
Vocabulary (Review)

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Keith: Where Do You Want to Go in Korea? In this lesson, you will learn about…
Misun: Mountain climbing.
Keith: And this conversation takes place…
Misun: At a tourist center.
Keith: And the conversation is between the traveler and a worker.
Misun: 여행자와 직원.
Keith: Okay. And the speakers are strangers, therefore the speakers will be speaking formal Korean.
Misun: 네, 존댓말 (ne, jondaenmal)
Keith: Let's listen in.

Lesson conversation

여행자 설악산 어디에 있어요?
직원 강원도에 있어요.
여행자 한라산 어디에 있어요?
직원 제주도에 있어요.
여행자 백두산 어디에 있어요?
직원 음... 북한에 있어요.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
여행자 설악산 어디에 있어요?
Keith: Where is Seorak Mountain?
직원 강원도에 있어요.
Keith: It's in Gangwondo.
여행자 한라산 어디에 있어요?
Keith: Where is Halla Mountain?
직원 제주도에 있어요.
Keith: It's in Jejudo.
여행자 백두산 어디에 있어요?
Keith: Where is Baekdu Mountain?
직원 음... 북한에 있어요.
Keith: Umm...it's in North Korea.
Misun: Keith, 등산 좋아하세요?
Keith: Hiking? I love it!
Misun: Yeah, one more time, it's 등/산. 등산.
Keith: Right, Hiking. How about you?
Misun: 어.. 저는 너무 좋아해요.
Keith: Well, Korea is a great place to go if you're a mountain lover.
Misun: That's right. Korea is 80% mountains!
Keith: Yeah. And you know what, that's a lot of mountains. And a lot of hiking.
Misun: 네. The mountains that came out in this conversation are pretty famous.
Keith: Yeah. South Korea's biggest mountain is 한라산.
Misun: And 설악산 is one of South Korea's biggest mountains.
Keith: But of course, the biggest mountain in all of Korea is...
Misun: 백두산.
Keith: And this is in North Korea. Misun, can we go see this mountain?
Misun: I can’t. Well, as many people may know, North Korea is kind of difficult to get into. But 백두산 is in between North Korea and China. So you can see from the Chinese side.
Keith: Right. You can go up 백두산 from the China side.
Misun: 네 맞아요.
Keith: And you what, that's the birthplace of Korean people.
Misun: That's according to legend.
Keith: No, I think it's real.
Misun: Okay. You say it!
Keith: All right. Well, let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Misun: 설악산 [natural native speed]
Keith: Seorak Mountain
Misun: 설악산 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 설악산 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next.
Misun: 어디 [natural native speed]
Keith: Where.
Misun: 어디 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 어디 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 있다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To exist.
Misun: 있다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 있다 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next
Misun: 강원도 [natural native speed].
Keith: Gangwon Province.
Misun: 강원도 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 강원도 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 한라산 [natural native speed]
Keith: Mt. Halla.
Misun: 한라산 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 한라산 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 제주도 [natural native speed].
Keith: Jeju Province or Jeju Island.
Misun: 제주도 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 제주도 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 백두산 [natural native speed]
Keith: Baekdu Mountain
Misun: 백두산 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 백두산[natural native speed].
Keith: And finally…
Misun: 북한 [natural native speed].
Keith: North Korea.
Misun: 북한 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 북한 [natural native speed].
Keith: Alright. Well, let’s take a closer look at some of the words.
Misun: The first word that we’ll look at is 설악산.
Keith: That’s Seorak Mountain.
Misun: 네. We want to look at the last syllable.
Keith: Right. The last syllable means mountain.
Misun: 산.
Keith: So for all of the mountains that came out in the dialog, there's 산 at the end of all of them
Misun: 네. 설악산, 한라산, 그리고 백두산.
Keith: Right, so they all come at the end.
Misun: You can also use 산 just by itself.
Keith: Yup, when you do that, it just means mountain.
Misun: So for example, you can say, 산 올라갔어요.
Keith: “I went up a mountain.” Okay, let’s move onto our next word.
Misun: 강원도.
Keith: And that’s Gangwon province. And again, we're going to take a look at the last syllable
Misun: 도.
Keith: This means province.
Misun: Yes, so for 강원도...
Keith: And that's Gangwon province.
Misun: And there's also 제주도.
Keith: And that’s Jeju Province. And really quickly, just to make out point, what are some other provinces in Korea?
Misun: Sure! In South Korea, there is 경기도, 충청도, 경상도, 전라도.
Keith: Okay. So at the end of all of them, you heard 도.
Misun: 네.
Keith: All right. The last word we're going to take a look at is North Korea. What is that?
Misun: 북한
Keith: But you know what, I always hear my grandmother calling it 이북. Is there a difference between 이북 and 북한?
Misun: No. There is not so much difference between 이북 and 북한 but 이북 or 이남 actually what’s used to be said back in the days like around the World War II, like a Korean war time period. You know, old generation used to say 이북 or 이남 which indicating North Korea and South Korea. Nowadays, not younger people say that way.
Keith: Okay. So for the older generation, what would they call North Korea?
Misun: 이북
Keith: And for our modern generation, what would they call North Korea?
Misun: 북한
Keith: Okay. Well, let’s move on to our focus for this lesson.

Lesson focus

Misun: The focus of this lesson is the verb 있다.
Keith: Okay, the verb 있다 (itda) in this lesson focuses on location.
Misun: 네, 맞아요. Like, "I am here."
Keith: "I am in school."
Misun: Or even, "Where is Mount Halla?"
Keith: Right, just like in our conversation that’s using 있다 for location.
Misun: 네. We use the verb 있다 to express location.
Keith: I think if we take a look at the dialog, we can understand it better.
Misun: Right. The first line is 설악산 어디에 있어요?
Keith: Where is Seorak Mountain?
Misun: There it's asking where the mountain is located.
Keith: Right, so we're using the verb 있다.
Misun: So if our listeners want to ask where something is, they can say, 어디에 있어요?
Keith: Yes. And in front of that you need to say what you're looking for. So for example, let’s say subway station.
Misun: 지하철역
Keith: And then we add the phrase...
Misun: 어디에 있어요?
Keith: “Where is.” So together that’s...
Misun: 지하철역 어디에 있어요?
Keith: Where is the subway station?
Misun: Also in the conversation, there was 강원도에 있어요..
Keith: It's in Gangwondo.
Misun: Again, it's telling the location of something.
Keith: So if we wanted to say that something is located somewhere, you can say the place it's located, then say...
Misun: 있어요.
Keith: So if we say we're at school...
Misun: We say school first, 학교.
Keith: And then we use 있다.
Misun: 에 있어요.
Keith: Okay. So together, that's…
Misun: 학교에 있어요.
Keith: If you noticed, there's something there. There’s 에.
Misun: 네. Yes! That's a location marker.
Keith: Right, it's a particle.
Misun: So when you're saying the location of something, you attach 에 at the end of the location.
Keith: Right. So I think at this point, we could just suggest to our listeners, just say 에 있어요.
Misun: 네.
Keith: Okay, Misun, let’s wrap things up. Can you give us some examples?
Misun: Sure. 저는 뉴욕에 있어요.
Keith: “I am in New York.” Next example?
Misun: 한국에 있어요.
Keith: “I am in Korea.”


Keith:All right. Well, that’s just about does it for today.
Misun: 안녕히 계세요. (Annyeonghi gyeseyo.) 다음에 봐요. (daeume bwayo.)


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