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Korean Type/Font on Windows VISTA

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Korean Type/Font on Windows VISTA

Postby simplybamboo » April 15th, 2009 7:16 am

Hi, everyone. I need some help from some of you expert computer geniuses. My problem is that I still don't get Korean font to appear when I type. after I have clicked on Korean and IME, they are added to my "input languages" but it still doesn't work. When I go on korean sites it supports it to view the font but I can't type it. Any ideas? I keep seeing "IME 2002" on the other posts but i don't know if that's for VISTA. Please reply if you have any ideas.


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Postby Chriss » April 15th, 2009 9:16 am

Hm... have you tried restoring the language bar? I've had this problem in school when the language bar was attached to the task bar.

This is how mine looks when restored and all set to type Korean:

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Thanks for the help.

Postby simplybamboo » April 15th, 2009 10:31 pm

Thanks for the reply. I got tired of trying to figure it out last nite that I just turned off my computer and when I rebooted the computer today. I noticed "EN" on the task bar changed to "KO" when I pressed shift+alt. Then next to the globe was "A". I left clicked it and it turned to "가". So now I can use the font...yay! I guess you just have to restart your computer right after you check on the KO keyboard layout and IME. Hope this helps anyone having trouble with their keyboard language layout. Thanks Chriss, the screen shot also helped a lot. So remember all, restart your computer to apply the changes.

OTL ㅠ.ㅠ ...Before...


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Postby Chris1 » April 16th, 2009 12:00 am

As a side note, it's often easier to remove EN completly so you can just use right ALT exclusively to switch between English/Korean since the Korean IME also supports Latin input.

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