수진: 나 감기에 걸렸어.
팀: 나 때문에 너도 감기에 걸렸구나... 미안해...
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
팀: 여기 처방전 있습니다. 약 좀 주세요...
약사: 예... 감기에 걸렸네요. 잠시만요...
(문 열리는 소리)
수진: 저기요... 어! 팀!
팀: 어! 수진! 무슨 일이야?
수진: 나 감기에 걸렸어.
팀: 나 때문에 너도 감기에 걸렸구나... 미안해...
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Debbie(at the drugstore)
팀: 여기 처방전 있습니다. 약 좀 주세요...
Debbie: Here is the prescription. Please give me some medicine...
약사: 예... 감기에 걸렸네요. 잠시만요...
Debbie: Sure...You seem to have caught a cold. Wait just a moment, please...
(문 열리는 소리)
Debbie(sound of a door being opened)
수진: 저기요... 어! 팀!
Debbie: Excuse me... Oh! Tim!
팀: 어! 수진! 무슨 일이야?
Debbie: Ah! Sujin! What's the matter? (What brings you here?)
수진: 나 감기에 걸렸어.
Debbie: I caught a cold.
팀: 나 때문에 너도 감기에 걸렸구나... 미안해...
Debbie: You also caught a cold because of me... I am sorry...
Debbie: I feel sorry for both Tim and Sujin. Sujin also got a cold, (강조 "from", "because of" Tim!).
Tim: I feel sorry for them, too.
Debbie: Tim, I think it would be very helpful for the listeners to practice what to say at a pharmacy in Korea. What do you think...?
Tim: Sounds good! Then let's do some role play here.
Debbie: Okay, you be the patient and I'll be the pharmacist.
Tim: I'll start it off. 저기요 "Excuse me,"...
Debbie: 무슨 일로 오셨죠? "What brings you here?"
Tim: 여기 처방전이 있습니다. "Here is a prescription."
Debbie: 아~~ 머리에 혹이 있으시군요. "Ah...There is a bump on your head."
Tim: 예! Yes! 정말 많이 아파요. "It's SO painful!"
Debbie: 누가 그랬지요? "Who did that to you?"
Tim: "데비"라는 친구가 그랬어요! "A friend of mine named Debbie did that to me!"
Debbie: 아~~ 그래요. "Ah...I see." 약 여기 있습니다. "Here is your medicine."
Tim: 얼마죠? "How much is it?"
Debbie: 만원 입니다. "It's ten thousand won."
Tim: 여기 만원이요. "Here is ten thousand won." 감사합니다 "Thank you."
Debbie: 고맙습니다. "Thank you."
Tim: Wow! That was so easy and fun!
Debbie: Yes, listeners. If you have a prescription with you, simply hand it over to a pharmacist. If you don't have a prescription with you, briefly point out where the pain is coming from by saying, "body part + 이/가 + 아파요" which we just covered throughout the previous lesson.
Tim: 머리가 아파요! "My head hurts!"
Debbie: 하하. Just like that! Let's take a look at today's key vocabulary.
Debbie: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Tim: 약국 [natural native speed]
Debbie: pharmacy
Tim: 약국 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 약국 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 약사 [natural native speed]
Debbie: pharmacist
Tim: 약사 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 약사 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 약 [natural native speed]
Debbie: medicine, drug
Tim: 약 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 약 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 감기 [natural native speed]
Debbie: cold
Tim: 감기 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 감기 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 감기에 걸리다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: to catch a cold
Tim: 감기에 걸리다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 감기에 걸리다 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 처방전 [natural native speed]
Debbie: prescription
Tim: 처방전 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 처방전 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 잠시만요 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Just a moment please.
Tim: 잠시만요 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 잠시만요 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 문 [natural native speed]
Debbie: door
Tim: 문 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 문 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 소리 [natural native speed]
Debbie: sound
Tim: 소리 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 소리 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 저기요 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Excuse me.
Tim: 저기요 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 저기요 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 무슨 [natural native speed]
Debbie: what, what kind of
Tim: 무슨 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 무슨 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 때문에 [natural native speed]
Debbie: because of
Tim: 때문에 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 때문에 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 도 [natural native speed]
Debbie: too, also
Tim: 도 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 도 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 미안해. [natural native speed]
Debbie: I'm sorry. (casual)
Tim: 미안해. [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 미안해. [natural native speed]
Debbie: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Debbie: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Tim: 주.세.요 - 주세요.
Debbie: Meaning "please give me". We've already covered this expression 주세요 "please give me" in...
Tim: Absolute Beginner Season 2 Lesson 1. It's a review.
Debbie: Okay! Then let's make sample sentences together. We've just learned about "prescription" from today's vocab.
Tim: Yes, 처.방.전 - 처방전.
Debbie: So "please give me a prescription" is...
Tim: Please repeat after me. 처방전 주세요.
Debbie: How about... "medicine"?
Tim: 약 - 약.
Debbie: Then "please give me medicine" is...
Tim: Please repeat after me. 약 주세요.
Debbie: Great! Next we have,
Tim: 무.슨. 일.이.야? - 무슨 일이야?
Debbie: Meaning, "what's the matter?" This is a common expression that Koreans use when they're faced with something unexpected. How do you say, "what's the matter, Tim?"
Tim: 팀. 무.슨. 일.이.야? - 팀, 무슨 일이야?
Debbie: Listeners, try to imagine that you just met Tim and that he seems to be in pain. Together, let's ask him, "what's the matter, Tim?" 팀, 무슨 일이야?
Debbie: Tim, now you answer them.
Tim: 데비 때문에, 머리가 아파. "My head hurts because of Debbie!"
Debbie: 하하. Tim is still talking about the bump on his head. Last we have...
Tim: 미.안.해 - 미안해.
Debbie: Meaning "I am sorry". Tim...about the bump on you head..."I am really sorry" - 정말 미안해!
Tim: Really?
Debbie: 뻥이야! "Just kidding!"
Tim: I knew you'd say that!
Debbie: 하하. Now let's move on the lesson focus!

Lesson focus

Debbie: In this lesson, you will learn how to express and say "because / because of" in Korean. Please repeat after Tim. "because / because of"
Tim: 때.문.에 - 때문에
Debbie: 때문에 means "because or because of", and is used when expressing the "reason or cause" for an action or state. What's the formation, Tim?
Tim: [Noun] + 때문에.
Debbie: Okay! Let's make some sentences together. How about we use an example from the dialogue... "Sujin got a cold because of Tim."?
Tim: Let's break it down. "Because of Tim" is 팀, 때문에,
Debbie: "Sujin got a cold" is 수진은, 감기에, 걸렸다. Please repeat after Tim. " Sujin got a cold because of Tim."
Tim: 팀 때문에, 수진은 감기에 걸렸다.
Debbie: Hmm... how about... "Korean is fun because of Tim!"?
Tim: Really? I hope you really mean it. Okay. "because of Tim" is 팀 때문에.
Debbie: "Korean is fun" is (천천히 또박또박) 한국어"는" 재밌다. So, all together, "Korean is fun because of Tim" is...?
Tim: (천천히 또박또박) 팀 때문에, 한국어는, 재밌다. Please repeat after me. 팀 때문에 한국어는 재밌다.
Tim: "Thank you Debbie and everyone!" Okay! How about..."We like Korean because of Debbie"?
Debbie: You better not say, 뻥이야 "just kidding", this time. Okay, "Because of Debbie" is 데비, 때문에 - 데비 때문에,
Tim: "We like Korean" is 우리는, 한국어를, 좋아해 - 우리는 한국어를 좋아해. So altogether, "We like Korean because of Debbie" is...?
Debbie: (천천히 또박또박) 데비 때문에, 우리는, 한국어를, 좋아해. Please repeat after me. 데비 때문에 한국어를 좋아해.
Tim: Excellent! Okay, now let's make the last sentence...
Debbie: Hmm.... How about, "I got a shot on the arm because I caught a cold"?
Tim: What a good example! "because of a cold" is 감기, 때문에 = 감기 때문에.
Debbie: "on the arms" is 팔,에 - 팔에.
Tim: "I got a shot" is 나는, 주사를, 맞았다 - 나는 주사를 맞았다.
Debbie: Literally, this means "I got a shot on the arm because of a cold". In more natural English, we might say "because I caught a cold". But in Korean, we literally just say "because of a cold." 감기 때문에.
Please repeat after Tim,
Tim: 감기 때문에, 나는 팔에 주사를 맞았다.


Debbie: Fantastic! Ok, well, that's all for this lesson. See you next time!
Tim: 여러분 다음 시간에 만나요~~


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