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This is a Pretty Big Deal. Why? New Free Korean Lessons, 31% OFF and more!

Hello Listener, How do people get better at Korean? Brainpower? Sure, that helps. But, there’s nothing stronger than pure consistency of time and effort. Sticking with Korean and doing new lessons – so, with time and effort alone – you’ll massively improve your Korean. That’s why we’re talking about 2 features that track time and effort and give you new lessons all the time. Oh, and there’s a Pretty Big 31% OFF discount that expires soon! In this month’s newsletter: Discount Ends Friday! Click here to learn Korean for just $6.90/month! New Update! Get All of the Newest Lessons for Free on the App! Feature Reminder: Track Your Study Time & Effort with My Report 1. Ends Friday! Learn Korean with a Pretty Big Deal – Get 31%... Show more

Learning Korean Is No Big Deal with this Pretty Big Deal. Get 31% OFF!

Hello Listener, Enjoying the free KoreanClass101 lessons? Well, you won’t believe what just started – the annual Pretty Big Deal 31% OFF special! And your timing could NOT be better. This our way of saying, “YES! Speaking Korean is a Pretty Big Deal!” And learning Korean? It’s No Big Deal with KoreanClass101. Get a Pretty Big 31% OFF any Premium plan ‘til May 29th, 2015. Yes, that’s a huge deal because you gain access to over 220 hours of Korean audio and video lessons, lesson notes, exclusive apps, study tools and more for as low as $0.23/day or $6.90/month! Pretty Big Deal: Click Here To Get 31% OFF! Very few people can actually learn Korean by themselves. But with KoreanClass101, you’re not alone. We teach you to... Show more

5 Benefits of Learning a New Language

“To have another language is to possess a second soul.” - Charlemagne Learning a new language is an achievement anyone can be proud of and it's exciting and beneficial at all ages. It offers many practical, intellectual and aspirational benefits. A wave of new research shows the incredible psychological benefits of learning a second language. These benefits extend far beyond being able to order a cup of coffee abroad or ask directions to your hotel. 1. Learning a Foreign Language Boosts Brain Power Medical studies have shown the positive effect learning a second language has on the brain. A foreign language is a whole new system with distinct rules, etymology, and meaning, which are just a few of the complexities of a language.... Show more

New Feature! Stay Motivated With Personal Study Stats from My Report

Hello Listeners, There’s a brand new feature out! But first, here’s a question... How long have you been actively studying Korean? Why do we ask? Well, Einstein once said... "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.” While most people quit, the smarter ones (or the stubborn ones) stick with Korean long enough to break through and see progress. And if you think about it, time and effort are the two things that’ll ultimately dictate how far your Korean will go. Look at it like this... Anyone with bigger muscles – they’ve spent more time at the gym than most. Anyone that’s a great artist – they’ve spent more time on their craft. Anyone that knows a ton of Korean words – they’ve spent more... Show more

Ready for New KoreanClass101 Features, Free Vocab Lists & a Big 28% Discount?

Hello Listener, First of all, thank you for listening to KoreanClass101 lessons and learning with the Free Korean Vocab Lists! We’ve read the replies and are glad to hear you're improving. Now, are you ready for more? Then get set! There’s a new KoreanClass101 feature called My Report. There’s the Ready, Set, Speak Korean 28% discount on our entire learning system. And a free feature that just keeps on boosting your Korean vocab! In this month’s newsletter: Ends Friday! Learn Korean at 28% OFF Any Basic or Premium Plan!New Feature! Track Your Korean Study Time & Effort with My ReportFree Feature Alert: Learn More Korean With Bonus Word List Emails 1. Ends Friday! Ready to Speak Korean? Get 28% OFF Basic & Premium! Ready to... Show more