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10 Reasons to visit South Korea

Click here to discover 30 travel phrases you should know! For many Korean learners, traveling to South Korea is the main source of motivation. So, why not give you some other motivations for going to this country? Here our 10 reasons why you should visit South Korea! 1. Eat authentic Korean Barbecue 2. The cafe culture Cafes and little bakeries are everywhere in South Korea. They are meeting spots and people will stay there over coffee for hours before going elsewhere. The themed cafes are not to be missed as well! 3. Cherry Blossoms Just like its neighboring country Japan, Korea is also a country with natural beauty during the spring. There are many cherry festivals where you can enjoy strolling around and... Show more

The Top 10 Korean Words & Phrases For Going On A Date

Hey Listeners! Summer is here and love is in the air! But are you going to be able to go on that date with that special someone... who only speaks Korean?! Step up your game with our Top 10 Korean words and phrases for going on a date! And don't forget to sign up for a FREE (Yes, it's a FREE account) lifetime account at KoreanClass101.com to further your skills even more! 1. I love you. 사랑해요. (Saranghaeyo.) 2. You're so beautiful. 정말 아름다우세요. (Jeongmal areumdauseyo.) 3. Rose 장미 (jangmi) Click Here To Sign Up For A FREE Lifetime Account & Start Learning Korean In Minutes! 4. Kiss 키스 (kiseu) 5. I think of you as more than a friend. 나는 너를 친구 이상으로 생각해. (Naneun neoreul chingu isangeuro saenggakae.) ... Show more

Top 10 phrases you never want to hear in Korean

Click here to listen to the audio pronunciation! 1. 나 오늘 너 줄 돈 없는데。- I don’t have your money today. 2. 너 때문이 아니야, 내 탓이야 - It’s not you, it’s me. 3. 너 요새 살쪘어?。- Have you gained weight recently? 4. 너 흰머리 있어. 너。- You have a grey hair. 5. 당신 해고야。- You are fired. 6. 말했잖아。- I told you. 7. 보내주신 이력서는 잘 받았습니다. 하지만 지원하신 자리는 이미 충원되었습니다。 - Thank you for your resume. However, the position has been filled. 8. 우리 이제 각자 다른 사람을 찾아보는 게 어떨까。- We should see other people. 9. 우리 얘기 좀 하자. - We need to talk. 10. 나이 들어 보여。- You look older than your actual age. Click here to access this lesson for FREE! Here are some handy ways you can master the quotes with this lesson: Press the... Show more

Top 10 Foods That Will Kill You Faster in Korean

Click here to listen to the audio pronunciation! 1. 가공육。 - Processed meat. 2. 감자칩。 - Potato chips. 3. 냉동식품。 - Frozen meals. 4. 마가린。 - Margarin. 5. 베이컨。 - Bacon. 6. 사탕。 - Candy. 7. 소다。 - Soda. 8. 에너지 음료。 - Energy drinks. 9. 인스턴트 라면。 - instant noodles. 10. 전자레인지용 팝콘。 - Microwave popcorn. Click here to access this lesson for FREE! Here are some handy ways you can master the quotes with this lesson: Press the sound icon to hear each word and read along Review all words in a slideshow by pressing “View Slideshow” Listen to all the words in one lesson with “Play Audio” Add the words to your Word Bank or Flashcards Print the entire list out for your personal... Show more

Top 10 Hardest Words to Pronounce in Korean

Click here to listen to the audio pronunciation! 1. 경찰청。 - Police department. 2. 계획。 - Plan. 3. 과일。 - Fruit. 4. 귀여운。 - Cute. 5. 똑똑한。 - Smart. 6. 맛있다。 - Delicious. 7. 사람。 - A Person. 8. 사랑。 - Love. 9. 일요일。 - Sunday. 10. 철창살。 - Grill bar. Click here to access this lesson for FREE! Here are some handy ways you can master the quotes with this lesson: Press the sound icon to hear each word and read along Review all words in a slideshow by pressing “View Slideshow” Listen to all the words in one lesson with “Play Audio” Add the words to your Word Bank or Flashcards Print the entire list out for your personal review Leave us a comment and put these quotes... Show more