
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tim: 안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseyo) KoreanClass101.com 여러분 (yeoreobun). 팀입니다. (Tim imnida.)
Debbie: Debbie here. Where to Find the Best Shopping in Korea.
Tim: Hello, everyone! Welcome back to KoreanClass101.com.
Debbie: With us, you'll learn to speak Korean with fun and effective lessons.
Tim: Debbie, do you have any plans for tomorrow?
Debbie: No... why?
Tim: Hmm... would you like to go somewhere after work?
Debbie: Sure,s ounds good to me.
Tim: Where shall we meet tomorrow?
Debbie: 하하 We'd be meeting here. "At" the office since it's after work!
Tim: You're right...
Debbie: By the way Tim, how do we talk about places where actions take place in Korean? Like... "at" the office, "in" the restaurant, "in" Korea, etc...?
Tim: 짝짝짝! Good question, Debbie! I am glad you asked because that's...
Debbie: ...Today's topic?
Tim: 딩.동.댕! That's right!
Debbie: Listeners, today we are going to learn about the usage of 에서, which means "at, in". Where does this conversation take place?
Tim: On the phone - 전화에서
Debbie: The conversation is between...
Tim: Tim and Sujin.
Debbie: Since the conversation is between friends, the speakers will speak using informal Korean.
Tim: 반말 입니다.
Debbie: Let's listen to the conversation.
(Telephone rings)
(Telephone rings)
수진: 팀, 오늘은 어디에서 만날까?
팀: 오늘은 명동에서 만날까?
수진: 좋아. 명동 어디?
팀: 명동 '밀리오레'에서 만나자.
수진: 쇼핑하려고?
팀: 아니, 거기에서 밥 먹으려고.
수진: 그럼, 거기에서 보자.
팀: 응.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
수진: 팀, 오늘은 어디에서 만날까?
팀: 오늘은 명동에서 만날까?
수진: 좋아. 명동 어디?
팀: 명동 '밀리오레'에서 만나자.
수진: 쇼핑하려고?
팀: 아니, 거기에서 밥 먹으려고.
수진: 그럼, 거기에서 보자.
팀: 응.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
(Telephone rings)
Debbie(The telephone rings)
수진: 팀, 오늘은 어디에서 만날까?
Debbie: Tim, where should we meet today?
팀: 오늘은 명동에서 만날까?
Debbie: Should we meet at Myeongdong today?
수진: 좋아. 명동 어디?
Debbie: Great. Where in Myeongdong?
팀: 명동 '밀리오레'에서 만나자.
Debbie: Let's meet at "Migliore" in Myeongdong.
수진: 쇼핑하려고?
Debbie: Are you going to shop?
팀: 아니, 거기에서 밥 먹으려고.
Debbie: No. I'm going to eat there.
수진: 그럼, 거기에서 보자.
Debbie: Then see you there.
팀: 응.
Debbie: Okay.
Debbie: I really envy Sujin and Tim! They are going to 명동 and 밀리오레!
Tim: (강조) I know! I want to go there, too! They are so lucky!
Debbie: Tim, let's go to 명동 after work tomorrow!
Tim: Yeah. I wish! Let's not talk about 명동 and 밀리오레 anymore...It's making me sad!
Debbie: But Tim! Look at this!
(paper crumpling sound)
Tim: What's that?
Debbie: It's an e-mail from one of our listeners! "I'd really like to learn more about 명동 and 밀리오레 - can you tell us more about them in the podcast?" Tim, see? They want us to talk about 명동 and 밀리오레!
Tim: (놀란목소리로 surprising) What? Now?
Debbie:  Yes, it's for our listeners! You feel happy when you help our listeners right, Tim?
Tim: (힘없는 목소리로) Yes... (얼굴을 손으로 치며 cheering self up) Okay! Let's talk about 명동 and 밀리오레!
Tim: First, let's talk about 명동! What is 명동 famous for, Debbie?
Debbie: 명동 is very famous for shopping. Every year, many visitors from countries such as, Japan, China, Thailand and Vietnam visit Korea simply to shop at 명동. They love shopping at 명동 and personally, I love it too!
Tim: 명동 is located in Seoul. If you have a chance to visit Seoul, my #1 suggestion for you is to go to 명동!
Debbie: Now let's talk about 밀리오레! 밀리오레 (Mig-li-o-re) is one of the most famous shopping malls located in 명동.
This mall has everything...
Tim: I mean *everything*.
Debbie: Yes. At 밀리오레, you can find all kinds of unique clothing at a (강조) "cheap" and (강조) "reasonable" price.
Tim: Yes! I like 밀리오레 the best out of all the shopping malls in 명동. (완전 힘차게 absolutely feeling up) Debbie, let's go to 명동 tomorrow!
Debbie: 하하 Calm down, Tim...Let's talk about it later after taking a look at the key vocabulary first.
Debbie: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Tim: 오늘 [natural native speed]
Debbie: today
Tim: 오늘 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 오늘 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 어디 [natural native speed]
Debbie: where
Tim: 어디 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 어디 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 만나다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: to meet
Tim: 만나다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 만나다 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 좋아 [natural native speed]
Debbie: I like. / It's good.
Tim: 좋아 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 좋아 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 쇼핑하다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: to go shopping
Tim: 쇼핑하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 쇼핑하다 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 아니 [natural native speed]
Debbie: No. (intimate)
Tim: 아니 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 아니 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 거기 [natural native speed]
Debbie: there
Tim: 거기 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 거기 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 밥 [natural native speed]
Debbie: meal, rice
Tim: 밥 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 밥 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 먹다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: to eat
Tim: 먹다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 먹다 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 보다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: to see, to look at, to watch
Tim: 보다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 보다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Debbie: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...?
Tim: 어.디.에.서 - 어디에서?
Debbie: Meaning "where at?"
Tim: 어디 means "where" and...
Debbie: 에서 means "at or in" which marks "the location of a noun". We will learn about (강조) "에서" later in the lesson focus.
Tim: Can you give us example an of 에서?
Debbie: Hmm... how about... "Where should we meet?"
Tim: Good! "we" is 우리.
Debbie: "Where" is 어디 and add "에서" because it includes a meaning of "a location of a noun" and "should we meet?" is 만날까? So "where should we meet?" is...?
Tim: 우리 어디에서 만날까? Please repeat after me. 우리 어디에서 만날까?
Debbie: You don't need to remember the whole sentence.
Tim: All you need to remember is this - 어디에서? is "at where?" or "in where?"
Debbie: Okay! The next word is...?
Tim: 명동 and 밀리오레.
Debbie: 명동 is the largest shopping district located in Seoul. Can you repeat it again?
Tim: 명.동 - 명동. Repeat after me. 명동.
Debbie: And 밀리오레 is one of biggest shopping malls in 명동. Can you repeat it again?
Tim: 밀.리.오.레 - 밀리오레. (depressed) Repeat after me. 밀리오레.
Debbie: Aww, don't feel sad, Tim. And last, we have...
Tim: 쇼핑.
Debbie: As you can guess, this word is from the English word, "shopping". Can you repeat it again?
Tim: 쇼.핑 - 쇼핑. Please repeat after me, 쇼핑.
Debbie: (활기차게 very lively) "Tim, Let's go to 명동 to shop!"
Tim: Really? When? When?
Debbie: 뻥이야! Just kidding! Okay, let's move on to the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Debbie: The focus of today's lesson is the particle (강조) "에서" (e-seo), which indicates a location of a noun.
Tim: The formation is this - Place Noun + 에서, meaning "at a place or in a place". Debbie, can you give us some phrases to make?
Debbie: Hmm... how about "at home?"
Tim: Nice one! "home" is 집 + "at" is 에서...
Debbie: So, "at home" is...?
Tim: 집에서. Please repeat after me. 집에서.
Debbie: Good! How about..."in Korea"?
Tim: "Korea" is 한국 + "at" is 에서...
Debbie: So "in Korea" is...?
Tim: 한국에서. Please repeat after me. 한국에서.
Debbie: Tim, we've just learned about "명동" and "밀리오레" throughout the lesson vocab. Let's use them here.
Debbie: How about "in 명동"?
Tim: "Myeongdong" is 명동 and "in" is 에서...
Debbie: So "in 명동" is...?
Tim: 명동에서. Please repeat after me. 명동에서.
Debbie: This time, "at 밀리오레"?
Tim: "Migliore" is 밀리오레 and "at" is 에서...
Debbie: So "at Migliore" is...?
Tim: 밀리오레에서. Please repeat after me. 밀리오레에서.
Debbie: Great! Now let's make a simple sentence with the listeners. How about..."Where should we meet?"
Tim: "We" is 우리 plus..
Debbie: "Where" is 어디에서 plus..
Tim: "Should meet?" is 만날까?
Debbie: So all together, "Where should we meet?" is...?
Tim: 우리, 어디에서, 만날까? Please repeat after me. 우리 어디에서 만날까?
Debbie: Great! Let's try one more. How about... "Let's meet in 명동"?
Tim: "in 명동" is 명동에서 plus...
Debbie: "Let's meet" is 만나자. So all together "let's meet in 명동?" is...?
Tim: 명동에서, 만나자. Please repeat after me. 명동에서 만나자.
Debbie: Excellent! Don't worry about the verb "to meet" for now.


Debbie: Okay! That's all for this lesson. There's a more detailed explanation in the lesson notes, so be sure to read through them. Thanks for the lesson, Tim! (no answer from Tim) Tim?
Tim: (telephone ringing) 여보세요? "Yes, I would like to buy a ticket from 도쿄 to 서울. 예, "도쿄"에서부터" 서울"까지"요!
Debbie: Tim, where are you going?
Tim: I am going to 명동 tonight! 여러분 그럼 명동"에서" 만나요...


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