okay guys - everyone here knows already that I'm a Super Junior fan so it should come as to no surprise that one of their subgroups has a new song that I like. But for a different reason.
I urge anyone wanting to try out their Korean comprehension to recreate the same process I did for the lyrics of this song. I picked "요리왕" because it's fun and (more importantly) a really simple song that isn't all that fast. I actually had more trouble translating for comprehension a children's song like "내 동생" over this song. lol
So, here's the process (oh come on - it'll take less than 15 minutes)
1) Open the lyrics in one tab ( http://hyemin.net/481 )
2) hold "ctrl" and mouse scroll up to enlarge the text to a comfortable level
3) Open the video in a separate tab ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl6rgrdiG78 )
4) have the audio running and click back to the lyrics page and follow along with the Korean text (not with the video yet)
5) repeat if so desired (i did it two times total)
6) once you think you have an idea of the song's meaning, click back to the video tab and watch the video (available in HQ) with the English subtitles
7) laugh and enjoy this goofy video!
I correctly "translated" about 40% of the song after two listens and reading along with the Korean lyrics. Nothing to brag about but for a song about cooking (that's all I knew from the title) I'm pretty proud of that. It can only get better, right?
How did you all do?