Thanks for your comment bfanny and Gudrun.
I do believe this, "someone would suggest and complain about something because he/she does care for the something!"
I do feel and think you guys do care for
For that, I do feel shame on myself.
I'd like to teach you more Korean and I'd like to be your Korean friend but,
in reality it's not easy.
I have been making Absolute Beginner Season 2 Lessons and New Audio Blog Season 5.
As you just mentioned - "I feel like KC101 has pretty much abandoned this effort in favor of audio blogs and newbie content." - I do feel and see your point.
If I have two bodies - two brains, 4 eyes, 4 ears, 4 eyes, 20 fingers... - I will definitely take care of the intermediate lessons. BUT, I have only one body.
Previous team made a number of Beginners and Intermediate lessons (at least, there are 3, 4 seasons for each level). There was only 1 Absolute Beginner Season when I entered this company. SO it's clear for me which lessons I should create myself - Absolute Beginner.
Audio Blog is a bit deifferent since it is 100% Korean.
I understand your point of view and the reason you brouhgt your suggestion.
I do really feel sorry. If I get used to make lessons so all the process becomes faster, I will really consider your point of view and deeply take care of it.
Both of you deeply worry about our site.
Both of you deeply want to learn Korean more.
Both of you are Korean lovers.
I do know and I do feel your pain.
Give me and give our team more time.
We will take care of Intermediate levels as soon as possible.