Hello Carpem,
Thanks for sharing your tip. It does sound like an excellent method!❤️
Enjoy your study and feel free to let us know if you have any inquiries!
Kind regards,
Hyeon Yeong Seo
Team KoreanClass101.com
Hello Aleksandra,
I'm glad to hear that!
Enjoy your study and feel free to let us know if you have any inquiries!
Kind regards,
Hyeon Yeong Seo
Team KoreanClass101.com
Hello Sebhina,
Thank you for the positive feedback, it means a lot to us!
Enjoy your study and feel free to let us know if you have any inquiries!
Kind regards,
Hyeon Yeong Seo
Team KoreanClass101.com
Hello Glenn,
Click on the audio icon 3 times and you can listen to the audio 0.5x speed.
Feel free to let us know if you have any inquiries!
Kind regards,
Hyeon Yeong Seo
Team KoreanClass101.com
Thanks for the tips! Maybe I can add one more? 여러분이 공부하고 있는 언어로 일기를 쓰거나 비디오 일기를 녹음하세요. 😎
감사합니다. 매우유용합니다.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍
Koreanclass101 has been a blessing to me. Pronunciation and speaking has been quite difficult for me. Hopefully, implementing these steps will improve my skills.❤️
How do you slow down the audio playback?
안녕하세요 AJ Myers,
You are very welcome. 😇
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We wish you good luck with your language studies.
Kind regards,
레벤테 (Levente)
Team KoreanClass101.com
Thank you for laying out the lessons in a manner that allow me to slow down the playback as many times as I need to repeat until I feel comfortable with the pronouniciations.
Thanks for these wonderful tips.
I have a question that isn't related to this article .how do you say a gastroenterologist in Korean. what are the identifiers we use for medical professions? i know that gynecologist and dentist are 산부인과 의사 and 치과 의사 respectively.
안녕하세요 Anis, Jerrica, and Faith,
Thank you for taking the time to leave us your comments. 😇
If you have any questions, please let us know! 잘 하고 와. Good luck!
레벤테 (Levente)
Team KoreanClass101.com
I get thanks
I like it.its useful
I will work on reading out loud and watching TV shows. However I'm struggle with persistancy. :(