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Archive for the 'Word of the Day' Category

Korean Word of the Day – put (verb)

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놓다 put (verb)

건물 앞에 간판을 놓으세요.
Put the sign on the front of the building.

이 상자를 맨 위 선반에 놓아보세요.
Please try to put this box on the top shelf.

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Korean Word of the Day – cheap (adjective)

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저렴한 cheap (adjective)

저는 저렴한 신발을 찾고 있습니다.
I’m looking for a cheap pair of shoes.

저렴한 신발
cheap shoes

저렴한 선글라스
cheap sunglasses

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Korean Word of the Day – elderly (adjective)

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연세 드신 elderly (adjective)

연세가 드신 남자분과 여자분이 아침 식사를 하고 있습니다.
The elderly man and woman are eating breakfast.

연세가 드신 분들이 웃고 있습니다.
The eldery people are laughing.

연세 드신 분들
elderly folks

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Korean Word of the Day – bush (noun)

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관목 bush (noun)

앞마당에 꽃이 핀 관목이 있습니다.
There is a flowering bush in my front yard.

꽃이 핀 관목
flowering bush

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Korean Word of the Day – happy (adjective)

Learn a little Korean everyday with the free Korean Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

행복한 happy (adjective)

행복한 생각을 하면 행복해져요.
If you have happy thoughts, you become happy.

행복한 생일이 되길 바랍니다.
I hope you have a happy birthday

행복한 커플이 해변에서 꼭 껴안고 있습니다.
The happy couple is hugging on the beach.

행복한 결말
happy ending

행복한 생일
happy birthday

행복한 날들
happy days

행복한 여자친구
happy girlfriend

행복한 가족
happy family

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