
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tim: 안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseyo) KoreanClass101.com 여러분 (yeoreobun). 팀입니다. (Tim imnida.)
Debbie: Debbie here. You're Never Too Old for a Korean Children's Song. Tim, I've heard that today we are going to learn about something very interesting! What are we learning today?
Tim: 하하. Who told you that? Well you heard right! Today we are going to learn about the song Three bears.
Debbie: Wow! It's "Three Bears"! I haven't heard this in awhile, but the first time I did was when I watched the Korean drama, "Full-House"! I think that drama made the song popular with viewers from other countries.
Tim: Me, too!
Debbie: Tim, are you going to sing the song for us?
Tim: Yes! I will do my best!
Debbie: Good! Where does this conversation take place?
Tim: At the Karaoke - 노래방에서
Debbie: The conversation is between...
Tim: Tim and Sujin.
Debbie: Since this conversation is between friends, the speakers will use informal Korean.
Tim: 반말입니다.
Debbie: Let's listen to the conversation.
수진: 팀, 우리 노래방에 가자.
팀: 그래! (노래방에 도착하며) 와~~ 좋은데...
수진: 팀, "곰 세마리"노래 알아?
팀: 응! 왜?
수진: 그 노래 좀 가르쳐 줘~~
팀: 그래, 들어봐!
팀: 곰 세 마리가 한 집에 있어 아빠곰, 엄마곰, 애기곰 아빠곰은 뚱뚱해 엄마곰은 날씬해 애기 곰은 너무 귀여워 히쭉히쭉 잘한다
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
수진: 팀, 우리 노래방에 가자.
팀: 그래! (노래방에 도착하며) 와~~ 좋은데...
수진: 팀, "곰 세마리"노래 알아?
팀: 응! 왜?
수진: 그 노래 좀 가르쳐 줘~~
팀: 그래, 들어봐!
팀: 곰 세 마리가 한 집에 있어 아빠곰, 엄마곰, 애기곰 아빠곰은 뚱뚱해 엄마곰은 날씬해 애기 곰은 너무 귀여워 히쭉히쭉 잘한다
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
수진: 팀, 우리 노래방에 가자.
Debbie: Tim, let's go to the Karaoke.
팀: 그래! (노래방에 도착하며) 와~~ 좋은데...
Debbie: Sure! (entering into the Karaoke) Wow…(it's) cool!
수진: 팀, "곰 세마리"노래 알아?
Debbie: Tim, do you know about the song of "The Three Bears?"
팀: 응! 왜?
Debbie: Yes, why?
수진: 그 노래 좀 가르쳐 줘~~
Debbie: Can you teach me the song?
팀: 그래, 들어봐!
Debbie: Sure, please listen!
팀: 곰 세 마리가 한 집에 있어 아빠곰, 엄마곰, 애기곰 아빠곰은 뚱뚱해 엄마곰은 날씬해 애기 곰은 너무 귀여워 히쭉히쭉 잘한다
Debbie: There are three bears in the house,
Debbie: Tim, do you like singing songs?
Tim: Yes, I do.
Debbie: Hmm...Where do you sing? At home? In the office? ...
Tim: In the office? 하하! They will fire me if I sing a song in the office. 하하...
Korean people, including me, often go to Karaoke with friends and family to have fun singing together!
Debbie: Ah! Karaoke! There are so many, I mean "so many", places to karaoke in Korea. I think Korean people really like singing songs.
Tim: I agree!
Debbie: By the way, Tim?
Tim: 응, 데비? (What, Debbie?)
Debbie: Korean people don't use the word, Karaoke. Instead, they call karaoke...
Tim: 노.래.방 - 노래방.
Debbie: Yes, 노래방. Listeners, 노래방 is "Karaoke" in Korea. Okay, now let's briefly talk about the children song called, "곰 세마리" - "Three Bears"
Tim: Sure! What do you want to know?
Debbie: Who usually sings this song?
Tim: I do!
Debbie: 하하. I know you do...
Tim: Many Korean children sing this song in front of their parents. They learn this song at school.
Debbie: Yes! I also heard that they also learn the English version of "Three Bears" so that they can practice singing while learning English.
Tim: Yes! "Three Bears" 곰 세마리 is (강조) very famous! Everybody knows this song.
Debbie: Tim, do we really learn about this song later on in the lesson focus?
Tim: Yes!
Debbie: Then let's move on to the lesson vocab.
Debbie: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Tim: 곰 [natural native speed]
Debbie: bear
Tim: 곰 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 곰 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 마리 [natural native speed]
Debbie: counting unit for animals
Tim: 마리 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 마리 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 노래 [natural native speed]
Debbie: song
Tim: 노래 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 노래 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 집 [natural native speed]
Debbie: home
Tim: 집 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 집 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 아기 (애기) [natural native speed]
Debbie: baby
Tim: 아기 (애기) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 아기 (애기) [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 뚱뚱한 [natural native speed]
Debbie: fat, plump
Tim: 뚱뚱한 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 뚱뚱한 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 날씬한 [natural native speed]
Debbie: skinny, slender
Tim: 날씬한 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 날씬한 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 잘하다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: to be good at
Tim: 잘하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 잘하다 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 히쭉히쭉 [natural native speed]
Debbie: a grin, a sweet smile
Tim: 히쭉히쭉 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 히쭉히쭉 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 노래방 [natural native speed]
Debbie: karaoke (room)
Tim: 노래방 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 노래방 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Debbie: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Tim: 노.래.방 - 노래방.
Debbie: Meaning "karaoke".
Tim: 노래 means "songs" and...
Debbie: 방 means "rooms"
Tim: So 노래방 means...
Debbie: "Rooms for singing." It's where people can sing a song to musical accompaniment, while reading the lyrics on video monitors.
Tim: That's right! This 노래방 is very popular in Korea, Japan and China.
Debbie: The 노래방 can be found everywhere in Korea. Please repeat after Tim.
Tim: 노래방
Debbie: Next we have...
Tim: 곰.세.마.리 - 곰 세 마리.
Debbie: 곰 means "bears"...
Tim: 세 means "three"...
Debbie: 마리 (ma-ri) is the "counting unit for animals"...
Tim: so 곰 세 마리 (gom se ma-ri) means "three bears". Please repeat after me. 곰 세 마리
Debbie: Great! And now for the last three adjectives...
Tim: 뚱.뚱.해 - 뚱뚱해
Debbie: Means "to be fat". Examples?
Tim: 아빠는 뚱뚱해.
Debbie: "Daddy is fat." Please repeat after Tim.
Tim: 아빠는 뚱뚱해.
Tim: Next is... 날.씬.해 - 날씬해
Debbie: It means "to be skinny". Examples?
Tim: 엄마는 날씬해.
Debbie: "Mommy is skinny". Please repeat after Tim.
Tim: 엄마는 날씬해.
Tim: And the last one... 귀.여.워 - 귀여워
Debbie: Means " to be cute". Examples?
Tim: 아기는 너무 귀여워.
Debbie: "The baby is so cute." Please repeat after Tim.
Tim: 아기는 너무 귀여워.
Debbie: Great! Now it's time for us to learn about the Korean children song, "Three Bears".
Tim: 곰 세 마리!
Debbie: Let's move on to the lesson focus!

Lesson focus

Debbie: The focus of this lesson is to learn the famous Korean children song, "Three bears" - 곰 세 마리.
Tim: Let's listen to the song one more time.
(Playing Korean-version of 'Three Bears' for 30 secs)
Debbie: Okay. From the beginning...Tim?
Tim: 곰 세 마리가 한 집에 있어.
Tim: Let's break it down. 곰 세 마리가...
Debbie: "Three bears"
Tim: 한 집에...
Debbie: "In a house"
Tim: 있어...
Debbie: "There are..."; So (with tone of English version) "There are three bears in a house" is...
Tim: (tone of Korean version) 곰 세 마리가 한 집에 있어. Please repeat after me. 곰 세 마리가 한 집에 있어.
Debbie: And the next lyric is...
Tim: 아빠곰, 엄마곰, 애기곰.
Tim: 아빠곰 is...
Debbie: "Papa bear"
Tim: 엄마곰 is...
Debbie: "Mama bear"
Tim: And 애기곰 is...
Debbie: "Baby bear"So (with English version) "Papa bear, mama bear, baby bear" is...
Tim: (with Korean version) 아빠곰, 엄마곰, 애기곰. Please repeat after me. 아빠곰, 엄마곰, 애기곰.
Debbie: Great! The next lyric is...
Tim: 아빠곰은 뚱뚱해.
Tim: Let's break it down. 아빠곰은...
Debbie: "Papa bear is..."
Tim: 뚱뚱해...
Debbie: "fat, fat, fat..." 하하. So (English version) "Papa bear is fat, fat, fat." is...
Tim: (Korean version) 아빠곰은 뚱뚱해. Please repeat after me, 아빠곰은 뚱뚱해.
Debbie: 하하~~ The next lyric is...
Tim: 엄마곰은 날씬해.
Tim: Let's break it down. 엄마곰은...
Debbie: "Mommy bear is..."
Tim: 날씬해...
Debbie: "skinny". So (English version) "Mommy bear is skinny." is...
Tim: (Korean version) 엄마곰은 날씬해. Please repeat after me. 엄마곰은 날씬해.
Debbie: Great! The next lyric is...
Tim: 애기곰은 너무 귀여워.
Tim: Let's break it down. 애기곰은...
Debbie: "Baby bear is..."
Tim: 너무 귀여워...
Debbie: "So, very cute". So (English version) "Baby bear is so, very cute." is...
Tim: (Korean version) 애기곰은 너무 귀여워. Please repeat after me. 애기곰은 너무 귀여워.
Debbie: And, finally the last lyric is...
Tim: 히쭉히쭉 잘한다.
Tim: Let's break it down. 히죽히죽...
Debbie: "He grins and grins."
Tim: 잘한다.
Debbie: "doing well". therefore, (English version) "He grins and grins. He's doing well." is...
Tim: (Korean version) 히쭉히쭉 잘한다. Please repeat after me. 히쭉히쭉 잘한다.


Debbie: Excellent job! Well, that's all for this lesson, but as always, don't forget to read the lesson notes for a more detailed explanation. Thank you Tim for singing a song for us.
Tim: You're very very welcome! My pleasure! Keep up the great work, guys! See you at next lesson. 다음 수업에서 만나요!


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