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Archive for the 'Word of the Day' Category

Korean Word of the Day – river (noun)

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강 river (noun)

다리가 생기기 전에는 우리는 보트로 강을 건넜습니다.
Before the bridge, we crossed the river by boat.

강이 넘쳐흘러 도시와 근처 농장을 침수시켰습니다.
The river overflowed and flooded the town and neighboring farms.

흐르는 강은 협곡을 만들었습니다.
The flowing river created the canyon.

갈색 곰이 강에서 뛰어가고 있습니다.
The brown bear is running in the river.

강 뗏목
river raft

흐르는 강
running river

흐르는 강
flowing river

굽이굽이 흐르는 강
winding river

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Korean Word of the Day – Long time no see. (expression)

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오랜만이에요. Long time no see. (expression)

오랜만이에요. 잘 지내셨어요?
It’s been a long time. Have you been good?

집에서 밥 먹는 건 오랜만이에요.
It’s been a while since I haven’t eaten at home.

소진 씨. 오랜만이에요.
Sojin, long time no see.

오랜만이에요. 잘 있었어요?
Long time no see. Have you been well?

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Korean Word of the Day – island (noun)

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섬 island (noun)

그리스는 주요 반도와 수많은 섬으로 형성되어 있습니다.
The country of Greece consists of a mainland peninsula and thousands of islands.

섬은 물로 둘러싸여 있습니다.
An island is surrounded by water.

황량한 섬
deserted island

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Korean Word of the Day – classmate

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동급생 classmate

사라는 대학에서 저의 반 친구였습니다.
Sarah was my classmate at the university.

많은 반 친구들이 동창회에 왔습니다.
Most of my classmates returned for the class reunion.

반 친구들은 버스를 기다리고 있습니다.
The classmates are waiting for the bus.

반 친구들은 모두 친구입니다.
The classmates are friends.

대학 친구들
college classmate

저의 반 친구들
my fellow classmates

반 친구
fellow classmate

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Korean Word of the Day – electric rice cooker (noun)

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전기밥솥 electric rice cooker (noun)

전기 밥솥은 밥을 짓는 과정을 간단하게 만들 것입니다.
An electric rice cooker will simplify the process of making rice.

전기 밥솥에 있는 밥
rice in electric rice cooker

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