Name: Sarah
Age: 19 turning 20 (Born in 1989, I don't know my age in Korean terms. T.T)
Place of birth: Singapore
Furthest location travelled: Australia
Places you want to go: Korea & Japan.
Spoken languages: (In order of fluency) English, Mandarin, Korean
Written Languages: Same as my spoken ones.
Languages in the process of learning: Korean & Japanese. (I took Japanese for a semester, need to get back to studying it again soon, else I'm gonna forget.)
Hobbies: Swimming, squash, experimenting recipes in the kitchen, being online doing random stuff.
Occupation: Student
Education: Communications Year 1 Undergraduate
Favorite Movies: Tons.
Favorite Bands: Even more of them. Kpop ones. I mostly listen to Big Bang, SHINee and Wondergirls nowadays.
Favorite Video Games: None.
Ultimate Goal: Travel around the world / Master Korean, Japanese fluently