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Archive for the 'Word of the Day' Category

Korean Word of the Day – shaving razor (noun)

Learn a little Korean everyday with the free Korean Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!면도기 (myeondogi) shaving razor (noun)남자는 일회용 면도기로 턱수염을 면도하고 있습니다.Namjaneun ilhoeyong myeondogiro teoksuyeomeul myeondohago itsseumnida.The man is shaving his beard with a disposable razor.일회용 면도기ilhoeyong myeondogidisposable shaving razor일회용 면도기로 턱수염을 면도하다ilhoeyong myeondogiro teokssuyeomeul myeondohadashave a beard with a disposable razorOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Korean Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Korean Word of the Day – sheep (noun)

Learn a little Korean everyday with the free Korean Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!양 (yang) sheep (noun)양이 풀을 먹고 있습니다.Yangi pureul meokko itsseumnida.The sheep is eating the green grass.농부는 양의 털을 깎고 있습니다.Nongbuneun yangui teoreul kkakko itsseumnida.The farmer is shearing the sheep.양들이 들판에 서 있습니다.Yangdeuri deulpane seo itsseumnida.The sheep is standing in the field.양들은 고기와 양모를 위해 기릅니다.Yangdeureun gogiwa yangmoreul wihae gireumnida.Sheep are raised for food and for wool.들판에 있는 양deulpane inneun yangsheep in the fieldOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Korean Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Korean Word of the Day – come (verb)

Learn a little Korean everyday with the free Korean Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!오다 (oda) come (verb)여자 아이가 비디오카메라를 향해 온다.Yeoja aiga bidiokamerareul hyanghae onda.The girl comes towards the video camera.여자 아이가 비디오카메라를 향해 왔다.Yeoja aiga bidiokamerareul hyanghae watta.The girl came towards the video camera.여자 아이가 비디오카메라를 향해 오고 있다.Yeoja aiga bidiokamerareul hyanghae ogo itta.The girl is coming towards the video camera.맛있는 저녁 먹으러 저희 집에 오세요.Masinneun jeonyeok meogeureo jeohui jibe oseyo.Come over to my house for a nice dinner.들어오세요!Deureooseyo!Come in!비디오카메라를 향해 오다bidiokamerareul hyanghae oda.come towards a video camera...쪽으로 오다...jjogeuro odacome towards일찍 오다iljjik odacome earlyOwn a blog or website? Share free... Show more

Korean Word of the Day – quail (noun)

Learn a little Korean everyday with the free Korean Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!메추라기 (mechuragi) quail (noun)메추라기가 막 날아가려고 합니다.Mechuragiga mak naragaryeogo hamnida.The quail is about to fly away.캘리포니아 메추라기Kaelliponia mechuragiCalifornia Quail하얀 꼬리를 가진 갈색 메추라기hayan kkorireul gajin galssaek mechuragibrown quail with white tailOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Korean Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Korean Word of the Day – exercise (noun)

Learn a little Korean everyday with the free Korean Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!운동 (undong) exercise (noun)걷는 것은 운동의 한 종류입니다.Geotneun geoseun undongui han jongnyuimnida.Walking is a kind of exercise.수영은 최고의 운동입니다.Suyeongeun choegoui undongimnida.Swimming is the best exercise.매일 십오 분씩 운동하는 게 좋습니다.Maeil sibo bunssik undonghaneunge josseumnida.You shoud execise at least fifteen minutes every day.오후의 운동ohuui undongafternoon exerciseOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Korean Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!