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Additional test questions for lessons with few vocab words.

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Joined: September 10th, 2009 10:32 am

Additional test questions for lessons with few vocab words.

Postby cateszd » September 24th, 2009 6:57 pm

I've noticed that many lessons sometimes have very few questions to answer in the test section. AT least for Beginners, Season 1. Maybe when there are just a few questions for a particular lesson, the site can automatically add a few questions from previous lessons as review? Labeled by the lesson they come from, so we don't get confused. It never hurts to quickly go over already learned material.

I also saw a suggestion for entire season Master pdf files. That would be great. Could there also be a master season test section? Maybe we could choose a range of lessons and the site could randomly pick questions from any lessons in that range for us to answer. Anything that would make reviewing already completed material along with new material would be good.

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