rooraa wrote:Can you please translate your sentences for me?
My korean is still very iffy
And why did you end with 다 in the first sentence?
Sorry. I didn't translate because my English is still very iffy.
그는 주머니 안에서 뭔가를 계속 만지작 만지작 하고 있다.
He keeps fidgeting something in his pocket.
그렇게 만지작거리면 금방 닳아버릴거야.
It will wear out if you keep fidgeting on like that.
And to end with 다 makes a basic declaration form.
You can use this form when you write or speak to non-specific listeners in a non-polite manner.
rooraa wrote:So...그녀 is not the topic but the subject? 뭐라는 무슨 뜻이예요 and why is it the topic? Do these sentences mean something along the lines of "What does what she say means?"
I'm not sure how is different between a topic and a subject.
We call them as 주어(主語) and my dic says it's "a subject".
But I guess what you mean "a topic" is 주어 and "a subject" is 주체(主體).
그녀가 말하는 것이 무슨 뜻이예요? (Originally)
문장의 주어(主語) : 그녀가 말하는 것 (what she's saying : a Topic)
문장의 주체(主體) : 그녀 (she : a subject of the sentence)
뭐라는 거 = 무엇이라고 하는 것
그녀가 뭐라는 거예요?
What is what she's saying? (Literally)
So it's not a topic but a nominalization form of 뭐라고 하다
rooraa wrote:어머....저 너무 물음을 있어요 --______--
어머... 저 너무 질문이 많아요. or 많죠?
Not at all! No problem.
Feel free to ask whatever or whenever you want to know.
Have a nice day!