Hello all \o,
So, I've been looking for some good dictionaries that have example sentences that actually help you infer the meaning of the word and not only add clutter to the dictionary. Naver's and Daum's example senteces don't come even close, even though they're the best I've found so far. I was also thinking about buying either "동아 새국어사전", "미중 엣선스 국어사전" or "YBM 엘리트 국어사전" for Android. Has any of you buy them and know if their example senteces are good?
While I was looking for these dictionaries, I realized that there are some children dictionary that would actually fit my level best, like these ones:
"나의 첫 국어사전" (This one looks awesome, from the few sentences I've read, but I'm not sure if this has an ebook version)
"찡짱 초등 국어사전"
Does anyone know other good kid's korean dictionary like the ones above?
Thx a lot!