I came a across some sentences using -는데.
Like on,
or 원데?
I'm not sure @_@
What does it mean??
I came a across some sentences using -는데.
Like on,
"However" is 근데 in Korean.
trutherous wrote:In the case of Aloneistragic's example sentence I see two ways to look at it:
1. As a sentence final ending, that is a complete thought. In that case the ending can be similar to ~는군
A. 나는 그댈 아직도 사랑하는군요 B. 나는 그댈 아직도 사랑하는데요
2. As a dependent clause where the main clause is left to the imagination of the listener: I still love her but.. but what?
A. 나는 그댈 아직도 사랑하는데 아무 소용이 없어요. I still love her but it's no use.
My guess on the example sentence was that it was #1