
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tim: 안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseyo) KoreanClass101.com 여러분 (yeoreobun). 팀입니다. (Tim imnida.)
Debbie: Debbie here. Please Tell Me You're Feeling All Right in Korean. Hey Tim?
Tim: What?
Debbie: Can you come here for a second?
Tim: Okay...
Debbie: (sound of 꽝 a smash)
Tim: 아! 아야!
Debbie: "Are you all right, Tim?"
Tim: Why did you do that for?
Debbie: I'm sorry. I did that on purpose, so I could ask you, 'Are you all right?' That's what we're going to learn to say today.
Tim: Ah...I see. Well can you come over here for a second?
Debbie: Nope! Not falling for it! Why don't you tell us where this conversation takes place?
Tim: On the phone - 전화에서.
Debbie: The conversation is between...
Tim: Tim and Sujin.
Debbie: Since the conversation is between friends, the speakers will speak using informal Korean.
Tim: 반말 입니다.
Debbie: Let's listen to the conversation.
(전화 통화 중)
(전화 통화 중)
팀: 여보세요...
수진: 팀, 나 수진이야. 좀 괜찮아?
팀: 아니... 온몸이 쑤시네...
수진: 머리는 어때?
수진: 배는 괜찮아? 팔은? 다리는?
팀: 수진, 나 괜찮아... 걱정마!
수진: 알았어. 그럼 푹 쉬어.
팀: 응. 고마워~~
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
팀: 여보세요...
수진: 팀, 나 수진이야. 좀 괜찮아?
팀: 아니... 온몸이 쑤시네...
수진: 머리는 어때?
수진: 배는 괜찮아? 팔은? 다리는?
팀: 수진, 나 괜찮아... 걱정마!
수진: 알았어. 그럼 푹 쉬어.
팀: 응. 고마워~~
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
(전화 통화 중)
Debbie(on the telephone)
팀: 여보세요...
Debbie: Hello...
수진: 팀, 나 수진이야. 좀 괜찮아?
Debbie: Tim, this is Sujin. Are you all right?
팀: 아니... 온몸이 쑤시네...
Debbie: No...My entire body aches...
수진: 머리는 어때?
Debbie: How's your head?
수진: 배는 괜찮아? 팔은? 다리는?
Debbie: Is your stomach okay? How about your arms? How about your legs?
팀: 수진, 나 괜찮아... 걱정마!
Debbie: Sujin, I'm okay...Don't worry!
수진: 알았어. 그럼 푹 쉬어.
Debbie: Okay. Then get a lot of rest.
팀: 응. 고마워~~
Debbie: Okay. Thanks...
Debbie: I feel sorry for Tim...Not you, but Tim from the conversation we just heard. I think he got a cold...
Tim: I think so, too...
Debbie: Tim, when people catch a cold in Korea, what would they normally do?
Tim: Go to the hospital.
Debbie: And...?
Tim: See a doctor and get an examination.
Debbie: And...?
Tim: Well, if you want hear a conversation that takes place at a hospital, please listen to the next lesson - lesson 23.
Debbie: Aw, so that means... Tim is going to the hospital in the next lesson?
Tim: Unfortunately, yes.
Debbie: Poor Tim. (강조) Is Tim all right?
Tim: I think he'll get better after lesson 23. 하하
Debbie: By the way, how do you say, "get a lot of rest" in Korean?
Tim: Ah...you can say, "잘 쉬어".
Debbie: Can you say it again?
Tim: 잘 쉬어. The shortened form is 잘셔.
Debbie: Great! Let's take a look at today's key vocabulary.
Debbie: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Tim: 여보세요 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Hello? (used on the phone)
Tim: 여보세요 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 여보세요 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 좀 [natural native speed]
Debbie: a bit, a little
Tim: 좀 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 좀 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 괜찮아 [natural native speed]
Debbie: It's okay.
Tim: 괜찮아 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 괜찮아 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 온몸 [natural native speed]
Debbie: whole body
Tim: 온몸 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 온몸 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 쑤시다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: to ache, to be sore
Tim: 쑤시다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 쑤시다 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 머리 [natural native speed]
Debbie: head
Tim: 머리 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 머리 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 어때 [natural native speed]
Debbie: how about
Tim: 어때 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 어때 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 배 [natural native speed]
Debbie: stomach, belly
Tim: 배 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 배 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 팔 [natural native speed]
Debbie: arm
Tim: 팔 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 팔 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 다리 [natural native speed]
Debbie: leg
Tim: 다리 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 다리 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 걱정마. [natural native speed]
Debbie: Don't worry.
Tim: 걱정마. [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 걱정마. [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 알았어 [natural native speed]
Debbie: I got it. I understand. (intimate)
Tim: 알았어 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 알았어 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 푹 [natural native speed]
Debbie: deeply, completely, soundly
Tim: 푹 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 푹 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 쉬다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: to take a rest, to take a break
Tim: 쉬다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 쉬다 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 고마워. [natural native speed]
Debbie: Thanks. (intimate)
Tim: 고마워. [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 고마워. [natural native speed]
Debbie: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Debbie: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Tim: 머.리 - 머리.
Debbie: Meaning "head".
Tim: Yes. 머리 literally means "head". But, it can also be used when you have a headache or to say that someone is smart.
Debbie: Hmmm...So Tim, if I want to say, "I have a headache" in Korean...
Tim: That would be, "머.리.가. 아.파 - 머리가 아파" Please repeat after me, "I have a headache" - 머리가 아파.
Debbie: How about... "You are smart"?
Tim: 너.는. 머.리.가. 좋.아 - 너는 머리가 좋아.
Debbie: Tim, 너는 머리가 좋아, "Tim, you are smart" 하하
Tim: Thanks, Debbie. Debbie, 너는 머리가 아파, "Debbie, you have a headache".
Debbie: What?! 하하 I thought you were going to give me a compliment...
Tim: Just joking.
Debbie: The next word is...
Tim: 배 - 배
Debbie: Meaning "belly or stomach". For example...Hmm..in the last lesson, "Three bears", we learned that "Papa bear is fat, fat, fat!"
Tim: 아~~ right. Listeners, do you remember? 아빠곰은 뚱뚱해. 하하
Debbie: How about.. "Tim's belly is fat, fat, fat!"?
Tim: 하하 Good one! nice example! In Absolute Beginner Season 2 Lesson 6, we learned about 'Possessive Nouns', so 'Tim's' becomes 팀의.
Debbie: And today we've just learned about "belly" - 배. so, "Tim's belly" is 팀.의. 배 - 팀의 배.
Tim: And we learned about "fat, fat, fat" - 뚱뚱해. So 'Tim's belly is fat, fat, fat" is...?
Debbie: (노래 흥으로 singing) 팀의 배는 뚱뚱해! 하하
Tim: 하하! I love it!
Debbie: Next we have,
Tim: 팔 - 팔
Debbie: Meaning "arms" and last we have...
Tim: 다.리 - 다리
Debbie: Meaning "legs". How do you say, "arms and legs" in Korean, Tim?
Tim: Listeners, we learned how to say "A and B" in Korean in Lesson 7, remember?
Debbie: I'm sure they do. Listeners, please repeat after Tim. "Arms (강조) and legs".
Tim: 팔 "과" 다리
Debbie: Excellent! Now let's move on the the lesson focus!

Lesson focus

Debbie: The focus of this lesson is how to inquire about someone's physical condition by asking, 괜찮아? "Are you all right?"
Tim: Listeners, please repeat after me. 괜.찮.아? - 괜찮아?
Debbie: 괜찮아 is a very common expression used to ask if someone feels okay or not.
Tim: You can also add 좀, which means "some, a little, a few" before 괜찮아. This makes it sound more natural.
Debbie: For example...?
Tim: 데비, 좀 괜찮아? "Debbie, are you all right?"
Debbie: Tim, that would be my question to you! Remember how I hit you earlier?
Tim: Right! 어디였더라 "Where was it?"
Debbie: 팀, 머리 좀 괜찮아 (intonation UP)? "Tim, is your head all right?"
Tim: 응, 괜찮아 (intonation DOWN). "Yes, I am all right."
Debbie: Did you guys notice our intonation? If it goes up like 괜찮아? (억양을 올리며 tone is up), it means you are asking about someone's physical condition, like 팀 괜찮아?
Tim: If the intonation goes down like 괜찮아 (억양이 떨어지며 tone is down), it means "I feel all right". We should keep practicing.
Debbie: Okay. I'll go first. 팀, 머리 좀 괜찮아? (Intonation UP) "Tim, is your head all right?"
Tim: 응, 괜찮아 (intonation DOWN) "Yes, I am all right."
Debbie: Listeners, please repeat after Tim, "are you all right?"
Tim: 좀 괜찮아? (intonation UP)
Debbie: This time, "I am all right."
Tim: 괜찮아 (intonation DOWN)
Debbie: Great! Tim, I have a question...
Tim: Sure!
Debbie: In Lesson 5, we learned about a similar expression , 어때? "how is / how about?"
Tim: WOW! I am very glad you asked! 짝짝짝! Okay! Let's review and practice together! Do you remember how to say stomach?
Debbie: Of course! (웃으면서 노래를...) 팀의 배는 뚱뚱해~~ "Stomach" is 배.
Tim: 하하 Good~! How about... "How is your stomach?"
Debbie: 배.는. 어.때 - 배는 어때? Am I correct?
Tim: YES! You are correct! Then, how about..."How is your stomach? Are you all right" in Korean is...?
Debbie: Hm... 배는 어때? "How is your stomach?" + "Are you all right?" (천천히 또박또박) 좀. 괜.찮.아? - 좀 괜찮아?
Tim: Excellent, Debbie! 짝짝짝!
Debbie: 하하! Listeners, it's your turn! Please repeat after Tim. "How is your stomach? Are you all right?"
Tim: 배는 어때? 좀 괜찮아?


Debbie: Great! Well, that's all for this lesson. Tim, I am really sorry about smacking your head earlier. 머리는 어때, 좀 괜찮아? "How is your head? Are you all right?"
Tim: 응, 난 괜찮아 "Yes, I am all right!" 여러분, 다음시간에 또 만나요~~


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