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Adjectives and Verbs in the Same Sentence

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Adjectives and Verbs in the Same Sentence

Postby joshuajmattingly1722 » August 7th, 2012 1:50 pm

I known 김치는 맛있어 is "Kimchi is delicious," and 김치를 만드러요 is "I make kimchi."

How would I say "I make delicious kimchi"? Is there a KC101 lesson on this?

Also... did I get the first two translations right? :D

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Postby trutherous » August 7th, 2012 4:36 pm

Hi Joshua,

welcome to KC101


changing the adjective to noun-crowning form:

"something is delicious" 뭐뭐 맛있다 becomes "delicious something" 맛있는 뭐뭐

맛있는 빵 -delicious bread
맛있는 음식 -delicious food

the children are tired -애들은 피곤하다
tired children -피곤한 애들

the man is handsome/stylish -그 남자는 멋있다
handsome/stylish man-멋있는 남자

It's not really proper Korean etiquette to brag about your own kimchi making, but you can certainly compliment someone else's kimchi making skill:

I make delicious kimchi - 나는 맛있는 김치를 만들어요 (담그다 is commonly used to describe "making" kimchi)
나는 맛있는 김치를 담궈요

George -aka-Younghoon -- fellow student
Last edited by trutherous on August 15th, 2012 7:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby joshuajmattingly1722 » August 7th, 2012 4:58 pm

Perfect. Thanks!

And thanks for the heads-up on the etiquette. :)

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Postby team.relationships » August 15th, 2012 4:12 am

Hi joshuajmattingly,

Here's a correction.

김치를 담궈요.
making Kimchi.

Thanks though :wink:


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Postby trutherous » August 15th, 2012 9:26 am

Thanks Anne! :D I have edited my post to show the correction.

Yeah Joshua, sorry for the confusion.

These things are bound to happen. This particular verb 담그다 is one of the exceptions. You will notice it has the "ㅡ" vowel in it, not "ㅜ" vowel, so it seemed to follow that 담그다 :arrow: 담급니다 should be 담그어요, but it is not; since there is no diphthong ㅡ +ㅓ it appears to have been changed to ㅜ+ㅓ (ㅝ) in order to write contracted forms like 담궜다 담궜어 담궈요.

1. soak, immerse, dip, steep
2. make
술을 담그다
make fermented drinks
물에 담그다
soak[dip] sth in water
장을 담그다
make Korean soy sauce
침담그다 (沈―)
cure 《a persimmon》 in salt water, sweeten 《an astringent persimmon》 in salt water

(source: Naver dictionary online)

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Postby kc101com » August 16th, 2012 8:35 am

trutherous wrote:Thanks Anne! :D I have edited my post to show the correction.

Yeah Joshua, sorry for the confusion.

These things are bound to happen. This particular verb 담그다 is one of the exceptions. You will notice it has the "ㅡ" vowel in it, not "ㅜ" vowel, so it seemed to follow that 담그다 :arrow: 담급니다 should be 담그어요, but it is not; since there is no diphthong ㅡ +ㅓ it appears to have been changed to ㅜ+ㅓ (ㅝ) in order to write contracted forms like 담궜다 담궜어 담궈요.

1. soak, immerse, dip, steep
2. make
술을 담그다
make fermented drinks
물에 담그다
soak[dip] sth in water
장을 담그다
make Korean soy sauce
침담그다 (沈―)
cure 《a persimmon》 in salt water, sweeten 《an astringent persimmon》 in salt water

(source: Naver dictionary online)


Yes this is one of the exceptions! Definitely confusing!

Now we all know how to change :)

Please ask ua anytime whenever you have questions!

Thank you for the comment trutherous again :)

Thank you


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