These sentences came up in the reader I'm using:
"대신 나는 한 달에 두 번씩 짐승을 잡아 집에다 가져다 주겠다."
"그 뒤 호랑이는 한 달에 두 번씩 짐승들을 잡아다 주었습니다."
I understand them as:
"Instead, I will catch an animal and bring it home twice a month."
"After that, the tiger caught animals for her [his supposed human mother] twice a month."
But I don't understand why the "다" is there in "집에다 가져다" and "잡아다"; I would think it should just be "집에 가져 주겠다" and "잡아 주었습니다". I'm assuming it's there for some kind of emphasis or subtle change in nuance, but I don't remember having ever learned of a "다" suffix like that, nor can I find mention of one in any of my textbooks. Is there something I'm overlooking here?