Postby Xenatia » August 24th, 2008 12:34 pm
재 한국 이름이 소라예요.
호조 사람이에요.
Hi everyone! (and yes, I threw that Korean in up there because I'm just so excited that I can now write/type it!! ㅋㅋㅋ) I just joined the site recently and I absolutely love it. I've found that it really helps to reinforces what I’ve been learning at school, and it's a nice refreshing approach to learning Korean compared to that boring old textbook method I’m used to. So kudos to!
ANYWAY, I think Skype’s a great idea! Obviously I'm still a beginner so if you can put up with the long pauses as you hear the wheels in my brain turning while try to work out how to say something, my Skype is: xenatia21
I’m on MSN far more though, so feel free to add me on there too and let me know to get onto Skype for a chat. My msn is Xenatia