
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Keith: What's Your Favorite Korean Poison? In this lesson, you will learn how to do what?
Misun: Tell someone what you want.
Keith: Okay. And this conversation takes place…
Misun: At a Korean bar.
Keith: And the conversation is between…
Misun: Two friends, 친구.
Keith: The speakers are friends, so they will be speaking in informal Korean.
Misun: Of course, 반말이에요.
Keith: All right. Well, let’s listen to the conversation

Lesson conversation

민 뭐 마실래?
보람 음… 칵테일 소주 마실래!
민 사과 소주?
보람 아니. 요구르트 소주.
민 난 치즈 소주 마실래.
보람 에크!
English Host: One more time, with the English.
민 뭐 마실래?
Keith: What do you want to drink?
보람 음… 칵테일 소주 마실래!
Keith: Hmm...I want to drink cocktail soju!
민 사과 소주?
Keith: Apple soju?
보람 아니. 요구르트 소주.
Keith: No, yogurt soju.
민 난 치즈 소주 마실래.
Keith: I want to drink cheese soju.
보람 에크!
Keith: Eck!
Keith: Minsun, do you like cocktail soju? 칵테일 소주 좋아하세요?
Misun: Of course, 좋아해요. 아주 많이 좋아해요.
Keith: Well one thing I know about cocktail soju is…it's dangerous!
Misun: That’s true. That's because it just tastes like juice! You don't know that you're drinking a lot, sometimes.
Keith: Yah, it’s alcohol but it taste like juice. It's like, “let’s drink gallons of this delicious juice!!!!”
Misun: Yes. And there's all different kinds of flavors.
Keith: 네. 맞아요.
Misun: Like apple, watermelon, yogurt, strawberry.
Keith: And a ton of other flavors too. But you know what, I don’t think there’s cheese right?
Misun: No, I don't think so. That’s why in the conversation it’s like, “eck!”
Keith: Yeah, it’s kind a gross. And I don't think that flavor would do very well in Korea, by the way.
Misun: Right.
Keith: All. Well, let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Misun: 뭐
Keith: What?
Keith: Next.
Misun: 마시다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To drink.
Misun: 마시다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 마시다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next is…
Misun: Cocktail.
Keith: Cocktail.
Misun: Coctail. Cocktail.
Keith: Next.
Misun: Soju.
Keith: Soju, a Korean liquor.
Misun: Soju. Soju.
Keith: Next is.
Misun: 사과
Keith: Apple.
Misun: 사과 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 사과 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that.
Misun: 요구르트 [natural native speed]
Keith: Yogurt.
Misun: 요구르트 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 요구르트 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun 치즈 [natural native speed]
Keith: Cheese.
Misun: 치즈 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 치즈 [natural native speed].
Keith: All right. Well, let’s have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Misun: The first word we’ll look at is, 소주.
Keith: And this is Korean rice wine. And we just want to explain culturally, what this drink means in Korea.
Misun: 네. This is the alcoholic drink of choice for Korean.
Keith: Right. And soju is very inexpensive.
Misun: 네. And I love soju. It's anywhere from a 1,000 won to 3,000 won, right?
Keith: Right, and that’s extremely cheap, and very abundant.
Misun: 네. And of course it's used often in social situations.
Keith: Yeah. Like in most cultures, alcohol is a social lubricant.
Misun: 네. So, for example, when you go to a new job, often the company goes out for 삼겹살 and 소주.
Keith: Meat and alcohol.
Misun: That’s right. Also, if a couple is getting married, the father-in-law will used to have the son-in-law drink.
Keith: Right. They like to see how they will act when intoxicated.
Misun: That’s true. So culturally, alcohol is used in Korea like in many cultures.
Keith: But since soju is so cheap and abundant, that's most likely the drink of choice.
Misun: Enough about soju. Let's take a look at our focus for this lesson.

Lesson focus

Keith: Well, the focus of this lesson is the construction -ㄹ/을래.
Misun: We use this to show a desired intention for the future.
Keith: Yup. We often translate it as "want to (verb)."
Misun: 네. You can use it with a lot of verbs, but let’s focus on the verb that was used in this lesson, 마실래.
Keith: And that comes from the verb…
Misun: 마시다
Keith: And that means "to drink." So what was it together with the construction?
Misun: 마시 - 을래. So, it becomes 마실래
Keith: Right, which is translated as, "want to drink."
Misun: And if you want to be more polite, you can say 마실래요.
Keith: Exactly. Just add 요 at the end.
Misun: 네. The formation is a bit complicated, so we just want to give this as phrase without going too much into the grammar.
Keith: Yeah, but you can check the Lesson Notes to see how to construct this with verbs other than 마시다, “to drink.”
Misun: Let's go over a list of other useful verbs then.
Keith: Ok, some of our listeners may not be thirsty, but may be hungry.
Misun: I am hungry. In that case, they can say, 먹을래요.
Keith: “I want to eat.”
Misun: If you're sleepy afterwards, you can say 잘래요
Keith: "I want to sleep."
Misun: If you want to go home you can say... 갈래요
Keith: "I want to go." Going back to 마실래요, let’s take a look and see how it came out in the conversation.
Misun: First it came out as 뭐 마실래?
Keith: “What do you want to drink?” And again, this is informal Korean. In more polite words...
Misun: You just add 요 at the end. 뭐 마실래요?
Keith: Then they decided they would drink cocktail soju.
Misun: 음… 칵테일 소주 마실래!
Keith: And finally, the cocktail soju that doesn't exist, cheese soju.
Misun: 난 치즈 소주 마실래.
Keith: Great. Well, let’s wrap things up. We have a few Sample Sentences to wrap it up.
Misun: 한국으로 갈래요.
Keith: "I want to go to Korea."
Misun: 나는 오늘 결혼할래.
Keith: "I want to get married today."


Keith: All right. Well, that just about does it for today.
Misun: Great.
Keith: Alright, bye-bye everyone.
Misun: 안녕히 계세요 여러분. (Annyeonghaseyo yeoreobun).


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