woah bleulavande I might just join that one - that sounds awesome!
I can speak for
www.hanlingo.com it is primarily aimed at joining english - korean speakers for social networking and/or language exchange. some people use it for the forums by posting intercultural points of interest, others join so as to join the video webcam chatroom, while others (like myself) have regular email correspondence. In my case, most of my friends on hanlingo are from Korea but I have met a few who are foreigners who are also learning Korean.
It's also interesting to point out that I have four different ways that I communicate with people on Hanlingo. They are:
1) I write in English - they respond in English
2) I write in Korean - they respond in English
3) I write in Korean - they respond in Korean
4) I write in English - they respond in Korean
then of course there's a few who we email back in forth in both languages.
It's a mixed bag but overall, it's netted me some very nice real-life friends. I actually get pretty busy emailing back everyone. As of now, I have about 15 people who I exchange emails on a regular basis (1-3 times a week). Also, I like it because I get a lot of practice typing in Korean. Plus, I get to ask a lot of questions that get answered by real people who speak real Korean. I've found that the vast majority of the content I learn from KC101 is right on target with natural, everyday Korean (as opposed to some of my textbooks). High five Keith!
Anyways, hanlingo just recently had a real-life meetup in Seoul which 현우 can talk more about