To whom it cornern,
Good morning.
I'm writing this because I'm experimenting a BIG problem with the offer I had received in my mail. About the "Ultimate getting started Korean". (the "only-one" offer that you sent to me). I was really expecting something big to come, but whenever I was in the checkout page -> this one: and after I put every single information that is required in the checkout, it automatically returns to the checkout page, empty, like I wouldn't pay anything or do any payment at all. And I check my member status, and it doesn't chane: I don't receive any "1 month FREE Premium Membership", neither the "bonus lesons", in other words, nothing. I tried in many other browser (IE, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Saffari) and in any one of them the link seems to work
I am concerned that Innovative Languages is, indeed a serious company and will offer things that would be avabale and that are based on TRUTH, don't you? Because this doesn't seeem serious, it's a dollar I want to invest, but I don't seem to get anything at all.
I need an answer as soon as possible. What has happenned with my 1 dollar? I'm not a rich student, please!.