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Daily Dose App

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Daily Dose App

Postby Sculptor » January 23rd, 2016 7:19 am

I downloaded the daily dose app from the apple store and selected beginner as my level. The videos are way over my head. How do I switch to absolute beginner? There is no option in the settings. Do I have to delete the app and download again? If so, how do I delete it?

jaehwi Team Member
Posts: 159
Joined: June 17th, 2011 7:36 am

Re: Daily Dose App

Postby jaehwi » February 9th, 2016 2:03 am

Hi ,

Thank you for your question. For now, we give the same audio/video lessons across all levels. We're planning to give different sets of lessons by user's level in the near future.

Thank you again for your understanding,
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