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미칠거 예요 (미치겠어요?)...

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미칠거 예요 (미치겠어요?)...

Postby GenLiu » July 11th, 2009 6:26 pm

돌이분 안녕하세요

2달만에 한국어 공부 하기 시작했어요, 의문 생기는데
"겠어" 함축하나요?

I read somewhere that's the futur tense, is that true? and if yes, what is the difference between -ㄹ/을 거 예요 and -겠어?

I heard "겠어" sometimes in Korea but without knowing what that mean.

Thx by advance^^

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Postby javiskefka » July 13th, 2009 2:03 am

Hi, Gen Liu :D

I believe the difference is that -겠다 (-겠어) conveys more certainty than -ㄹ 것이다 (-ㄹ 거예요). They both talk about the future or the speaker's guess about about something.

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Postby manyakumi » July 29th, 2009 5:30 am

I guess 겠다 means almost same with "would" in English.

What do others think?

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Postby GenLiu » July 29th, 2009 9:05 am

Actualy I saw that 겠다 means "I guess" "it must be..." but in the examples they never use it in the conjugated form always "집에 가겠다" for example. So I don't know if "겠다" is equivalent to "겠어(요).

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Postby manyakumi » July 30th, 2009 8:27 am

GenLiu wrote:Actualy I saw that 겠다 means "I guess" "it must be..." but in the examples they never use it in the conjugated form always "집에 가겠다" for example. So I don't know if "겠다" is equivalent to "겠어(요).

Okay, I got it now. :D
As you said, 겠다 could mean 'I guess', or 'must be' as well.


> It must be painful.

그렇게 때려서 아프겠어?
> Do you think it would be painful by beating like that?
(It must not be painful by beating like that.)

수업 시작했겠다.
수업 시작했겠어.
> I guess the class already started.

On the other hand, what I meant was...

널 사랑해.
> I love you.
널 사랑하겠어.
> I would love you.
널 사랑할거야.
> I will love you./ I'm gonna love you.

Will you open the door, please?
> 문 좀 열어 주실래요?
Would you open the door, please?
> 문 좀 열어 주시겠어요?

I feel like the nuance will be like this.

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