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Lesson Transcript

Keith: What's Yours and What's Mine in Korea? Keith here! I'm joined by who else?
Misun: 안녕하세요, 미선이에요. I’m so amazed it’s already Lesson 20.
Keith: Well, we have a couple more to go, so we’ll be okay.
Misun: Right.
Keith: We have a few more session left of joy and happiness in Korean.
Misun: Right.
Keith: In this lesson, what are we going to learn how to say?
Misun: Say “mine” and “yours”, 내 거 and 니 거.
Keith: Okay. This conversation takes place…
Misun: On the phone.
Keith: The conversation is between…
Misun: Two lovers. Yes!
Keith: Okay. And the speakers are a couple, so they’ll be speaking informal Korean.
Misun: 반말.
Keith: All right. Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

지영 너 내 거야.
지누 아니야. 너 내 거야.
지영 ㅋㅋ… 응. 나 니 거야.
지누 그리고 나 니 거야.
English Host: One more time, with the English.
지영 너 내 거야.
Keith: You're mine.
지누 아니야. 너 내 거야.
Keith: No. You're mine.
지영 ㅋㅋ… 응. 나 니 거야.
Keith: Yeah. I'm yours.
지누 그리고 나 니 거야.
Keith: And I'm yours.
Keith: This couple is too much.
Misun: That’s true. But Keith, they’re in love!
Keith: Yeah.
Misun: They’re flattering each other.
Keith: But you know what, I can't take this kind of stuff, at least, watching it. I can’t see it.
Misun: Okay. But in Korea, this kind of affection is not uncommon.
Keith: That's true. I mean physical affection, such as kissing and hugging is not very common in public.
Misun: But holding hands, and saying "I love you" that's pretty common in Korea.
Keith: Yeah. And well, you know what, Korea is a couple’s paradise.
Misun: 맞아요. In Korea, there's things for couples everywhere, right? It’s unbelievable.
Keith: Everywhere. It’s like people matching outfits. There’s also other things.
Misun: Right. Or a couple seating at cafe's.
Keith: Yeah. Couple sitting at a café, that means like you’re sitting on the same side.
Misun: Right. Right. You know, if you becomes couple, then you definitely have couple rings.
Keith: Yeah, couple rings. Yes. Exactly. And there’s also food made specifically for the couples. Usually a lot of hearts in pink and red.
Misun: Right. And discounts for couple everywhere.
Keith: Yeah. So if you’re a couple in Korea, it’s definitely beneficial.
Misun: I know. I know. I wish I could have more, more boyfriends than what I’ve got before.
Keith: Well, yeah. I mean, if you’re in Korea and you’re not part of a couple, a lot of times, you can feel left out.
Misun: I know. I know.
Keith: They get a lot of special treatment, I think.
Misun: That’s true.
Keith: Well, let's move onto today's vocabulary.
Misun: Sure.
Keith: The first word is:
Misun: 내 거 [natural native speed]
Keith: Mine
Misun 내 거 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 내 거 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 니 거 [natural native speed]
Keith: Yours.
Misun 니 거 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 니 거 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next
Misun: 아니야 [natural native speed]
Keith: No (intimate politeness for 아니다)
Misun: 아니야 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 아니야 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 그리고 [natural native speed]
Keith: And, also.
Misun 그리고 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 그리고 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 나 [natural native speed]
Keith: I (informal/neutral)
Misun: 나 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 나 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 너 [natural native speed]
Keith: You (intimate)
Misun: 너 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 너 [natural native speed].
Keith: Finally…
Misun: 응 [natural native speed]
Keith: Yes.
Misun: 응 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 응 [natural native speed].
Keith: All right. Well, let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases.
Misun: The first word we’ll look at is 아니야.
Keith: No.
Misun: This comes from the verb 아니다.
Keith: Which means “to not be.”
Misun: So when you want to say "no" in response to something you can say, 아니야.
Keith: And this is in the informal form, right?
Misun: 맞아요. The polite version would be 아니에요.
Keith: Exactly. But to be a little more specific, 아니야 or 아니에요 is used when you're saying something is not correct.
Misun: Right. In this dialog the couple said 너 내 거야.
Keith: You're mine.
Misun: And the response was 아니야.
Keith: And that means “no.” But what you're saying there is, "no, that's not right. That’s not correct."
Misun: 맞아요. You're saying that something is incorrect.
Keith: Okay. What’s our next word is?
Misun: Next word is 응
Keith: Which means "yes."
Misun: 네. You can use this when you're confirming or acknowledging something.
Keith: It's the informal way to say “yes.” So how do we say the same politely? Formally?
Misun: You can say 네.
Keith: So if you're answering a yes or no question, you can use 응 or 네.
Misun: 네. But it doesn't just have to be answering questions. You can agree with someone's statement by using 응 or 네.
Keith: Right. So in the conversation, someone said, "you're mine," 너 내거야. It’s a statement.
Misun: That’s true. I can respond, or just agree with you by saying 응.
Keith: Right. So 미선씨, how about we move on to the focus of this lesson?

Lesson focus

Misun: 네! The focus of this lesson is Possessive Nouns.
Keith: Okay. So we're going over the words "mine" and "yours."
Misun: In Korean, when you want to say "mine," "yours," "theirs," and so forth, you combine two words.
Keith: Yes, it's very simple. You just say the word for "my," and "your," and then you say the word for "thing." So first, we should go over the word for “me.”
Misun: The word for “me” is 내.
Keith: Okay. And then, after that we add the word for thing.
Misun: That will be 거.
Keith: Okay. So together?
Misun: 내 거. / 내 거
Keith: And that would mean, "mine.” So literally, it’s “my me” thing. So let’s compare. What’s the word for “my” again?
Misun: 내
Keith: And the word "mine" is?
Misun: 내 거.
Keith: Okay. How about yours? What is that?
Misun: For “your” is 니.
Keith: And then we add the word thing for the word "yours."
Misun: So that would be 니 거?
Keith: And the noun, "yours"
Misun: The object that is owned comes in front of the sentence.
Keith: Yeah. Let’s take a look at some examples from this conversation.
Misun: Ok...First was 너 내 거야.
Keith: "You're mine."
Misun: The response was 아니야. 너 내 거야.
Keith: "No, you're mine."
Misun: After that was ㅋㅋ 응. 나 니 거야.
Keith: "Yeah. I'm yours."
Misun: And finally, 그리고 나 니 거야.
Keith: "And I'm yours."
Misun: And you have to be careful though because this is all informal Korean.
Keith: Exactly. You have to very careful, and you can only use this with people who are close to you.
Misun: Yes. The formal version is different.
Keith: Yeah. So Misun, what's the formal version of the word “mine”, 내 거?
Misun: 제 거.
Keith: Okay. And how about the word “yours,” 니 거?
Misun: Well, it's different usually. You don't say "yours" when you’re speaking politely.
Keith: Yeah. Usually, you just use the person's name, right?
Misun: Right. So instead of saying 니 거 to someone, I would just use their name like this, Keith 씨 거.
Keith: “Keith's” instead of “yours.”
Misun: Right.


Keith: Okay. Well, that just about does it for today. Bye-bye!
Misun: Bye! 안녕히 계세요, 여러분.


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