Hello Nicole V,
Happy birthday. = 생일 축하해.
Thanks for posting. Feel free to let us know if you have any inquiries!
Kind regards,
Hyeon Yeong Seo
Team KoreanClass101.com
How do you say Happy Birthday to a friend in Korean? I was hoping I would find it in this vocabulary list..
안녕하세요 robert groulx,
You are very welcome. 😇
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We wish you good luck with your language studies.
Kind regards,
레벤테 (Levente)
Team KoreanClass101.com
thank you for the vocabulary list
my favorite is 파티
Hi Kellyn,
Thanks for the feedback, we will take it into consideration!
Team KoreanClass101.com
Can you guys have an option to say these words slowly so I can remember and know how to pronounce them please, thank you! this was very helpful too!
Hi Richie,
Good point! We'll take this into consideration.
Team KoreanClass101.com
I think the first thing you should teach is how to say "Happy Birthday"
Hi Neika,
Thank you for your kind words! We're glad to hear that you're enjoying our vocabulary lists!👍
In case of any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Team KoreanClass101.com
I love it