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Archive for the 'Word of the Day' Category

Korean Word of the Day – goat (noun)

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염소 goat (noun)

시골에 가면 염소를 가끔 볼 수 있어요.
If you go to the countryside, you can see goats at times.

염소들이 농장에서 놀고 있습니다.
The goats are playing on the farm.

염소는 목초지에 있습니다.
The goat is in the meadow.

하얀 염소
white goat

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Korean Word of the Day – born (verb)

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태어나다 born (verb)

나폴레옹은 천칠백육십구년 팔월 십오일에 태어났습니다.
Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15th, 1769.

저는 천구백팔십년에 태어났습니다.
I was born in 1980.

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Korean Word of the Day – toothbrush (noun)

Learn a little Korean everyday with the free Korean Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

칫솔 toothbrush (noun)

여자 아이는 전동 칫솔로 이를 닦고 있습니다.
The girl is brushing her teeth with an electric toothbrush.

미세모 칫솔
soft bristle toothbrush

파란 칫솔
blue toothbrush

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Korean Word of the Day – cry (verb)

Learn a little Korean everyday with the free Korean Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

울다 cry (verb)

울지 마!
Don’t cry.

여자가 울고 있다.
The woman is crying.

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Korean Word of the Day – stapler (noun)

Learn a little Korean everyday with the free Korean Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

스테플러 stapler (noun)

내 스테플러 돌려줘!
Return my stapler!

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