Hi sooyaaa__!
Thank you for your comment.
Chicken in Korean is 닭.
Please also check our dictionary page: https://www.koreanclass101.com/learningcenter/reference/dictionary/%EB%8B%AD
Hope this helps you. Have fun studying Korean, thanks!
Team KoreanClass101.com
How we can say chicken in korean ؟
Hi Chen Xi,
Thank you for your comment.
"My favourite animal is dog." in Korean is "제가 제일 좋아하는 동물은 개입니다."
Hope it helps you.
Please let us know if you have any other question. Thanks!
Team KoreanClass101.com
Hi KoreanClass101.com,
How do I say "My favourite animal is dog." in a formal way?
Thank you very much.
안녕하세요 anonymous,
Thank you very much for your cute emoji message, thumbs up, and heart!😇❤️
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We wish you good luck with your language studies.
Kind regards,
레벤테 (Levente)
Team KoreanClass101.com
Hi Anonymous, 애 마,
Thank you for commenting! Please let us know if you have any inquiries!
Team KoreanClass101.com
👍great list - thanks!
안녕하세요 Kris Tene,
You are very welcome. 😇
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We wish you good luck with your language studies.
Kind regards,
레벤테 (Levente)
Team KoreanClass101.com
Thank you for posting .
Hi Black Rose,
Thank you for posting. To answer your question:
Wild pig/boar=멧돼지
Team KoreanClass101.com
Hello KoreanClass101.com,
I want to say thank you for providing this vocabulary lists for readers... I have a question :
1) What is panther in Korean?
2) If wild animal like wild pig, how we going to say it in Korean? will it be different with normally pig we says?
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
안녕하세요 robert groulx,
You are very welcome. 😇
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We wish you good luck with your language studies.
Kind regards,
레벤테 (Levente)
Team KoreanClass101.com
thanks for the list
my favorite animal is 사자
Hi Chan Wen Ping,
Thanks for posting. The Korean word for goat is 염소, and sheep is 양.
If you were asking for something else, please let us know!
Team KoreanClass101.com
What's the difference between goats and sheep?
Hi Teiya,
Thanks for posting. Fox in Korean is 여우.
Team KoreanClass101.com
What’s fox in Korean?
안녕하세요 randa,
You're welcome. 😇 We hope you found it useful!
If you have any questions, please let us know! 잘 하고 와. Good luck!
레벤테 (Levente)
Team KoreanClass101.com
Hi Lizzie,
Thanks for posting. In Korean, there is no separate single word for 'lamb', so they use 'baby sheep', which is why you will see:
어린 양.
Team KoreanClass101.com