Can someone please help to explain the differences between the following? If possible, please help to explain the nuances... these are the things that non-native speakers do not catch when studying with dictionaries and textbooks
1) 보드랍다 vs 부드럽다
2) 톡톡하다 vs 툭툭하다
3)앙앙 (울다) vs 엉엉 (울다)
4) 털털 (옷의 먼지를 털털 털다) vs 툭툭 (옷의 먼지를 툭툭 털다)
5) 왁자지껄 vs 와글와글 vs 시끌벅적 vs 북적북적
6) 꿀꺽꿀꺽 (꿀꺽꿀꺽 마시다) vs 벌컥벌컥 (벌컥벌컥 마시다)
7) 방글방글 vs 싱글방글 (웃기)
흑흑 vs 훌쩍훌쩍
9) 속닥속닥 vs 소근소근