
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Keith: Who's Your Korean Friend? Keith here! I'm joined in the studio by who else?
Misun: 안녕하세요. Again, Misun here
Keith: In this lesson, you will learn how to do what.
Misun: Ask “who” 누구.
Keith: This conversation takes place where?
Misun: At a company cafeteria.
Keith: And the conversation is between?
Misun: Two co-workers. One of them is new. 신입사원.
Keith: The speakers are co-workers. Therefore the speakers will be speaking formal Korean Misun: 존댓말이요.
Keith: All right. Well, let’s take a listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

윤아 저 남자 누구예요?
원이 유근이에요. 여자친구 있어요.
윤아 음… 저 남자 누구예요?
원이 영진이에요. 여자친구 있어요.
윤아 저 남자 누구예요?
원이 사장님이에요...
윤아 아... 네.
Misun: [*]
English Host: One more time with the English.
윤아 저 남자 누구예요?
Keith: Who's that man?
원이 유근이에요. 여자친구 있어요.
Keith: Yugeun. He has a girlfriend.
윤아 음… 저 남자 누구예요?
Keith: Who's that man?
원이 영진이에요. 여자친구 있어요.
Keith: Yeongjin. He has a girlfriend.
윤아 저 남자 누구예요?
Keith: Who's that man?
원이 사장님이에요...
Keith: That's the President.
윤아 아... 네.
Keith: Oh...okay.
Misun: It seems like a little office affair.
Keith: Well, a potential office affair, I guess, but we're rated PG, so let's move onto something else.
Misun: Okay. Sure. What about talking about 사징님?
Keith: Okay. Well, that word means the president, or the owner of a company.
Misun: Yes. It's the highest level anyone can be in a company.
Keith: And in this particular conversation, the 사장님 was a male. But Misun, how common is it for women to be 사장님 in Korea?
Misun: Well, I’m not quite sure what percentage of the female 사장님 is existing right now, but biggest corporate company actually runs by a dominant male staff, you know.
Keith: Yeah.
Misun: Obviously, as long as male 사장님, I was told that it’s getting better that the more females 사장님 comes up, but I’m not quite sure.
Keith: Yup.
Misun: I can see around me.
Keith: Well, traditionally, Korean culture is a male-dominated society, but I think recently there’s a lot of changes going on, and you can definitely see women사장님 as well.
Misun: Maybe when they, like, runs a small business, then you can see many.
Keith: Hopefully, we’ll see them at the top of Samsung or something soon.
Keith: Right, right.
Keith: All right. Well, let’s move on to our vocab. The first word we’re going to look at is…
Misun: 저 [natural native speed].
Keith: That (demonstrative modifier for visible nouns).
Misun: 저 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 저 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 남자 [natural native speed].
Keith: Man, male, boy.
Misun: 남자 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 남자 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 이다 [natural native speed].
Keith: To be.
Misun: 이다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 이다 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next…
Misun: 여자친구 [natural native speed].
Keith: Girlfriend.
Misun: 여자친구 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 여자친구 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 사장님 [natural native speed]
Keith: Boss, the head of the company
Misun: 사장님 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 사장님 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 있다 [natural native speed].
Keith: To be, to exist.
Misun: 있다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 있다 [natural native speed].
Keith Let's have a closer look at the some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Misun: The first word we’ll look at is 저.
Keith: That.
Misun: This word is used when you're pointing to someone or something.
Keith: Right. Like in the conversation, they said, "that person."
Misun: 저 사람.
Keith: Or you can also at a book, "that book."
Misun: 저 책.
Keith: And as you may have noticed, you need a noun right after the word 저.
Misun: Yes. You can't use 저 just by itself because it’s adjective. You need a noun right after that.
Keith: Okay, so we have "that" 저. What's the opposite, Misun?
Misun: That would be 이. As in 이 사람.
Keith: This person.
Misun: 이 책.
Keith: This book.
Misun: And we have one more, which is 그.
Keith: That one means 'that' as well, but it only refers to someone or something that can't be seen, that’s out of sight.
Misun: Like, 그 사람.
Keith: Right, that person, but you’re talking about a person that is not inside or in the room. Misun: That’s true. 그 책
Keith: “That book.”Also not in sight.
Misun: Okay, our next word is, 남자.
Keith: Okay. And this word, it refers to men.
Misun: But it can also mean boys, too.
Keith: Right, it refers to males in general.
Misun: 네. The same goes for girls or women, 여자.
Keith: Again, regardless of age, it refers to females.
Misun: Yes. 남자 versus여자. In this conversation, there was 여자친구.
Keith: Girlfriend. And Misun, what's the last part of that word?
Misun: 친구
Keith: Friend. So if we wanted to say a boyfriend?
Misun: 남자친구.
Keith: And it’s so simple!
Misun: 맞아요.

Lesson focus

Misun: The focus of this lesson is the question word 누구
Keith: 누구 (nugu). And this is a question word and it means "who" in English.
Misun: To ask who someone is in Korean, you should use the question word, 누구 (nugu)...
Keith: Right, along with the Korean copula 이다 (ida), which is equivalent to "to be" in English.
Misun: And 이다 (ida) has a number of conjugations.
Keith: Yeah. But for the most part, when you use it with the question word 누구 (nugu)...
Misun: The conjugation becomes 예요 (yeyo).
Keith: Okay. So to ask the question, "Who is he" in Korean, what do we say?
Misun: We say 누구예요? (nuguyeyo?).
Keith: And you could say the same thing for “who is she”, too, right?
Misun: 누구예요?
Keith: And specifically, we don't actually have the subject in there but, you know what, it’s okay!
Misun: That’s right. Yes. In Korean, you don't need a subject 100% of every time.
Keith: Yeah, so you infer from the context. So if you're talking about some guy in the corner....
Misun: “Who is he? What's his job?”
Keith: And then you want to ask "who is he?"
Misun: 누구예요? You don't need "he" in there because everyone knows you're talking about him!
Keith: Exactly. So in Korean, we can just say...
Misun: Again, 누구예요?
Keith: All right. And we have a few examples from the dialogue.
Misun: Yes. They're all pretty much 저 남자 누구예요?
Keith: “Who's that man?” And If we wanted to ask, “who is that woman?”
Misun: We can say 저 여자 누구예요?
Keith: Perfect. Misun, let’s finish off this lesson with a few examples.
Misun: Okay. How about 누구세요?
Keith: Who are you?
Misun: And again, there's no subject.
Keith: Right. It's just "who"
Misun: 누구
Keith: And the verb “to be.”
Misun: 예요.
Keith: Okay, let’s give our listeners one more example.
Misun: 친구 누구예요?
Keith: Who's your friend?
Misun: There, we actually have a subject.
Keith: The word for Friend.
Misun: 네. 친구.


Keith: All right. Well, that just about does it for today. Bye!
Misun: 안녕히 계세요. (Annyeonghi gyeseyo.)


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