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Archive for the 'Words with Many Faces' Category

May is Family Month – Save 30%!

The Month of May in Korea is often called Family Month. There's Children's Day, Parent's Day, and Teacher's Day. Korea takes Mother's Day to a whole different level! On these days you give your Children, Parents and Teachers gifts to show them how much you appreciate them. Children often benefit the most with candy and money being popular gifts. Teachers get quite a lot of gifts as well as they have many students and parents to receive gifts from. And that's why the month of May is called Family month in Korea! Well... did you learn something new about Korea? If you did, you'll be glad to know that you'll learn cultural tidbits in every single lesson at KoreanClass101.com! In every lesson, not only will you learn Korean that will... Show more


Hi. 현우예요. How was your week, everyone? 일주일 동안 잘 지냈어요? I want to talk a little bit about the word '마음' in this blog post today. If you like listening to Korean pop songs, 마음 is like one of the top ten frequently appearing words in the lyrics - which is more than natural because most of the songs are basically talking about 마음. 마음 is a very interesting word - it can not only be translated in many ways into English, but it also has a lot of meanings even in Korean. So for all the phrasal verb lovers out there, I'll go through some of the most common expressions that contain the word "마음" in them that cannot easily be translated into English word by word. 마음 can be mind, heart, feeling, emotion, or even interest. If you eat your 마음... Show more

Words with Many Faces (3) – 쓰다

또 하나의 '여러 얼굴을 가진 단어'로서(As another 'word with many faces) 오늘은 '쓰다'라는 동사를 소개하겠습니다(I'd like to introduce the verb '쓰다'). If you already knew this word, what meaning was new to you? :-)

Words with Many Faces (2) – 잡다

I'm back with another word that has many faces! :-) Hope you'll enjoy this one as well! 잡다(japda) basically means to "catch" or to "grab", but it can mean a variety of things, and it's a very useful verb, so please give it a look! Thanks for reading, and keep enjoying learning Korean with KoreanClass101 !!

Words with Many Faces (1) – 풀다

Here's a 새로운(new) 카테고리(category) for everyone. :-) Whenever you learn a new foreign language, it always takes a lot of time remembering (and forgetting) new words, but at the same time it's very interesting how some basic differences in the way of thinking or looking at things can result in the differences in individual words. But then there are some 'powerful' words that come in handy in a variety of situations, which kind of have to do with the understanding of the culture, and at the same time help you build stronger vocabulary in the cultural context. I'd like to introduce those words in the Blog, once or twice a month just like Hyunwoo's Mind Map. And today we have the Korean verb "풀다" here, and how it can be translated into... Show more