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Korean - Japanese similarities (loanwords, hanja, vocab)

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Postby kyuree » May 17th, 2009 2:04 pm

hydrospell wrote:
kyuree wrote:유학생

りゅう-がくせい yuugakusei

りゅうがくせい should be ryuugakusei, but yes, it is pretty close. Some of those words are pretty close in pronunciation to Chinese dialects too! In Mandarin it's "liu xue sheng", but if you were to pronounce it in the Hakka dialect it'd be something like "liu hak seng", which is quite close to Korean's 학생... Crazy stuff. :shock:

oh yes, thanks, I kind of forgot to type the "r" haha
unfortunately having half a set of Korean genes doesn't come w/ a language gene

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Postby hydrospell » May 17th, 2009 2:08 pm

And 친절, しんせつ and "qin qie"! 親切. The danger here is that in Korean and Japanese it means kind, while in Chinese it means a cordial person. I made the wrong assumption without noticing in Japanese class until 5 weeks later... Luckily I never used it much (and the context I used it in made sense in a coincidental way.) 8)

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Postby hydrospell » May 17th, 2009 2:12 pm

ㅋㅋㅋ... 괜찮아요 :D

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Postby kimchiandsoju » May 27th, 2009 10:30 pm

I just got back from Taiwan, and now I kinda want to learn Mandarin.

It always interesting to hear a word in Mandarin that sounds similar to its korean equivilent.

The tones and pronunciation seem a little bit difficult, but the grammar seems sooooooo much easier than Korean.

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Awesome book to study korean through japanese with hanja

Postby Exrulez » October 22nd, 2009 11:04 pm

Hey there guys!

Okay, when i was in japan and began learning korean
I bought this book that i think you guys might find very useful if you can get your hands on it

It has over 6000 words that are derived from Hanja/Kanji

Kanji de Oboeru Kankokugo Tango ... 249&sr=8-4


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Postby Dragon_Slave » December 14th, 2009 7:18 am

In this forum, I found this posted by someone....

刑法(criminal law), 立憲政治(Constitutional Government), 自動車(Automobile), 資本(Capital(economy term)), 株式会社(joint-stock corporation ), 防空(Anti-Air), 国民(People in the Nation), 積分(Integral(Math)), 関税(Tariff), 駆逐艦(Naval Destroyer)....etc


Source: 日本機械学会(Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers) Homepage

Let's see...

機械(Machine)、流体力学(Hydrodynamics)、製品(product)、技術者(technician)、資格(qualification)、認証(certification)、産業(industry)、工業(exploit)、効率(efficiency)、性能(efficiency, performance)、安全性(safety)、社団法人(corporation),

I think what he/she said is right...
Currently, many (modern) Sino-Korean words are borrowed from Modern Sino-Japanese words (Actually traslated western terms.....) like those, while many words from Ancient Chinese also exist..

Let's see those words once again...
(kanji)(Japanese, Korean)

刑法(Kei-hou, Hyeong-boeb)
立憲政治(rikken-sei-ji, ib-heon-jeong-chi)
自動車(ji-dou-sha, ja-dong-cha)
資本(si-hon, ja-bon)
株式会社(kabu-shiki-kai-sha, ju-shik-kai-sha)
防空(bou-kuu, bang-gong)
国民(koku-min, guk-min)
積分(seki-bun, jeok-bun)
関税(kan-zei, gwan-se)
駆逐艦(ku-chiku-kan, gu-chuk-ham)
機械(ki-kai, gi-gye)
流体力学(ryuu-tai-riki-gaku, yu-che-yeok-hak)
製品(sei-hin, je-pum)
技術者(gi-juttsu-sha, gi-sul-ja)
資格(si-kaku, ja-gyeok)
認証(nin-shou, in-jeung)
産業(san-gyou, san-up)
工業(kou-gyou, gong-up)
効率(kou-ritsu, hyo-yul)
性能(sei-nou, seong-neung)
安全性(an-zen-sei, an-jeon-seong)
社団法人(sha-dan-hou-jin, sa-dan-beop-in)

Let's see some more modern Sino-words shared between Japanese and Korean
(Kanji)(Mean, Japanese, Korean)
国会(congress, Kokkai, guk-hue)
大統領(national president, dai-tou-ryou, dae-tong-ryeong)
電算機(computer, den-san-ki, jeon-san-gi)
(note: 電算機 is rarely used in common life. This term may be used in legal term. In Japanese and Korean, computer is just 'kon-pyu-ta-', and 'keom-pyu-teo')
指数(index(in math), si-suu, ji-su)
対数(logarthim, tai-suu, dae-su)
導関数(derivative, dou-kan-suu, do-ham-su)
航空母艦(aircraft carrier, kuu-kou-bo-kan, hang-gong-mo-ham)
飛行機(airplane, hi-kou-ki, bi-hang-gi)
爆撃機(bomber plane, baku-geki-ki, pok-gyeok-gi)
核融合(nuclear fussion, kaku-yuu-gou, haek-yung-hab)
憲法(constitution, ken-pou, heon-beob)
建設(construction, ken-setsu, geon-seol)
独逸(Germany, doitsu, dok-il)
寄宿舎(dormitory, ki-shuku-sha, gi-suk-sa)
巡洋艦(cruiser(navy), jun-you-kan, sun-yang-ham)
微視経済(microscopic economy, bi-shi-kei-zai, mi-si-gyeong-je)
曜日(the day of week, you-bi, yo-il)
日曜日(Sunday, nichi-you-bu, il-yo-il)
権利((legal)right, ken-ri, gweon-ri )
人工衛星(artificial satellite, jin-kou-ei-sei, in-gong-wi-seong)
And there are much more Sino-words shared between Japanese and Korean.
(Especially 95%(?) of current Korean scientific ((mechanic) engineering) terms, legal terms are from Japanese.)

Of course, almost all of those terms couldn't exist 300 years ago, as those things are from Western sphere in modernization age.
Last edited by Dragon_Slave on December 14th, 2009 12:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Dragon_Slave » December 14th, 2009 8:10 am

luckynomad wrote:you should buy a Korean-Japanese vocab book or dictionary if you want to see cognates.

Right. To read Japanese-Korean Vocabulary book can be one of quickest way to learn the similarity between Japanese and Korean words.

luckynomad wrote:When reading Japanese words that have two Kanji together they take the chinese style pronunciation.

Usually it does.

But sometimes, it doesn't

First, there are kanji that's read into 'native Japanese' (or kun-yomi).

for example, 建物、手続、見積、初恋、立場...
If those are read into on-yomi (the way to read borrwed from Chinese style reading)
It reads ken-butsu, shu-zoku(or zu-zoku), ken-seki, sho-ren, ritsu-jou
But actually it doesn't. Those words actually read tate-mono, te-tsuduki, mi-tsumori, hatsu-koi, and tachi-ba.
Many Japanese cities names also read intu kun-yomi
for example, 大阪(Osaka)、長崎(Nagasaki)、松本(Matsumoto)、札幌(Sapporo)

Next, the mixture of on-yomi, and kun-yomi
Let's see 場所、株式、仮名
In 場所, 場 reads 'ba' in kun-yomi, and 所 reads 'sho' in on-yomi
And 株 reads 'kabu' in kun-yomi, 式 reads 'shiki' in on-yomi
仮名 can be also read 'ka-mei', bu in this case, it means 'fake name'
When it means 'kana' Japanese syllabic character(ひらがな、カタカナ), 名 reads 'na' in kun-yomi

And Next, this can be most confusing, but most interesting way to read kanji.
For example, 今朝、田舎、時雨、明日
Those words read 'kesa, inaka, shigure, ashita'
Those ways to read don't correspond any kun-yomi and on-yomi of each characters.
Maybe... it can be explained... that, instead of reading each kanji character itself, read the synonym or quasi-synonym of the word.

Sometimes, 自動車(ji-dou-sha) is just read 'kuruma'(which is actually the kunyomi of '車')

And in some Japanese song lyrics...

宇宙(space)、現実(reality)、未来(future)、女神(godness) were read 'sora(空、emptiness)', 'shinkirou(蜃気楼、mirage)', 'ashita(明日、tomorrow)', 'ten-shi(天使、angel)'
Maybe this way to read can be also gi-kun(義訓)

宇宙(space) - 空(emptiness)
未来(future) - 明日(tomorrow)
女神(godness) - 天使(angel)
Maybe those can be quasi-synonym each other..
(In the case of 現実-蜃気楼, 瞳に写る'現実'(The 'reality' reflected in the eye) seems like 'shinkirou'(mirage), maybe it includes such that mean(?))

As you see, there are various way to read kanji in Japanese.
Exactly, it can be so confusing, but also it can be also interesing.

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Postby Dragon_Slave » December 14th, 2009 12:34 pm

Dragon_Slave wrote:Let's see those words once again...
(kanji)(Japanese, Korean)

刑法(Kei-hou, Hyeong-boeb)
立憲政治(rikken-sei-ji, ib-heon-jeong-chi)
自動車(ji-dou-sha, ja-dong-cha)
資本(si-hon, ja-bon)


巡洋艦(cruiser(navy), jun-you-kan, sun-yang-ham)
微視経済(microscopic economy, bi-shi-kei-zai, mi-si-gyeong-je)
曜日(the day of week, you-bi, yo-il)
日曜日(Sunday, nichi-you-bu, il-yo-il)
権利((legal)right, ken-ri, gweon-ri )
人工衛星(artificial satellite, jin-kou-ei-sei, in-gong-wi-seong)

And a few more things.
These words are also both included into Sino-Japanese and Sino-Korean vocabulary.
These words may not be related to modernization (exactly Westernization(西欧化)), so that we can't say these words are made in Japan.
Maybe, these words are from Ancient Chinese (especially, it's impossible that Buddhism term are originally created in Japan)...

(Kanji)(Mean, Japanese, Korean)
場所(place, ba-sho, Jang-so)
未来(future, mi-rai, mi-rae)
宇宙(space, u-chuu, u-ju)
奈落(hell, na-raku, na-rak)
神話(mythology, shin-wa, shin-hwa)
世界(world, se-kai, se-gye)
南無阿弥陀仏("I sincerely believe in Amitabha", na-mu-a-mi-da-butsu, na-mu-a-mi-ta-bul)
如来(perfected one(in Buddhism), nyo-rai, yeo-rae)
釈迦(Siddhartha(the Originator of Buddhism), sha-ka, seok-ga)
忠誠(loyalty, chuu-sei, chung-seong)
衆生(the people, ju-shou, jung-saeng)

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