I am in Arizona (USA), but I lived in France for a long time, so I speak French fluently. I came to know and love Korean culture through - what else? - watching K-dramas on cable TV. I love the historical ones the most, like Dae Jang Geum, but I also enjoyed My Lovely Samsoon and Rooftop Room Cat. Even when I was in France, I was watching Korean TV by satellite. But since there were no subtitles, I didn't pick up as much as when I watch K-dramas here in the States on the AZN channel.
I only know one Korean person locally - she works in a shop that sells health drinks. I am sort of shy to talk to her, but I think I should try to practice my Korean next time I go there. Please help me not to be shy!
I am the mom of an 8-year-old daughter who sometimes pays attention to these lessons too. She sounds very cute when she speaks Korean.

Cheom boeupgesseumnida!
Bouks (aka Julia)