Hello everyone! My name is Cody and I'm 19 years old. 3rd year college student and my major is education. I plan on being a Korean teacher.
I'll just let you watch my intro video on youtube ^^
Other than korean, I like music a lot. I play piano and clarinet. I like art..a little. Anime and Manga are cool to an extent and I play a lot of video games (wanna play? ^^ I got a 360) I enjoy hanging out with friends too.
As far as music goes, my library mainly consists of korean stuff but I do have a little american and japanese stuff.
But yeah, anyway. Just looking for some friends to study Korean with. Hope I can make a few here. If you want to add me on MSN or AIM, just send a message my way asking for my address.
Thanks for reading! Hope to meet some cool people here!