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10 Places to Visit in Seoul

Visiting Seoul can be an enchanting experience, but we all know how stressful planning a trip can be! If you have your heart set on exploring this unique South Korean city, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the best places to visit in Seoul, provide some practical information about the country, and cover a handful of useful phrases you can use to converse with locals. Table of Contents Before You Go… Must-See Places for a 1-3 Day Trip Highly Recommended Places for a 4-7 Day Trip (or Longer) Korean Survival Phrases for Travelers Want to Learn More Survival Phrases? No Problem! Before You Go… Here’s some basic information about South Korea you should know before you... Show more

Everything You Should Know About Konglish & Korean Loanwords

There are three main word classes in the Korean language: pure Korean words, Sino-Korean words, and foreign words. The foreign words can be broken down further into loanwords and Konglish.  Konglish refers to words taken directly from the English language and used in Korean. These words are often used with a different meaning than that of the original word, or have a Koreanized pronunciation. Examples include:  바나나 (banana) - "banana"뉴욕 (nyeuyok) - "New York"  In this article, you’ll learn more about Konglish along with other commonly used English words in the Korean language. Let’s get started!  Table of Contents Introduction to Konglish A Brief List of Konglish Words List of Loanwords English Words Derived from... Show more

A Brief Overview of Korean Culture

Every country has its own unique culture and South Korea is no exception. Understanding Korean culture and traditions is important if you’re planning to travel, study, or work in South Korea. This knowledge will also help you acquire the more advanced levels of the Korean language, since many idioms and old sayings are based on Korean culture. Finally, learning about South Korean culture will help you better understand the beliefs and customs of South Koreans, broaden your worldview, and make it possible to build closer relationships during your stay.  Before we dive in, here are four interesting Korean culture facts: 1. You must take off your shoes when you enter someone’s house. 2. Korean women have little problem showing off... Show more

17 Authentic Korean Foods You Must Try

Many foreigners think that all Korean foods are spicy and hot, but this is not true. There are plenty of non-spicy dishes you can enjoy!  In this article, we’ll introduce you to the top seventeen famous Korean dishes and give you a glimpse of the typical Korean restaurant atmosphere. Restaurants are one of the most fun places to practice your Korean skills. The waiters and waitresses are friendly to travelers and will be willing to help you choose dishes that aren’t too spicy for you.  Before we continue, we’d like to give a friendly warning: You’ll be hungry for Korean food by the time you finish reading! Table of Contents Must-Try Dishes in Korean Restaurants Authentic Korean Food vs. Overseas Food Unique Korean... Show more

Korean Grammar Rules: Everything You Need to Know

Learning a new language has many benefits, such as boosting your brain power and improving your understanding of the world. To master any language, you must have a good foundation of basic grammar knowledge.  Once you master the basic Korean grammar rules, communication and many other aspects of the language will become a lot easier for you. Grammar is the foundation of effective communication, so let’s make sure that you gain a good understanding of the basic Korean grammar rules today! As you continue in your language studies, feel free to refer back to this Korean grammar overview to keep your skills sharp. Table of Contents Before We Start: General Korean Grammar Rules Special Grammar Point 1: Word Order and Sentence... Show more